Enhancing the European Year of Skills with ESF+ investment

May 11, 2023 12:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The European Year of Skills will be celebrated with the European Skills Festival on 9 May, Europe Day. This celebration aims to promote investment in training and up-skilling, enabling individuals to stay in their current jobs or find new ones that match their ambitions and skills. The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) is the largest investment in improving the skills of individuals across Europe.

The European Year of Skills was launched by the European Commission in December 2020, as part of the EU’s wider efforts to promote a more resilient and inclusive economy. The initiative aims to improve the skills of Europeans so that they can adapt to the changing job market and contribute to economic growth.

The European Skills Festival will showcase success stories from across Europe and highlight best practice in skills development. The festival will include a range of events, including webinars, workshops and networking opportunities, and will be held at the Cité des Métiers in Brussels and live-streamed for wider participation.

For  more information, please click here!

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This post was written by asl_fabiosampaio

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