ASL PARTNERS IN ACTION – Gijón’s mental health programme has been awarded as good practice by the European Commission

September 13, 2022 10:16 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The “Prometeo” programme, in implementation for 15 years, has had positive results. The programme aims to work on mental health from the point of social integration.

Since the programme began, it has assisted 95 people, mostly men. In the last ten years, the number of patients has tripled, and the programme has gone from managing 3 homes to 18.

There has been a 90% reduction in psychiatric hospital admissions for participants, who also improve their adherence to treatment, which allows them to manage acute situations. Seventy per cent experience improvements in their emotional well-being, not to mention the acquisition of habits and life skills.

 The European Commission has just assessed the programme as ‘Good practice in public health, a recognition it awards after evaluating different proposals and awarded to eight other practices from Andalusia, Austria, Norway, Portugal, Macedonia, Holland, Germany and Finland.

More information available here!

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This post was written by asl_fabiosampaio

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