Commission suggests greater transparency and lower administrative burdens for businesses to improve the EU’s business environment

March 29, 2023 12:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

A proposal for a Directive to make it easier for companies to extend the use of digital tools and processes in EU company law has been adopted by the European Commission today. The aim of this proposal is to simplify the cross-border activities of companies and to enhance transparency and trust in business by increasing the availability of company information to the public at EU level. It also aims to reduce administrative burdens for cross-border companies, saving around €437 million per year through the use of an EU Company Certificate or the application of the “one-stop shop” principle. It will further contribute to the digitalisation of the internal market and make it easier for companies, especially SMEs, to do business in the EU.

You can find more information here!

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This post was written by asl_fabiosampaio

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