Atlantic Social Lab - Atlantic Cooperation for the Promotion of Social Innovation aims to develop and promote social innovation approaches and methods to solve growing social issues of the Atlantic Area, involving citizens, third sector, social enterprises and the public sector, through a planned social change. It has nine partners and ten associated partners in Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom and Ireland. The project is led by the municipality of Avilés (Spain). During transnational cooperation, partners have implemented and tested pilot actions to examine their impact and if it is possible to scale up in different contexts. The project is testing new solutions in four thematic areas to bring ideas based on private and non-governmental resources to complement state funding:
— Social innovation & welfare services
— Social innovation & active public engagement
— Green inclusive economy
— Social economy and social responsibility in the private sector, with the intention of promoting social and economic changes in their territories.

ASL is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the INTERREG Atlantic Area Cooperation Programme (EAPA_246 / 2016).