ASL PARTNERS IN ACTION – TRAMPOLINE network to promote the mobility and cross-border employability of young people (CRIJ)

October 11, 2022 9:29 am Published by Leave your thoughts

During the presentation of the POCTEFA 2014-2020 results in Bilbao on October 4th, Nuria LOPEZ, in charge of the cross-border project TRAMPOLINE for CRIJ OCCITANIE, presented the network dedicated to the accompaniment of young people for their first work experiences on both sides of the Pyrenees.

Several life paths enriched by these opportunities were highlighted.

A great success that needs to be continued! Indeed, thanks to this remarkable feedback, the opportunity for a continuation of the cross-border project is emerging. The Trans-Pyrenean Youth Forum which took place a few days earlier will also feed the genesis of the new TRAMPOLINE2 project.

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This post was written by asl_fabiosampaio

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