One of the main difficulties regarding social innovation is the scaling-up of initiatives, their survival in time and space, and the impact they can create in society. This observatory intends to contribute to highlighting social innovation initiatives and organisations. In this section you can find a map that identifies social economy and social innovation organisations in the Atlantic Area, such as: social enterprises, cooperatives, charities, public agencies, among other types of entities. For each actor basic information and main competencies will be shared.

Social Innovation Regions


Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

A.CO.R is a professional integration organization whose objective is the access to sustainable employment, under the best possible conditions, for unemployed jobseekers: disabled workers, long-term job-seekers, beneficiaries of social minima, single parents, job-seekers over 50, people with social and professional difficulties. To meet the expectations of the people it supports, it works in direct contact with local companies, mainly SMEs and VSEs, in all sectors of activity.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

A.CO.R is a professional integration organization whose objective is the access to sustainable employment, under the best possible conditions, for unemployed jobseekers: disabled workers, long-term job-seekers, beneficiaries of social minima, single parents, job-seekers over 50, people with social and professional difficulties. To meet the expectations of the people it supports, it works in direct contact with local companies, mainly SMEs and VSEs, in all sectors of activity.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Aquitaine Active assists entrepreneurs engaged in solidarity enterprises and social utility associations from the emergence to the development of their projects in the territory. The association accompanies them on their financial issues, provides them with the most appropriate financing for their needs and gives them access to a network of local economic actors.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Aquitaine Active assists entrepreneurs engaged in solidarity enterprises and social utility associations from the emergence to the development of their projects in the territory. The association accompanies them on their financial issues, provides them with the most appropriate financing for their needs and gives them access to a network of local economic actors.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Avenir Zero Déchet is a paloise association that aims to promote the zero waste lifestyle among individuals, encourage merchants to accept zero-waste shopping practices and educate communities about waste management, especially young people.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Avenir Zero Déchet is a paloise association that aims to promote the zero waste lifestyle among individuals, encourage merchants to accept zero-waste shopping practices and educate communities about waste management, especially young people.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Employment and Development Club of Hameau and Saragosse supports the creation of activity and employment in the priority neighborhoods of the city. The aim is to reduce the inequalities in unemployment and employment experienced by the inhabitants of these neighborhoods. It is a place of proximity with personalized support, provided by a multidisciplinary team. The club also provides, a resource center with documentation space, open access computers, consultation of job offers, help with CV writing and cover letters, and a meeting place between job seekers and employers .

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Employment and Development Club of Hameau and Saragosse supports the creation of activity and employment in the priority neighborhoods of the city. The aim is to reduce the inequalities in unemployment and employment experienced by the inhabitants of these neighborhoods. It is a place of proximity with personalized support, provided by a multidisciplinary team. The club also provides, a resource center with documentation space, open access computers, consultation of job offers, help with CV writing and cover letters, and a meeting place between job seekers and employers .

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The DLA is a public system that allows employer associations, economic integration organizations and other social utility companies to benefit from tailor-made support to develop their activities, help them to consolidate and create or to sustain jobs.

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The DLA is a public system that allows employer associations, economic integration organizations and other social utility companies to benefit from tailor-made support to develop their activities, help them to consolidate and create or to sustain jobs.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Sustainability and Environment

Ecocene is a local association whose mission is to support society in its transition to a sustainable world. Ecocene accompanies all audiences towards a detailed understanding of the issues and solutions envisaged for the various forms of transitions (ecological, food or energy). The multidisciplinary team works with all audiences with three types of interventions: animations and educational projects for young people in school time, extracurricular or leisure; information and public awareness.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Sustainability and Environment

Ecocene is a local association whose mission is to support society in its transition to a sustainable world. Ecocene accompanies all audiences towards a detailed understanding of the issues and solutions envisaged for the various forms of transitions (ecological, food or energy). The multidisciplinary team works with all audiences with three types of interventions: animations and educational projects for young people in school time, extracurricular or leisure; information and public awareness.

Private Company (for-profit)

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

The Pau-Est Ecopole provides an innovative solution in terms of sorting and recycling. It centralizes a reception service, a production and material recovery unit and offers for sale and delivery of natural and recycled materials. This center for waste management and recycling will help meet the needs of recycling deconstructions of the construction industry, but also other industrial sectors, artisans, farmers and individuals.

Private Company (for-profit)

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

The Pau-Est Ecopole provides an innovative solution in terms of sorting and recycling. It centralizes a reception service, a production and material recovery unit and offers for sale and delivery of natural and recycled materials. This center for waste management and recycling will help meet the needs of recycling deconstructions of the construction industry, but also other industrial sectors, artisans, farmers and individuals.

Public Authority / Governance

E2S mobilizes the University's research teams around issues related to energy transition, geo-resources, aquatic environments and the effects on the environment of natural and anthropogenic changes, consistent with the development of research and innovation in large partner groups and in collaboration with local authorities. Around this project, scientists, sociologists and lawyers participate in training and research projects in advanced segments with the world's leading institutions (Standford, Berkeley, MIT, among others). The project also foresees a change in the governance and organization of the university, which should go towards structuring into three major colleges grouping each training, research and development.

Education and Training (Youth and General)

E2S mobilizes the University's research teams around issues related to energy transition, geo-resources, aquatic environments and the effects on the environment of natural and anthropogenic changes, consistent with the development of research and innovation in large partner groups and in collaboration with local authorities. Around this project, scientists, sociologists and lawyers participate in training and research projects in advanced segments with the world's leading institutions (Standford, Berkeley, MIT, among others). The project also foresees a change in the governance and organization of the university, which should go towards structuring into three major colleges grouping each training, research and development.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The objective of the Factory of Citizen Initiatives (FIC) is to transform community structures receiving public in "factories" of citizen initiatives involving more widely the inhabitants and developing the voluntary commitment. In other words, it is a question of deploying around existing structures, well established at the territorial level, coordination of actors conducive to the development of citizen initiatives and facilitate the exchange of practices

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The objective of the Factory of Citizen Initiatives (FIC) is to transform community structures receiving public in "factories" of citizen initiatives involving more widely the inhabitants and developing the voluntary commitment. In other words, it is a question of deploying around existing structures, well established at the territorial level, coordination of actors conducive to the development of citizen initiatives and facilitate the exchange of practices

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

The Fébus initiative started in September 2019, the project is a public transport line 'Fébus' the will link the Pau hospital to the station. This 18-meter bus will run on hydrogen: a world first. Powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, its operation will be 100% clean and durable and will only discharge water vapor. It will not emit sound pollution or greenhouse gases

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

The Fébus initiative started in September 2019, the project is a public transport line 'Fébus' the will link the Pau hospital to the station. This 18-meter bus will run on hydrogen: a world first. Powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, its operation will be 100% clean and durable and will only discharge water vapor. It will not emit sound pollution or greenhouse gases

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Designed by the Fonds des Hirondelles association and by the designer Didier Versavel, and manufactured by the caretakers of the ESAT Alpha Idron (companies employing people with disabilities), the solidarity kiosk MERCI BEAUCOUP is a double wooden cabinet in the inhabitants can exchange clothes and non-perishable food. It is accessible to all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A real place of socialization, it has on its flanks spaces dedicated to the communication of children, adults from the neighborhood and partners.

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Designed by the Fonds des Hirondelles association and by the designer Didier Versavel, and manufactured by the caretakers of the ESAT Alpha Idron (companies employing people with disabilities), the solidarity kiosk MERCI BEAUCOUP is a double wooden cabinet in the inhabitants can exchange clothes and non-perishable food. It is accessible to all 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A real place of socialization, it has on its flanks spaces dedicated to the communication of children, adults from the neighborhood and partners.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Located on a brownfield in the heart of the Saragosse neighborhood, the participative and solidarity Pau Bike Workshop allows to repair bikes oneself from spare parts and with the help of volunteers. The workshop collects bicycles dedicated to scrap metal from private individuals and waste disposal facilities. They will be used for parts or repaired and sold at low cost. Initiation sessions for bike maintenance are also scheduled.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Located on a brownfield in the heart of the Saragosse neighborhood, the participative and solidarity Pau Bike Workshop allows to repair bikes oneself from spare parts and with the help of volunteers. The workshop collects bicycles dedicated to scrap metal from private individuals and waste disposal facilities. They will be used for parts or repaired and sold at low cost. Initiation sessions for bike maintenance are also scheduled.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Citizen's House is a multi-resource center in the heart of the city's priority neighborhoods for welcoming, orienting, informing all citizens. It is a place that brings together local public services to improve access to rights. It allows in particular: access to legal and social rights, support for employment (in partnership with the actors of employment in the territory), collective expression of inhabitants and support for citizen projects, the accompaniment of families in the parental function, the development of associative and institutional partnerships.

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Citizen's House is a multi-resource center in the heart of the city's priority neighborhoods for welcoming, orienting, informing all citizens. It is a place that brings together local public services to improve access to rights. It allows in particular: access to legal and social rights, support for employment (in partnership with the actors of employment in the territory), collective expression of inhabitants and support for citizen projects, the accompaniment of families in the parental function, the development of associative and institutional partnerships.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

My co-pilot is a social enterprise that helps people who are braked in their mobility to move more easily. Thanks to a solidarity co-trip platform, people with reduced mobility and accompanying persons are put in contact to share their journeys or their free time, whatever the mode of transport: car, train, plane, bus, subway or even to foot.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

My co-pilot is a social enterprise that helps people who are braked in their mobility to move more easily. Thanks to a solidarity co-trip platform, people with reduced mobility and accompanying persons are put in contact to share their journeys or their free time, whatever the mode of transport: car, train, plane, bus, subway or even to foot.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Pa'Pau'tons is a free solidarity call service for isolated people who wish to be contacted regularly. These calls are made from a Social Center, by volunteers trained to listen to people who have previously registered on this device. The purpose of these calls, beyond creating a social bond, is to get people who want to leave their homes by offering to participate in collective activities to break their isolation.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Pa'Pau'tons is a free solidarity call service for isolated people who wish to be contacted regularly. These calls are made from a Social Center, by volunteers trained to listen to people who have previously registered on this device. The purpose of these calls, beyond creating a social bond, is to get people who want to leave their homes by offering to participate in collective activities to break their isolation.

Non-profit Association

Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Intergenerational cohabitation was set up in Pau by the association Presse Purée to break the loneliness, isolation of seniors, encourage their home support while allowing young people to continue their studies or to enter more serenely into the active life. This cohabitation is done without monetary exchange. In return, the person accommodated ensures a presence in the evening and at night, and renders some services.

Non-profit Association

Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Intergenerational cohabitation was set up in Pau by the association Presse Purée to break the loneliness, isolation of seniors, encourage their home support while allowing young people to continue their studies or to enter more serenely into the active life. This cohabitation is done without monetary exchange. In return, the person accommodated ensures a presence in the evening and at night, and renders some services.

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Social Inclusion

Cap-Parrainage is an original public device that brings together leaders, executives of solidarity companies, public actors and communities around a common goal: supporting job seekers in their research. They are therefore looking for candidates, which optimizes the return to long term employment of sponsored. The sponsorship is supported by the involvement of a network of economic and social partners: Pôle Emploi, the actors of the Local Plan for Integration and Employment, the Local Youth Mission, A.CO.R, the Paralysis Association of France and the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Social Inclusion

Cap-Parrainage is an original public device that brings together leaders, executives of solidarity companies, public actors and communities around a common goal: supporting job seekers in their research. They are therefore looking for candidates, which optimizes the return to long term employment of sponsored. The sponsorship is supported by the involvement of a network of economic and social partners: Pôle Emploi, the actors of the Local Plan for Integration and Employment, the Local Youth Mission, A.CO.R, the Paralysis Association of France and the Department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care

Affiliated to the network of the World Health Organization, the city of Pau is part of the "Age-Friendly City" network with other French cities and around the world. With participatory workshops conducted in each neighborhood of the city, the goal of the network is to enable seniors to contribute to municipal dynamics by facilitating their expression.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care

Affiliated to the network of the World Health Organization, the city of Pau is part of the "Age-Friendly City" network with other French cities and around the world. With participatory workshops conducted in each neighborhood of the city, the goal of the network is to enable seniors to contribute to municipal dynamics by facilitating their expression.


Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

SCIC Pau-Pyrénées is a territorial cooperative of activities and employment. It is supported by creators, companies, local authorities, business creation professionals, SSE stakeholders, gathered in a cooperative society of collective interest working for the economic and social development of the economy. It defends a more egalitarian economic model, social progress and economic democracy by crossing economic, social and environmental issues. In particular, it supports new services and activities that meet the social needs of the territory. It offers a Business Project Support Contract primarily to jobseekers and part-time employees.

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

SCIC Pau-Pyrénées is a territorial cooperative of activities and employment. It is supported by creators, companies, local authorities, business creation professionals, SSE stakeholders, gathered in a cooperative society of collective interest working for the economic and social development of the economy. It defends a more egalitarian economic model, social progress and economic democracy by crossing economic, social and environmental issues. In particular, it supports new services and activities that meet the social needs of the territory. It offers a Business Project Support Contract primarily to jobseekers and part-time employees.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Greater Pau area is facing two new challenges, acceleration of population ageing and financial fragility of households. Silver & Co, a policy driven by the Habitat and Urban Renovation Management, linked to and following the same logic as Pau « age- friendly city » network conducted by the Social Cohesion Management, is progressively emerging. One of the major principals is to extend responses coordinated between habitat and services, encouraging prevention of loss of autonomy. The initial goal is to carry out an experimental and innovative project in Pau's Saragosse area, a project extending the Urban Renewal Programme (in charge of the renovation of 1400/2700 accommodation existing in this area).

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

Greater Pau area is facing two new challenges, acceleration of population ageing and financial fragility of households. Silver & Co, a policy driven by the Habitat and Urban Renovation Management, linked to and following the same logic as Pau « age- friendly city » network conducted by the Social Cohesion Management, is progressively emerging. One of the major principals is to extend responses coordinated between habitat and services, encouraging prevention of loss of autonomy. The initial goal is to carry out an experimental and innovative project in Pau's Saragosse area, a project extending the Urban Renewal Programme (in charge of the renovation of 1400/2700 accommodation existing in this area).

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Simplon is a social and solidarity-based company using digital technology as a real lever for inclusion to reveal talents among audiences that are poorly represented in the sector. is a network of social coder factories, offering free and intensive training to professions in tension of the digital economy. As part of the Reality Employment Plan, the Pau Béarn Pyrénées territory has decided to support the creation of a local school "" to train people away from employment in the digital technical professions.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Simplon is a social and solidarity-based company using digital technology as a real lever for inclusion to reveal talents among audiences that are poorly represented in the sector. is a network of social coder factories, offering free and intensive training to professions in tension of the digital economy. As part of the Reality Employment Plan, the Pau Béarn Pyrénées territory has decided to support the creation of a local school "" to train people away from employment in the digital technical professions.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association Sport and Sharing C Pau Cible aims to promote and develop physical, sports, social, cultural and leisure activities adapted to people with mental or psychic disabilities. It contributes to the inclusion of these people, facilitates socialization and the construction of a shared citizenship, offers adapted sports activities and leisure on the territory.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association Sport and Sharing C Pau Cible aims to promote and develop physical, sports, social, cultural and leisure activities adapted to people with mental or psychic disabilities. It contributes to the inclusion of these people, facilitates socialization and the construction of a shared citizenship, offers adapted sports activities and leisure on the territory.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

Swap'Pau is a solidarity barter community where people of all generations can exchange services and goods for free. The ads are priceless and meet the needs of each in a logic of sustainable and economical consumption. This group pursues objectives of social and solidarity economy since the barter creates meetings and social links but also because it allows to access goods and services for people who would not have the means.

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

Swap'Pau is a solidarity barter community where people of all generations can exchange services and goods for free. The ads are priceless and meet the needs of each in a logic of sustainable and economical consumption. This group pursues objectives of social and solidarity economy since the barter creates meetings and social links but also because it allows to access goods and services for people who would not have the means.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Emmaus community of Pau-Lescar welcomes 130 companions and about fifteen employees. It is a leading regional player with its social and professional reintegration workshops, its participatory building sites, its recycling / garbage dump. Its store attracts nearly 1,500 people daily. The community has gradually turned into an alternative village with its farm, its restaurant, its grocery store, its ecological buildings, and its cultural festivals

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Emmaus community of Pau-Lescar welcomes 130 companions and about fifteen employees. It is a leading regional player with its social and professional reintegration workshops, its participatory building sites, its recycling / garbage dump. Its store attracts nearly 1,500 people daily. The community has gradually turned into an alternative village with its farm, its restaurant, its grocery store, its ecological buildings, and its cultural festivals

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements the following activities: collection, sorting and redistribution of used books of all kinds and types. Workshop to prepare books too damaged to facilitate recycling of paper.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements the following activities: collection, sorting and redistribution of used books of all kinds and types. Workshop to prepare books too damaged to facilitate recycling of paper.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements the following activities: collection, sorting and redistribution of used books of all kinds and types. Workshop to prepare books too damaged to facilitate recycling of paper.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements the following activities: collection, sorting and redistribution of used books of all kinds and types. Workshop to prepare books too damaged to facilitate recycling of paper.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

Enterprise which helps supermarket chains to give their unsold products (food or others) to associations

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Sustainability and Environment

Enterprise which helps supermarket chains to give their unsold products (food or others) to associations

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association collects from companies and administration computers that are repackaged. They are then resold at low cost or given to associations or people with limited resources. The association also trains people to use computers

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association collects from companies and administration computers that are repackaged. They are then resold at low cost or given to associations or people with limited resources. The association also trains people to use computers

Private Company (for-profit)

Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Cellaouate is a regional recycling and waste paper recycling and cellulose wadding production line. The cellulose is made with old newspapers sorted by disabled people

Private Company (for-profit)

Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Cellaouate is a regional recycling and waste paper recycling and cellulose wadding production line. The cellulose is made with old newspapers sorted by disabled people

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association unconditionnally hosts and feeds people. It is funded by the sale of a various range of second hand objects of everyday life, made by hosted people.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association unconditionnally hosts and feeds people. It is funded by the sale of a various range of second hand objects of everyday life, made by hosted people.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

The non-profit association accompagnied self-rehabilitation of housing through self-rehabilitation projects. Its activity takes into account project that provide the necessary tools for the rehabilitation of housing, promoting co-sharing, teamwork and volunteer

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

The non-profit association accompagnied self-rehabilitation of housing through self-rehabilitation projects. Its activity takes into account project that provide the necessary tools for the rehabilitation of housing, promoting co-sharing, teamwork and volunteer

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association collects from companies and administration computers that are repackaged. They are then resold at low cost or given to associations or people with limited resources. The association also trains people to use computers

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association collects from companies and administration computers that are repackaged. They are then resold at low cost or given to associations or people with limited resources. The association also trains people to use computers

Non-profit Association

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Association of producers of beer, cider, wine and fruit juice who want to use reusable glass bottles as a new sustainable offer for consumers.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Association of producers of beer, cider, wine and fruit juice who want to use reusable glass bottles as a new sustainable offer for consumers.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements activities of recycling (electric device, matresses, computers and medical material) and logistics

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements activities of recycling (electric device, matresses, computers and medical material) and logistics

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

The association employs disabled people in 6 activities: organic gardening, composting made with algae, cooking, maintenance of green spaces, service delivery

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

The association employs disabled people in 6 activities: organic gardening, composting made with algae, cooking, maintenance of green spaces, service delivery

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Restaurant open to everybody, with adapted prices for people with very low income. Meals are prepared with food which was going to be thrown away.

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Restaurant open to everybody, with adapted prices for people with very low income. Meals are prepared with food which was going to be thrown away.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association implements the following activities: bicyle repair, spare parts recovery, sales of second hand bicyles, workshops to learn how to repair bicyles

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The association implements the following activities: bicyle repair, spare parts recovery, sales of second hand bicyles, workshops to learn how to repair bicyles

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

La panier de la mer aims the preparation and transformation of unsold fishes by unemployed people, and destribution to food aid organizations.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

La panier de la mer aims the preparation and transformation of unsold fishes by unemployed people, and destribution to food aid organizations.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements several activities: 1/collects a various range of objets of everyday life, and sells them at a low price 2/ delivers different services on demand (house and office cleaning, green spaces maintenance…

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which implements several activities: 1/collects a various range of objets of everyday life, and sells them at a low price 2/ delivers different services on demand (house and office cleaning, green spaces maintenance…

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

My Human Kit is an association aimed at developing health for all through the invention, sharing and manufacturing of assistive devices for handicaps that are feasible for and with the people concerned.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

My Human Kit is an association aimed at developing health for all through the invention, sharing and manufacturing of assistive devices for handicaps that are feasible for and with the people concerned.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The main activity of this association is to train people to sustainable construction and bio-climatism

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The main activity of this association is to train people to sustainable construction and bio-climatism

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The aim of the association is to make general public aware of overproduction, through the creative use of waste

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The aim of the association is to make general public aware of overproduction, through the creative use of waste

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Ressources T has two essential objectives at its core. Firstly, it is an enterprise specialised in the reuse of goods. Second, it intends to support its employees in the process of integration in the labour market through the renovation, restoration and sale of goods (mostly household appliances).

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Ressources T has two essential objectives at its core. Firstly, it is an enterprise specialised in the reuse of goods. Second, it intends to support its employees in the process of integration in the labour market through the renovation, restoration and sale of goods (mostly household appliances).

Social Enterprise

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work enterprise which implements the following activities: collection, sorting of electrical device, of professionnal furniture, mailing services, logistics.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work enterprise which implements the following activities: collection, sorting of electrical device, of professionnal furniture, mailing services, logistics.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Association with a various range of activities on the area of Dinan: housing for young people with difficulties, training, language learning, solidarity mobility platform, training for unemployed people, reuse center for materials, workshops for women, among others.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Association with a various range of activities on the area of Dinan: housing for young people with difficulties, training, language learning, solidarity mobility platform, training for unemployed people, reuse center for materials, workshops for women, among others.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

It is a job-oriented enterprise (Back-to-work Enterprise) created under the project "Territories zero long-term unemployed". The main objective it is to redirect public budgets from the costs of deprivation of employment to finance the missing jobs by ensuring good working conditions. In short, the idea is to redirect unemployment funds to this type of organisation that bets on the unemployed people of the region trying to provide them with an opportunity in the labour market from the capacities that unemployed individuals already have, as well as teaching new skills.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

It is a job-oriented enterprise (Back-to-work Enterprise) created under the project "Territories zero long-term unemployed". The main objective it is to redirect public budgets from the costs of deprivation of employment to finance the missing jobs by ensuring good working conditions. In short, the idea is to redirect unemployment funds to this type of organisation that bets on the unemployed people of the region trying to provide them with an opportunity in the labour market from the capacities that unemployed individuals already have, as well as teaching new skills.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which collects, prepares and sells games and toys.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Back-to-work organization which collects, prepares and sells games and toys.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association collects a various range of objets of everyday life, and sells them at a low price

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association collects a various range of objets of everyday life, and sells them at a low price

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association promotes and develops shared gardens and compost. It offers training, shared purchase of seeds, and barter space between members of the association.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The association promotes and develops shared gardens and compost. It offers training, shared purchase of seeds, and barter space between members of the association.

Public Authority / Governance

The Educational Digital Territories aim to implement educational continuity and reduce the digital divide. Hérault is one of the 12 departments experimenting with this system from 2021.

Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Educational Digital Territories aim to implement educational continuity and reduce the digital divide. Hérault is one of the 12 departments experimenting with this system from 2021.

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group funds, supports and accelerates the transition to a fairer and more sustainable world. Focusing on climate, biodiversity, peace, education, urban development, health and governance, our teams carry out more than 4,800 projects in France’s overseas departments and territories and another 150 countries. In this way, we contribute to the commitment of France and French people to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) Group funds, supports and accelerates the transition to a fairer and more sustainable world. Focusing on climate, biodiversity, peace, education, urban development, health and governance, our teams carry out more than 4,800 projects in France’s overseas departments and territories and another 150 countries. In this way, we contribute to the commitment of France and French people to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires acts as a "project factory" to help local authorities bring their projects to fruition (support, funding, spin-offs).

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires acts as a "project factory" to help local authorities bring their projects to fruition (support, funding, spin-offs).

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion

"For 20 years, Avise has been supporting the development of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social innovation in France and Europe by putting its expertise as a national engineering agency at the service of SSE companies and the players who support them. It is a public interest association, and it has around thirty employees, directors representing the SSE in France and a large number of partners, all keen to support the ecological and socially responsible transition. Today, Avise is a key player in the SSE and its development challenges."

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion

"For 20 years, Avise has been supporting the development of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social innovation in France and Europe by putting its expertise as a national engineering agency at the service of SSE companies and the players who support them. It is a public interest association, and it has around thirty employees, directors representing the SSE in France and a large number of partners, all keen to support the ecological and socially responsible transition. Today, Avise is a key player in the SSE and its development challenges."

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The mission of the Banque des Territoires is to provide solutions to its customers as quickly as possible, so that the territories are more sustainable, more connected, more inclusive and more attractive. It supports major innovative projects in all regions.

Public Authority / Governance

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The mission of the Banque des Territoires is to provide solutions to its customers as quickly as possible, so that the territories are more sustainable, more connected, more inclusive and more attractive. It supports major innovative projects in all regions.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

"Emmaüs Connect has been working since 2013 to allow people in social and digital precarious situations to access online tools that have become essential. To be cut off from the internet today is to be excluded from essential services of daily life, it is to move away from returning to work, from social ties. The association has the particularity of working on the 3 aspects of digital poverty: access to equipment, access to means of connection and support for essential skills."

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

"Emmaüs Connect has been working since 2013 to allow people in social and digital precarious situations to access online tools that have become essential. To be cut off from the internet today is to be excluded from essential services of daily life, it is to move away from returning to work, from social ties. The association has the particularity of working on the 3 aspects of digital poverty: access to equipment, access to means of connection and support for essential skills."

Non-profit Association

"La Fonda is the non-profit sector's think tank and was created in 1981. La Fonda has been and remains a forum for meeting and comparing ideas. La Fonda was where the Coluche amendment was drafted (enabling donors to claim tax relief on charitable donations), and the Mouvement associatif (umbrella group for non-profits in France) and the Haut-conseil à la vie associative (non-profit sector consultation and decision-making forum) were first conceived. The think tank has developed participatory strategic foresight methods to help non-profit sector stakeholders and their partners to develop a strategic vision. La Fonda conducts studies, runs working groups and strategic foresight workshops, and mobilizes experts with a diverse range of skills to inform the non-profit sector and support its stakeholders."

Citizen Participation and Engagement

"La Fonda is the non-profit sector's think tank and was created in 1981. La Fonda has been and remains a forum for meeting and comparing ideas. La Fonda was where the Coluche amendment was drafted (enabling donors to claim tax relief on charitable donations), and the Mouvement associatif (umbrella group for non-profits in France) and the Haut-conseil à la vie associative (non-profit sector consultation and decision-making forum) were first conceived. The think tank has developed participatory strategic foresight methods to help non-profit sector stakeholders and their partners to develop a strategic vision. La Fonda conducts studies, runs working groups and strategic foresight workshops, and mobilizes experts with a diverse range of skills to inform the non-profit sector and support its stakeholders."

Social Enterprise

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

Launched in January 2018 by the High Commission for SSE and Social Innovation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, French Impact's mission is to mobilise, in a single dynamic, all the actors who want to make social and environmental innovation a major lever for the transformation of the country.

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

Launched in January 2018 by the High Commission for SSE and Social Innovation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Solidarity, French Impact's mission is to mobilise, in a single dynamic, all the actors who want to make social and environmental innovation a major lever for the transformation of the country.


"The public interest grouping - GIP - Ressources & Territoires - is a resource centre for and with the actors of social cohesion"

Social Inclusion

"The public interest grouping - GIP - Ressources & Territoires - is a resource centre for and with the actors of social cohesion"


The first regional incubator for social innovation; now a network of incubators in 7 major cities in France. This network encourages the exchange of practices and the organisation of joint initiatives, such as national calls for projects.


The first regional incubator for social innovation; now a network of incubators in 7 major cities in France. This network encourages the exchange of practices and the organisation of joint initiatives, such as national calls for projects.

Public Authority / Governance

Sustainability and Environment

"Since 25 November 2022, the Region has adopted a new Regional Strategy for Employment, Sovereignty and Ecological Transformation, which defines the new intervention framework for regional policies on the economy, innovation, employment, tourism, agri-food and training. In this respect, it provides project funding to companies that develop services in these areas."

Public Authority / Governance

Sustainability and Environment

"Since 25 November 2022, the Region has adopted a new Regional Strategy for Employment, Sovereignty and Ecological Transformation, which defines the new intervention framework for regional policies on the economy, innovation, employment, tourism, agri-food and training. In this respect, it provides project funding to companies that develop services in these areas."


Coorace , the national federation for the social economy, brings together almost 600 militant companies throughout France. These companies are set up in the form of structures d'insertion par l'activité économique (SIAE), which operate in a wide range of sectors (personal services, construction, hotels and catering, environment, textiles, etc.).

Social Inclusion

Coorace , the national federation for the social economy, brings together almost 600 militant companies throughout France. These companies are set up in the form of structures d'insertion par l'activité économique (SIAE), which operate in a wide range of sectors (personal services, construction, hotels and catering, environment, textiles, etc.).

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"The CRAJEP is a voluntary coordination of associations, unions and regional federations involved in the Youth Popular Education sector at the regional level. The CRAJEP aims to defend and promote the youth sector and popular education, promote the action of youth and popular education associations and heads of associative networks, promote information, consultation, exchange, reflection between its members, promote collective action and the development of joint projects, build a common voice, make proposals, contribute to public youth and popular education policies, represent youth and popular education associations in regional bodies within its field of competence."

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"The CRAJEP is a voluntary coordination of associations, unions and regional federations involved in the Youth Popular Education sector at the regional level. The CRAJEP aims to defend and promote the youth sector and popular education, promote the action of youth and popular education associations and heads of associative networks, promote information, consultation, exchange, reflection between its members, promote collective action and the development of joint projects, build a common voice, make proposals, contribute to public youth and popular education policies, represent youth and popular education associations in regional bodies within its field of competence."


"La Cress Occitanie brings together a set of cooperative, mutualist and associative networks that recognize themselves in the concept of Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). Its purpose is to bring together, defend, promote and represent its members (associations, mutuals, cooperatives and employers' unions) by promoting the emergence and development of structures in the field of SSE."


"La Cress Occitanie brings together a set of cooperative, mutualist and associative networks that recognize themselves in the concept of Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). Its purpose is to bring together, defend, promote and represent its members (associations, mutuals, cooperatives and employers' unions) by promoting the emergence and development of structures in the field of SSE."

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The young federation of Western Occitanie, created in October 2016, supports the development of the animation of social life and promotes initiatives at the service of the power to act of the inhabitants. It operates in the eight departments of western Occitania, which today has 179 structures for the animation of social life (social center and Social living space).

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The young federation of Western Occitanie, created in October 2016, supports the development of the animation of social life and promotes initiatives at the service of the power to act of the inhabitants. It operates in the eight departments of western Occitania, which today has 179 structures for the animation of social life (social center and Social living space).

Non-profit Association

"A pioneer in the field of solidarity finance, France Active has been supporting and funding businesses for more than 30 years. Last year it raised over €492 million for 35,500 companies. France Active is more than just a network. It is a genuine movement of entrepreneurs engagés who seek to build a more cohesive, solidarity-based society. Its mission is clear : to accelerate the success of entrepreneurs by giving them the means to commit to the social, environmental and economic development of their region."

Non-profit Association


"A pioneer in the field of solidarity finance, France Active has been supporting and funding businesses for more than 30 years. Last year it raised over €492 million for 35,500 companies. France Active is more than just a network. It is a genuine movement of entrepreneurs engagés who seek to build a more cohesive, solidarity-based society. Its mission is clear : to accelerate the success of entrepreneurs by giving them the means to commit to the social, environmental and economic development of their region."

Public Authority / Governance

The Lab-O drives and supports the transformation of State services (prefectures and sub-prefectures, regional and departmental directorates) in Occitania. It enables State service employees to discover and experiment with new ways of working, designing and implementing public policies.

Access to Goods and Services

The Lab-O drives and supports the transformation of State services (prefectures and sub-prefectures, regional and departmental directorates) in Occitania. It enables State service employees to discover and experiment with new ways of working, designing and implementing public policies.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

"The Mouvement Associatif Occitanie brings together nearly 70,000 associations around fifteen sectoral or thematic organizations. Its role is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force in a period marked by growing inequalities and disenchantment. Its vocation is to be the voice of the regional associative dynamics. To this end, the Associative Movement focuses on four main areas of reflection and action: commitment, employment, economy and civil dialogue."

Citizen Participation and Engagement

"The Mouvement Associatif Occitanie brings together nearly 70,000 associations around fifteen sectoral or thematic organizations. Its role is to promote the development of a useful and creative associative force in a period marked by growing inequalities and disenchantment. Its vocation is to be the voice of the regional associative dynamics. To this end, the Associative Movement focuses on four main areas of reflection and action: commitment, employment, economy and civil dialogue."

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

Reconnect is a non-profit association whose mission is to facilitate the progression of social integration paths while simplifying support for professionals.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

Reconnect is a non-profit association whose mission is to facilitate the progression of social integration paths while simplifying support for professionals.


"The members of RésO Innovation form an interactive network of local contacts throughout Occitania. Their role is to encourage and detect innovation projects, and to guide companies and project leaders towards the regional mechanisms and skills best suited to their project. They support companies in a global approach to their innovation projects. The RésO Innovation simplifies the procedures and processes of companies thanks to active and permanent operational collaboration between its members."

Social Inclusion

"The members of RésO Innovation form an interactive network of local contacts throughout Occitania. Their role is to encourage and detect innovation projects, and to guide companies and project leaders towards the regional mechanisms and skills best suited to their project. They support companies in a global approach to their innovation projects. The RésO Innovation simplifies the procedures and processes of companies thanks to active and permanent operational collaboration between its members."

Non-profit Association

Territorial Hubs for inclusive digital, federate the ecosystems of digital inclusion by identifying the places of mediation, the territorial capacities and the accessibility of these services and the adequacy of these needs with the means of the territory and support the creation or strengthening of digital inclusion projects by training the actors concerned, delivering the necessary tools and helping to find funding.

Social Inclusion

Territorial Hubs for inclusive digital, federate the ecosystems of digital inclusion by identifying the places of mediation, the territorial capacities and the accessibility of these services and the adequacy of these needs with the means of the territory and support the creation or strengthening of digital inclusion projects by training the actors concerned, delivering the necessary tools and helping to find funding.


"The Regional Union is an inter-professional federation bringing together the cooperative societies of the Occitanie region. They support all cooperative project leaders in their territory. For innovative entrepreneurial initiatives responding to societal needs, each pole has a social innovation incubator."

Social Inclusion

"The Regional Union is an inter-professional federation bringing together the cooperative societies of the Occitanie region. They support all cooperative project leaders in their territory. For innovative entrepreneurial initiatives responding to societal needs, each pole has a social innovation incubator."

Social Enterprise

"CAN wants to enhance the lives of our people, working with partners and agencies to provide a wrap-around range of support and services to them, their families and their carers. We are proud of our organisation for a lot of reasons, but mostly because our mission has stayed the same since the day we opened our doors in 1997. Despite our growth, that we have remained ‘All About People’. From those humble beginnings, our success has been due to all the bold, creative individuals with sincere dedication to support the development of valuable skills, real friendships, learning opportunities and growth."

Social Inclusion

"CAN wants to enhance the lives of our people, working with partners and agencies to provide a wrap-around range of support and services to them, their families and their carers. We are proud of our organisation for a lot of reasons, but mostly because our mission has stayed the same since the day we opened our doors in 1997. Despite our growth, that we have remained ‘All About People’. From those humble beginnings, our success has been due to all the bold, creative individuals with sincere dedication to support the development of valuable skills, real friendships, learning opportunities and growth."

Social Enterprise

Harry’s Place CIC (Community Interest Company) is a completely plant-based cafe and provides a range of facilities and services to empower those with not only learning disabilities but physical disabilities, sight and hearing impairment and also mental health issues.

Social Inclusion

Harry’s Place CIC (Community Interest Company) is a completely plant-based cafe and provides a range of facilities and services to empower those with not only learning disabilities but physical disabilities, sight and hearing impairment and also mental health issues.


Social Inclusion

174 Trust focuses on work dedicated to tackling many of the problems confronting the local community and meeting the needs of those living in the local area with Nursery, Afterschool, Disability Groups and an Arts and Culture Centre.

Social Inclusion

174 Trust focuses on work dedicated to tackling many of the problems confronting the local community and meeting the needs of those living in the local area with Nursery, Afterschool, Disability Groups and an Arts and Culture Centre.

Social Enterprise

Sustainability and Environment

"Leasing and selling refurbished bike and bike accessories as well as bike repair and servicing."

Sustainability and Environment

"Leasing and selling refurbished bike and bike accessories as well as bike repair and servicing."


"Community Sports Network (CSN) is a local Charity which works in communities across Northern Ireland. CSN proactively uses the Sport for Development as a medium to engage everyone within our communities. Sport for Development is defined as the intentional use of sport, physical activity and play to attain specific social development objectives. Sport for Development represents a particular approach to the design and delivery of sport & physical activity programmes that helps boost positive attributes of sport and follows a set of core principles that support the prioritisation and optimisation of social object from a S4D programme above any of the sporting outcomes."

Health and Well-Being

"Community Sports Network (CSN) is a local Charity which works in communities across Northern Ireland. CSN proactively uses the Sport for Development as a medium to engage everyone within our communities. Sport for Development is defined as the intentional use of sport, physical activity and play to attain specific social development objectives. Sport for Development represents a particular approach to the design and delivery of sport & physical activity programmes that helps boost positive attributes of sport and follows a set of core principles that support the prioritisation and optimisation of social object from a S4D programme above any of the sporting outcomes."


Citizen Participation and Engagement

Donegall Pass Community Enterprise Ltd (DPCE) was formed to undertake regeneration activities to benefit communities residing in the Donegall Pass and the surrounding area.

Citizen Participation and Engagement

Donegall Pass Community Enterprise Ltd (DPCE) was formed to undertake regeneration activities to benefit communities residing in the Donegall Pass and the surrounding area.


Social Inclusion

East Belfast Community Development Agency exists to provide resources, support and capacity building programmes for community groups that are based on partnership, equal opportunities and sustainable outcomes.

Social Inclusion

East Belfast Community Development Agency exists to provide resources, support and capacity building programmes for community groups that are based on partnership, equal opportunities and sustainable outcomes.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit housing organization working to empower people in the world’s poorest communities to overcome the chronic lack of decent housing. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. We are therefore constantly looking for new solutions that would make adequate housing accessible and affordable for all."

Social Inclusion

"Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit housing organization working to empower people in the world’s poorest communities to overcome the chronic lack of decent housing. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. We are therefore constantly looking for new solutions that would make adequate housing accessible and affordable for all."


Access to Goods and Services

LifeHub NI is a Belfast-based fresh food charity which provides free nutritious food to local people living in food poverty.

Access to Goods and Services

LifeHub NI is a Belfast-based fresh food charity which provides free nutritious food to local people living in food poverty.


Education and Training (Youth and General)

Macs provide a range of support services for children and young people aged 16-25 years who haven’t had a fair deal in life. "We work in the areas of highest deprivation across Greater Belfast, Lisburn, Downpatrick, Newry and the County Down area. Many of the young people we support have become stuck and are engaged in negative patterns of thinking and behaviour that prevent them from fulfilling their potential and leading the lives that they want to lead. Our main role is to help them through this period so that they can move on and achieve their goals."

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Macs provide a range of support services for children and young people aged 16-25 years who haven’t had a fair deal in life. "We work in the areas of highest deprivation across Greater Belfast, Lisburn, Downpatrick, Newry and the County Down area. Many of the young people we support have become stuck and are engaged in negative patterns of thinking and behaviour that prevent them from fulfilling their potential and leading the lives that they want to lead. Our main role is to help them through this period so that they can move on and achieve their goals."

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support

"Most children in care have their belongings moved in black bin bags or plastic shopping bags. This reinforces their feeling of being worthless. With every bag you buy, a pack-away travel bag goes to a child in care. We will give 100,000 pack away travel bags to children in care across the UK and Ireland by April 2024"

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support

"Most children in care have their belongings moved in black bin bags or plastic shopping bags. This reinforces their feeling of being worthless. With every bag you buy, a pack-away travel bag goes to a child in care. We will give 100,000 pack away travel bags to children in care across the UK and Ireland by April 2024"


Care for People With Disabilities

NOW Group is a multi award-winning social enterprise based in Belfast supporting people with learning difficulties and autism into jobs with a future.

Care for People With Disabilities

NOW Group is a multi award-winning social enterprise based in Belfast supporting people with learning difficulties and autism into jobs with a future.


Care for People With Disabilities

"Orchardville, a registered charity and social enterprise, is committed to changing the lives of people with learning disability and autism. We believe that with the right support, any individual with a learning disability or autism can reach their full potential and achieve their employment aspirations. Providing services in the Belfast, South Eastern and Western Health & Social Care Trust areas, we support people with learning disability and/or autism aged 16-65 through a range of individualised services and programmes. Social enterprises form a key part of our provision, allowing participants to experience work in a real business environment with on site support from vocational mentors."

Care for People With Disabilities

"Orchardville, a registered charity and social enterprise, is committed to changing the lives of people with learning disability and autism. We believe that with the right support, any individual with a learning disability or autism can reach their full potential and achieve their employment aspirations. Providing services in the Belfast, South Eastern and Western Health & Social Care Trust areas, we support people with learning disability and/or autism aged 16-65 through a range of individualised services and programmes. Social enterprises form a key part of our provision, allowing participants to experience work in a real business environment with on site support from vocational mentors."

Social Enterprise

Sustainability and Environment

"Ravine helps visitors explore, understand and love nature by leading them through exciting, educational, interactive activities designed to inspire, and in so doing, create more environmental stewards of the future."

Social Enterprise

Sustainability and Environment

"Ravine helps visitors explore, understand and love nature by leading them through exciting, educational, interactive activities designed to inspire, and in so doing, create more environmental stewards of the future."

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

"Disability Social nterprise, delivering Early Years programmes, after schools Programmes, youth clubs, holiday schemes, sibling clubs, Parent Programmes, Educational Programmes, Home Support for families of children with autism. Respite Services for families of children with disability (autism) and in receipt of Direct Payments"

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

"Disability Social nterprise, delivering Early Years programmes, after schools Programmes, youth clubs, holiday schemes, sibling clubs, Parent Programmes, Educational Programmes, Home Support for families of children with autism. Respite Services for families of children with disability (autism) and in receipt of Direct Payments"

Social Enterprise


"Health and Wellbeing support, Training and Education including pre-employment training for the security and construction industry. Emotional and Wellbeing Counselling service including Complementary Therapy sessions"

Social Enterprise


"Health and Wellbeing support, Training and Education including pre-employment training for the security and construction industry. Emotional and Wellbeing Counselling service including Complementary Therapy sessions"


Access to Goods and Services

The Taughmonagh Community Forum was set up to respond to deprivation and other social problems in the Taughmonagh area. "Sribbles Day Nursery/ after-schools provision; Taughmonagh; Gym/multi-functional sports hall; Taughmonagh; Professional Nail Salon."

Access to Goods and Services

The Taughmonagh Community Forum was set up to respond to deprivation and other social problems in the Taughmonagh area. "Sribbles Day Nursery/ after-schools provision; Taughmonagh; Gym/multi-functional sports hall; Taughmonagh; Professional Nail Salon."

Social Enterprise

"Ground maintenance enterprise providing transitional employment for individuals who are furthest from the labour market."


"Ground maintenance enterprise providing transitional employment for individuals who are furthest from the labour market."

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

Usel is Northern Ireland’s largest supporter of people with disabilities or health conditions into employment and operates a social enterprise business model. We exist solely to help people with disabilities and health-related conditions move into and sustain employment. Every year we employ, support and train over 1200 people with disabilities or health conditions across Northern Ireland.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

Usel is Northern Ireland’s largest supporter of people with disabilities or health conditions into employment and operates a social enterprise business model. We exist solely to help people with disabilities and health-related conditions move into and sustain employment. Every year we employ, support and train over 1200 people with disabilities or health conditions across Northern Ireland.


Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Provides training and recruits females in construction sector"

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Provides training and recruits females in construction sector"


Sustainability and Environment

Cloughjordan Ecovillage is a registered educational charity and an internationally recognised destination for learning about sustainable living. We have over 100 residents living in high-performance green homes, over 20,000 newly planted trees and Ireland’s largest renewable energy district heating system. Construction is ongoing to complete the planned total of 130 homes.

Sustainability and Environment

Cloughjordan Ecovillage is a registered educational charity and an internationally recognised destination for learning about sustainable living. We have over 100 residents living in high-performance green homes, over 20,000 newly planted trees and Ireland’s largest renewable energy district heating system. Construction is ongoing to complete the planned total of 130 homes.


Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Community Finance (Ireland) provides loans exclusively to other third sector organisations such as community groups, charities, sports clubs and social enterprises in the Republic of Ireland.

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Community Finance (Ireland) provides loans exclusively to other third sector organisations such as community groups, charities, sports clubs and social enterprises in the Republic of Ireland.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

The Good Space NI shop was opened in 2018 to stock as many social enterprise products as possible.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

The Good Space NI shop was opened in 2018 to stock as many social enterprise products as possible.


Health and Well-Being

At the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum we offer a holistic approach to health and well being in the community, schools and in workplaces. Our aim is to support and help the people in our community at all ages to live a healthy lifestyle. We offer a wide range of programmes addressing physical and mental health, nutrition, smoking and connecting people into the community.

Health and Well-Being

At the Bogside & Brandywell Health Forum we offer a holistic approach to health and well being in the community, schools and in workplaces. Our aim is to support and help the people in our community at all ages to live a healthy lifestyle. We offer a wide range of programmes addressing physical and mental health, nutrition, smoking and connecting people into the community.


Care for People With Disabilities

"Established in August 2002, Destined is a voluntary charitable organisation with 2 centers one in Derry and one in Feeny that seeks to address the needs of people with learning disabilities in a whole life context. Empowering people with learning disabilities and promoting social inclusion, Destined has as its core ethos the involvement and full participation of its members in all aspects of activity and at all levels of the decision making process. This ethos has ensured members with learning disabilities constitute the majority of the board of directors and management committee."

Care for People With Disabilities

"Established in August 2002, Destined is a voluntary charitable organisation with 2 centers one in Derry and one in Feeny that seeks to address the needs of people with learning disabilities in a whole life context. Empowering people with learning disabilities and promoting social inclusion, Destined has as its core ethos the involvement and full participation of its members in all aspects of activity and at all levels of the decision making process. This ethos has ensured members with learning disabilities constitute the majority of the board of directors and management committee."

Social Enterprise

Working in partnership with local and global charitable organisations, schools and other education to deliver personal development programmes through the medium of martial arts.

Social Inclusion

Working in partnership with local and global charitable organisations, schools and other education to deliver personal development programmes through the medium of martial arts.


Social Inclusion

The Rural Area Partnership in Derry consists of representatives from community organisations, statutory authorities, the private sector and special interest groups and its primary objective is: To halt the social and economic decline of the rural communities within the Derry City & Strabane District Council Area and to enable these communities in partnership with all interested parties to devise locally led strategies to facilitate sustainable social, economic and cultural development. Formed in 1994 RAPID has delivered a variety of rural development programmes over the years, many of these in partnership with the local Council and other statutory organisations, the success of this approach is well documented.

Social Inclusion

The Rural Area Partnership in Derry consists of representatives from community organisations, statutory authorities, the private sector and special interest groups and its primary objective is: To halt the social and economic decline of the rural communities within the Derry City & Strabane District Council Area and to enable these communities in partnership with all interested parties to devise locally led strategies to facilitate sustainable social, economic and cultural development. Formed in 1994 RAPID has delivered a variety of rural development programmes over the years, many of these in partnership with the local Council and other statutory organisations, the success of this approach is well documented.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support

"Roar and Explore is a fun-filled soft play area in Belfast. Located at Dairy Farm Shopping Centre we have a large state-of-the-art play frame full of obstacles, twists and turns and multi-level toddler area for little adventurers to enjoy. Our aim to provide a fun and safe environment for children to explore and learn. Plus make new friends and most of all to play and have fun!"

Child and Youth Care / Support

"Roar and Explore is a fun-filled soft play area in Belfast. Located at Dairy Farm Shopping Centre we have a large state-of-the-art play frame full of obstacles, twists and turns and multi-level toddler area for little adventurers to enjoy. Our aim to provide a fun and safe environment for children to explore and learn. Plus make new friends and most of all to play and have fun!"


Health and Well-Being

The ARC Healthy Living Centre aims to address health inequalities and improve the well-being of local people by bringing together a partnership of community health activities and services. The Marmot Review into health inequalities, published in February 2010, draws further attention to the evidence that most people are not living as long as the best off in society, and spend longer in ill health, premature illness and death affects everyone below the top. One of the reports key contentions is that positive health outcomes are significantly more influenced by social determinants than clinical determinants; indeed, that our health is 70% driven by social determinants and only 30% by clinical factors.

Health and Well-Being

The ARC Healthy Living Centre aims to address health inequalities and improve the well-being of local people by bringing together a partnership of community health activities and services. The Marmot Review into health inequalities, published in February 2010, draws further attention to the evidence that most people are not living as long as the best off in society, and spend longer in ill health, premature illness and death affects everyone below the top. One of the reports key contentions is that positive health outcomes are significantly more influenced by social determinants than clinical determinants; indeed, that our health is 70% driven by social determinants and only 30% by clinical factors.

Social Enterprise

"The Made In Mourne Shop is our space to find and promote the products of talented local makers. Based in Kilkeel and Online, the shop is packed with the best handmade crafts & produce from independent entrepreneurs. Behind every unique product there is the story of a genuine local talent who has been given the opportunity, exposure, and support they need to grow their business in the Mourne region. We offer them valuable shelf space in a prominent retail environment and online through our e-commerce website. We help them raise their profiles and to build support networks among peers. We encourage professionalism, and support sustainable growth through training and collaboration."

Social Inclusion

"The Made In Mourne Shop is our space to find and promote the products of talented local makers. Based in Kilkeel and Online, the shop is packed with the best handmade crafts & produce from independent entrepreneurs. Behind every unique product there is the story of a genuine local talent who has been given the opportunity, exposure, and support they need to grow their business in the Mourne region. We offer them valuable shelf space in a prominent retail environment and online through our e-commerce website. We help them raise their profiles and to build support networks among peers. We encourage professionalism, and support sustainable growth through training and collaboration."

Social Enterprise

"Mobile catering and training enterprise  Community Gym  Enterprise Centre  Community Inn (public House)  Community selfbuild  New Horizons Credit Union  Premier Taxi Company  Laganside Business Services"

Social Inclusion

"Mobile catering and training enterprise  Community Gym  Enterprise Centre  Community Inn (public House)  Community selfbuild  New Horizons Credit Union  Premier Taxi Company  Laganside Business Services"

Social Enterprise

"The Waterways Community (TWC) is a charitable social enterprise creating opportunities for people, schools, businesses and organisations in Northern Ireland. Our purpose is to draw on the immense potential that waterways – lakes, loughs, rivers, canals, harbours and maritime environments offer us to: Create opportunities for learning and employability; Transform the wellbeing and health of people and communities wherever they are; Develop a diverse and sustainable waterways tourism offer. Our organisation is growing and evolving to meet the needs of our communities and the wider NI tourism market."

Health and Well-Being

"The Waterways Community (TWC) is a charitable social enterprise creating opportunities for people, schools, businesses and organisations in Northern Ireland. Our purpose is to draw on the immense potential that waterways – lakes, loughs, rivers, canals, harbours and maritime environments offer us to: Create opportunities for learning and employability; Transform the wellbeing and health of people and communities wherever they are; Develop a diverse and sustainable waterways tourism offer. Our organisation is growing and evolving to meet the needs of our communities and the wider NI tourism market."

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Prospect Awards CIC is a learning design and development agency and an awarding organisation. Ours is an inclusive and international vision - 'Learning for Everyone - Everywhere!' It informs what we do and how we organise our work and how we, as a Community Interest Company and not for profit, utilise our resources for the benefit of our stakeholders. Our mission - 'To make Our learning journey a joy!' focuses on both our experience as a provider of services and the experience of those who work with us. Our mission is about all of us enjoying the process of learning, because that way, we think it works better for Everyone!"

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Prospect Awards CIC is a learning design and development agency and an awarding organisation. Ours is an inclusive and international vision - 'Learning for Everyone - Everywhere!' It informs what we do and how we organise our work and how we, as a Community Interest Company and not for profit, utilise our resources for the benefit of our stakeholders. Our mission - 'To make Our learning journey a joy!' focuses on both our experience as a provider of services and the experience of those who work with us. Our mission is about all of us enjoying the process of learning, because that way, we think it works better for Everyone!"

Social Enterprise

"With bases in Draperstown and Magherafelt, we provide support to new and existing businesses through a variety of support programmes. We also offer a wide range of affordable business units in Draperstown and Magherafelt."

Social Enterprise


"With bases in Draperstown and Magherafelt, we provide support to new and existing businesses through a variety of support programmes. We also offer a wide range of affordable business units in Draperstown and Magherafelt."

Social Enterprise

"Bolster Community is a not for profit organisation with offices in Newry and Kilkeel. We’re a practical, hands-on charity that works alongside individuals, families and communities to help them get through and get ahead. Our services are centered around supporting three categories – Family, Ability and Seniors. Our Family Support Service provides practical and therapeutic support and a range of training programmes for parents and children. Our Ability services are dedicated to connecting children and young adults of mixed ability to reach for the stars. Our Social Enterprise products are lovingly handcrafted and all profits go back into supporting our vital work. Signposting and practical support to older members of the community are delivered through our Seniors services. Comfort Zone is a social group bringing seniors together to make new friends and enjoy some company. Home2Hospital, a driver service for those over 60 that live in rural Mournes and Slieve Gullion, is a lifeline to many."

Social Inclusion

"Bolster Community is a not for profit organisation with offices in Newry and Kilkeel. We’re a practical, hands-on charity that works alongside individuals, families and communities to help them get through and get ahead. Our services are centered around supporting three categories – Family, Ability and Seniors. Our Family Support Service provides practical and therapeutic support and a range of training programmes for parents and children. Our Ability services are dedicated to connecting children and young adults of mixed ability to reach for the stars. Our Social Enterprise products are lovingly handcrafted and all profits go back into supporting our vital work. Signposting and practical support to older members of the community are delivered through our Seniors services. Comfort Zone is a social group bringing seniors together to make new friends and enjoy some company. Home2Hospital, a driver service for those over 60 that live in rural Mournes and Slieve Gullion, is a lifeline to many."

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

"Sticky Fingers Arts provides and promotes Arts and Creative activity and events for children and young people across Ireland.vThrough our work we create original and innovative experiences in theatre, visual arts, music, storytelling, and lots of imaginative play."

Access to Goods and Services

"Sticky Fingers Arts provides and promotes Arts and Creative activity and events for children and young people across Ireland.vThrough our work we create original and innovative experiences in theatre, visual arts, music, storytelling, and lots of imaginative play."

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

"Recharge CIC is an award-winning Social Enterprise, recognised by SENI for its pioneering work in supporting unpaid carers. We offer a range of evidence based, holistic & therapeutic selfcare workshops & retreats - yoga & mindfulness, crafts, culinary masterclasses & more. Recharge’s work is underpinned by the principles of community development & empowerment, participation and partnership working. Our Connecting Carers DoH funded Programme has created a platform for unpaid carers to feel valued, recognised, and to increase the visibility and voice of unpaid carers across our community. ‘Our wellness programmes are aimed at empowering and resourcing participants to focus on selfcare’. ‘Improving health & wellbeing is our purpose’… We welcome Corporate, Team, Group & Family bookings - alternative Hen Parties, birthday parties & celebrations. "

Health and Well-Being

"Recharge CIC is an award-winning Social Enterprise, recognised by SENI for its pioneering work in supporting unpaid carers. We offer a range of evidence based, holistic & therapeutic selfcare workshops & retreats - yoga & mindfulness, crafts, culinary masterclasses & more. Recharge’s work is underpinned by the principles of community development & empowerment, participation and partnership working. Our Connecting Carers DoH funded Programme has created a platform for unpaid carers to feel valued, recognised, and to increase the visibility and voice of unpaid carers across our community. ‘Our wellness programmes are aimed at empowering and resourcing participants to focus on selfcare’. ‘Improving health & wellbeing is our purpose’… We welcome Corporate, Team, Group & Family bookings - alternative Hen Parties, birthday parties & celebrations. "

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"An Tobar Wellness Centre and Social Farm is situated within the Ring of Gullion in South Armagh, a recognised Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), offering a venue rich in cultural heritage and unique, ancient landscapes. The land on which An Tobar resides has been farmed by the Finnegan family for over 300 years. Alongside untouched Famine Rigs, evidence was also found by archaeologists of Ancient Iron Age settlements on the land, through the discovery of Iron Age quern stone circa 3000BC, now in the National Museum of Ireland. The former site of award-winning Finnegan’s Garden Centre & Nursery includes extensive horticultural facilities, established gardens, a forty acre working farm, tearoom with catering and event facilities, and a native woodland of over 14,000 native trees."

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"An Tobar Wellness Centre and Social Farm is situated within the Ring of Gullion in South Armagh, a recognised Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), offering a venue rich in cultural heritage and unique, ancient landscapes. The land on which An Tobar resides has been farmed by the Finnegan family for over 300 years. Alongside untouched Famine Rigs, evidence was also found by archaeologists of Ancient Iron Age settlements on the land, through the discovery of Iron Age quern stone circa 3000BC, now in the National Museum of Ireland. The former site of award-winning Finnegan’s Garden Centre & Nursery includes extensive horticultural facilities, established gardens, a forty acre working farm, tearoom with catering and event facilities, and a native woodland of over 14,000 native trees."

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Active Connections works with young people with behavioural difficulties. Active Connections is leading the charge of introducing adventure therapy based programmes in Ireland. Since inception they have worked in partnership with statutory and non-statutory agencies, delivering programmes to young people and their families in the regions of Dublin, Cork, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, and Waterford.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Active Connections works with young people with behavioural difficulties. Active Connections is leading the charge of introducing adventure therapy based programmes in Ireland. Since inception they have worked in partnership with statutory and non-statutory agencies, delivering programmes to young people and their families in the regions of Dublin, Cork, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, and Waterford.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Boomerang Recycling is a new social enterprise recycling project based in Ballyvolane, Cork that deconstructs post-consumer mattresses in order to divert for re-use and/or recycling. The main aim of the project is to encourage the diversion of bulky goods from landfill and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Boomerang also provides local employment and training.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Boomerang Recycling is a new social enterprise recycling project based in Ballyvolane, Cork that deconstructs post-consumer mattresses in order to divert for re-use and/or recycling. The main aim of the project is to encourage the diversion of bulky goods from landfill and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner. Boomerang also provides local employment and training.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Churchfield Community Trust is a social enterprise which offers training & mentoring, work and enterprise skills with a focus on Adult Education, Woodcraft, Horticulture Barista, Catering.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Churchfield Community Trust is a social enterprise which offers training & mentoring, work and enterprise skills with a focus on Adult Education, Woodcraft, Horticulture Barista, Catering.


Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Clann Credo - The Social Investment Fund is a social enterprise which not only serves but is also proud to be a part of the Community and Voluntary Sector. They provide loans to community organisations, charities and social enterprises. They help organisations achieve their social, economic and financial potential on terms and conditions that may not be available to them commercially.

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Clann Credo - The Social Investment Fund is a social enterprise which not only serves but is also proud to be a part of the Community and Voluntary Sector. They provide loans to community organisations, charities and social enterprises. They help organisations achieve their social, economic and financial potential on terms and conditions that may not be available to them commercially.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Deaf Enterprises is Ireland’s only dedicated employer of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Set up to tackle the high rates of unemployment among Cork’s deaf community but has subsequently grown throughout its history to provide training and placement opportunities.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Deaf Enterprises is Ireland’s only dedicated employer of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community. Set up to tackle the high rates of unemployment among Cork’s deaf community but has subsequently grown throughout its history to provide training and placement opportunities.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The social enterprise provides drama and theatre work for young people and has been in operation since 1984. True to its original aims of educating through a vibrant theatre event framed and extended by top-quality educational materials the company has provided over 100 productions to young people from birth to young adults.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The social enterprise provides drama and theatre work for young people and has been in operation since 1984. True to its original aims of educating through a vibrant theatre event framed and extended by top-quality educational materials the company has provided over 100 productions to young people from birth to young adults.


Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

Irish Community Rapid Response (ICRR) is a charity delivering professional pre-hospital A&E care directly to the site of emergencies throughout Ireland.

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

Irish Community Rapid Response (ICRR) is a charity delivering professional pre-hospital A&E care directly to the site of emergencies throughout Ireland.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Meitheal Mara promote and foster maritime culture and traditional skills, using boatbuilding, woodcraft and seamanship as the means to help both groups and individuals to learn, progress and develop. They provide work and training for young people and adults through to retirement, and sometimes beyond.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Meitheal Mara promote and foster maritime culture and traditional skills, using boatbuilding, woodcraft and seamanship as the means to help both groups and individuals to learn, progress and develop. They provide work and training for young people and adults through to retirement, and sometimes beyond.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Promotes social inclusion and provide accessible training opportunities to serve the needs of the local community.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Promotes social inclusion and provide accessible training opportunities to serve the needs of the local community.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Public Participation Network provides a new way for the public to engage with the Cork City Council. It is made up of groups and organisations from the community and voluntary, social inclusion and environment sectors across the City. There are currently over 140 members in Cork City PPN. The PPN ensures that Cork City communities have a say in how local government works. By becoming a member of the PPN, your group / organisation can play a part in making decisions that affect your community. PPN members are also kept up-to-date with information on Cork City Council’s services, activities and funding.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Public Participation Network provides a new way for the public to engage with the Cork City Council. It is made up of groups and organisations from the community and voluntary, social inclusion and environment sectors across the City. There are currently over 140 members in Cork City PPN. The PPN ensures that Cork City communities have a say in how local government works. By becoming a member of the PPN, your group / organisation can play a part in making decisions that affect your community. PPN members are also kept up-to-date with information on Cork City Council’s services, activities and funding.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Sailing into Wellness is a not for profit social enterprise born out of a passion to utilize the unique setting of the sea to help communities. Their vision is for Sailing into Wellness to be a healthy natural solution for communities to look after their physical and mental well-being and it's mission is to use the sea to inspire change in their communities.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Sailing into Wellness is a not for profit social enterprise born out of a passion to utilize the unique setting of the sea to help communities. Their vision is for Sailing into Wellness to be a healthy natural solution for communities to look after their physical and mental well-being and it's mission is to use the sea to inspire change in their communities.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Social Entrepreneurs Ireland (SEI) is an Irish not-for-profit organisation that supports people with new solutions to Ireland’s biggest social problems. SEI helps these individuals to increase their impact by providing significant funding alongside in-depth technical and practical support.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Social Entrepreneurs Ireland (SEI) is an Irish not-for-profit organisation that supports people with new solutions to Ireland’s biggest social problems. SEI helps these individuals to increase their impact by providing significant funding alongside in-depth technical and practical support.

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

The purpose is to find and back innovative solutions to critical social issues in Ireland. Created by Government to fill the gap on funding innovation in the non-profit sector. The goal of is foster innovation as a tool for economic growth and to solve Ireland’s social problems.

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

The purpose is to find and back innovative solutions to critical social issues in Ireland. Created by Government to fill the gap on funding innovation in the non-profit sector. The goal of is foster innovation as a tool for economic growth and to solve Ireland’s social problems.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The vision at STEAM Education is to inspire children to love STEAM subjects and to become the future generation of Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians. They do this by providing innovative, fun, hands-on educational programmes in these subject areas, which are delivered in primary schools (to 4 th /5 th /6 th class) using a co-teaching model.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The vision at STEAM Education is to inspire children to love STEAM subjects and to become the future generation of Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians. They do this by providing innovative, fun, hands-on educational programmes in these subject areas, which are delivered in primary schools (to 4 th /5 th /6 th class) using a co-teaching model.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

A resource to everyone in Ireland that’s interested in social enterprise, whether they’re studying in the area, or thinking about setting up a social enterprise or if they’re already managing or working in a social enterprise. The network association is working to make the social enterprise sector more visible than it currently is, they try to point people that are related to the social enterprises to the relevant resources, supports and information they need.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

A resource to everyone in Ireland that’s interested in social enterprise, whether they’re studying in the area, or thinking about setting up a social enterprise or if they’re already managing or working in a social enterprise. The network association is working to make the social enterprise sector more visible than it currently is, they try to point people that are related to the social enterprises to the relevant resources, supports and information they need.

Social Enterprise

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Together Razem works with and supports the Polish and Eastern European Communities integrate into Irish Society

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Together Razem works with and supports the Polish and Eastern European Communities integrate into Irish Society

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Pinus Verde emerged in 1998 with a strong connection to the territory of Interior Forest (Central Region). Since then the association has taken the lead in countless sustainable development projects, which have been the anchor of local development in the county of Fundão and throughout the region. Thus, the Association is essentially a tool at the service of the community and territory, taking as its main objectives the improvement of the quality of life of rural communities, as well as the promotion of multiple uses of the forest and the preservation of the environment and heritage.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Pinus Verde emerged in 1998 with a strong connection to the territory of Interior Forest (Central Region). Since then the association has taken the lead in countless sustainable development projects, which have been the anchor of local development in the county of Fundão and throughout the region. Thus, the Association is essentially a tool at the service of the community and territory, taking as its main objectives the improvement of the quality of life of rural communities, as well as the promotion of multiple uses of the forest and the preservation of the environment and heritage.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Started in 1978 with a small group, we’re currently a community of around 200, working towards autonomous decentralized models for a post-capitalist world, with those who share our vision of Terra Nova. Tamera belives in a future without war, in love without fear, and work to build Terra Nova by creating Healing Biotopes as centers to research and model a new planetary culture, with strong ethical foundations.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Started in 1978 with a small group, we’re currently a community of around 200, working towards autonomous decentralized models for a post-capitalist world, with those who share our vision of Terra Nova. Tamera belives in a future without war, in love without fear, and work to build Terra Nova by creating Healing Biotopes as centers to research and model a new planetary culture, with strong ethical foundations.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Eco-village set up in 2003, based on the Permaculture Ethics. Terramada's main goal is to create a friendly environment to promote the expansion of human being through holistic activities (permaculture courses, working in the garden, acro-yoga, meditation, ceremonies, Reiki and so on).

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Eco-village set up in 2003, based on the Permaculture Ethics. Terramada's main goal is to create a friendly environment to promote the expansion of human being through holistic activities (permaculture courses, working in the garden, acro-yoga, meditation, ceremonies, Reiki and so on).


Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

The Fundação Edite Costa Matos, Mão Amiga that aims to provide support and assistance to underprivileged individuals and communities. The Foundation was established in 2002 by Edite Costa Matos, a philanthropist who has dedicated her life to helping others. The Foundation's main objective is to promote social welfare and help those in need. It runs various programmes and initiatives aimed at different sectors of society, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Some of its programmes include providing food and clothing assistance, organising educational activities for children and offering health services. One of the Foundation's most notable initiatives is the "Mão Amiga" programme, which translates as "Helping Hand". This programme aims to provide financial assistance to families struggling to make ends meet. The foundation also runs a shelter for homeless individuals and families, providing them with temporary housing and basic necessities.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

The Fundação Edite Costa Matos, Mão Amiga that aims to provide support and assistance to underprivileged individuals and communities. The Foundation was established in 2002 by Edite Costa Matos, a philanthropist who has dedicated her life to helping others. The Foundation's main objective is to promote social welfare and help those in need. It runs various programmes and initiatives aimed at different sectors of society, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities. Some of its programmes include providing food and clothing assistance, organising educational activities for children and offering health services. One of the Foundation's most notable initiatives is the "Mão Amiga" programme, which translates as "Helping Hand". This programme aims to provide financial assistance to families struggling to make ends meet. The foundation also runs a shelter for homeless individuals and families, providing them with temporary housing and basic necessities.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The mission of the Portuguese Red Cross in Guimarães is to provide humanitarian assistance and support to vulnerable individuals and communities in the region. This includes providing emergency response services, promoting health and well-being, and supporting social inclusion and integration. It works closely with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders to identify needs and develop appropriate interventions. This may involve providing first aid and other emergency services during natural disasters or other crises, distributing food and other essential supplies to those in need, or offering training and education programs to promote health and well-being. It also engages in advocacy and awareness-raising efforts to promote respect for human dignity and human rights. This includes working to prevent discrimination and promote social inclusion for marginalized groups such as refugees, migrants, and people with disabilities.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The mission of the Portuguese Red Cross in Guimarães is to provide humanitarian assistance and support to vulnerable individuals and communities in the region. This includes providing emergency response services, promoting health and well-being, and supporting social inclusion and integration. It works closely with local communities, government agencies, and other stakeholders to identify needs and develop appropriate interventions. This may involve providing first aid and other emergency services during natural disasters or other crises, distributing food and other essential supplies to those in need, or offering training and education programs to promote health and well-being. It also engages in advocacy and awareness-raising efforts to promote respect for human dignity and human rights. This includes working to prevent discrimination and promote social inclusion for marginalized groups such as refugees, migrants, and people with disabilities.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Sol do Ave is a private non-profit association working in the field of regional development throughout the NUT III - Ave region. The organisation has actively carried out a series of initiatives in regional development, with a particular focus on intangible components, in order to fulfil its mission. Therefore, through the implementation of networking practices and proximity relationships, the promotion of innovative and inclusive initiatives and the strengthening of territorial cohesion, the objectives of this organisation are to contribute to the progress of the integrated development of Vale do Ave. This will materialise an attitude of social responsibility.

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Sol do Ave is a private non-profit association working in the field of regional development throughout the NUT III - Ave region. The organisation has actively carried out a series of initiatives in regional development, with a particular focus on intangible components, in order to fulfil its mission. Therefore, through the implementation of networking practices and proximity relationships, the promotion of innovative and inclusive initiatives and the strengthening of territorial cohesion, the objectives of this organisation are to contribute to the progress of the integrated development of Vale do Ave. This will materialise an attitude of social responsibility.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The ADE is made up of parents, relatives and friends of children and young people with disabilities and/or chronic illness. The association will act on the need to adapt families to living with a child with a disability and/or chronic illness (eg, frustrations of their own expectations, fear of exposure, distress, fear, among others). It also acts on the social stigma and lack of knowledge of the community about the deficiency and chronic illness in children.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The ADE is made up of parents, relatives and friends of children and young people with disabilities and/or chronic illness. The association will act on the need to adapt families to living with a child with a disability and/or chronic illness (eg, frustrations of their own expectations, fear of exposure, distress, fear, among others). It also acts on the social stigma and lack of knowledge of the community about the deficiency and chronic illness in children.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Ananda Valley is a settlement focused on all-round sustainability (environmental, economic and social sustainability) and local development, with a vision of being a model for sustainable 21st century living. Ananda Kalyani is located in a gorgeous green valley in the centre of Portugal near the beautiful Serra da Estrela Nature Reserve. Over the last years we transformed this lush but abandoned valley into a habitable place. The land currently covers 50 hectares comprehensive of wild forests, a beautiful river, several scattered ruins, small springs, wild fruit trees and also 11 hectares of certified organic agriculture land. Recently we built a simple suspension bridge, several compost toilets, six solar heated showers, two warehouses for activities and farming, and we are currently improving the camping area with a capacity for 300-400 people.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Ananda Valley is a settlement focused on all-round sustainability (environmental, economic and social sustainability) and local development, with a vision of being a model for sustainable 21st century living. Ananda Kalyani is located in a gorgeous green valley in the centre of Portugal near the beautiful Serra da Estrela Nature Reserve. Over the last years we transformed this lush but abandoned valley into a habitable place. The land currently covers 50 hectares comprehensive of wild forests, a beautiful river, several scattered ruins, small springs, wild fruit trees and also 11 hectares of certified organic agriculture land. Recently we built a simple suspension bridge, several compost toilets, six solar heated showers, two warehouses for activities and farming, and we are currently improving the camping area with a capacity for 300-400 people.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Its primary goals are the reception, treatment and development of children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families and friends, actively contributing to the provision of multidisciplinary support services based on the child and the family, promoting the autonomy and rehabilitation and promoting the dissemination in the knowledge community about the autism problem.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Its primary goals are the reception, treatment and development of children, youth and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, their families and friends, actively contributing to the provision of multidisciplinary support services based on the child and the family, promoting the autonomy and rehabilitation and promoting the dissemination in the knowledge community about the autism problem.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

ASTA - Associação Socio Terapêutica de Almeida, has as its mission to support and integrate people with mental disabilities, in a therapeutic context of community and family, promoting a holistic and dignified development, with an anthroposophical orientation.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

ASTA - Associação Socio Terapêutica de Almeida, has as its mission to support and integrate people with mental disabilities, in a therapeutic context of community and family, promoting a holistic and dignified development, with an anthroposophical orientation.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Awakened Life Project is a no-profit organisation that offers programs for volunteers, courses and retreats in order to support the evolution of consciousness and culture, together with the ecological network of life.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Awakened Life Project is a no-profit organisation that offers programs for volunteers, courses and retreats in order to support the evolution of consciousness and culture, together with the ecological network of life.


Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The mission of CERCIAG is to support the participation and (re) integration into the social and professional life of disadvantaged people, namely people with disabilities, promoting the full exercise of their citizenship through an integrated set of personalized actions and services and value.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The mission of CERCIAG is to support the participation and (re) integration into the social and professional life of disadvantaged people, namely people with disabilities, promoting the full exercise of their citizenship through an integrated set of personalized actions and services and value.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The goal is to provide experiences and opportunities for young people to express themselves through the art of show, by promoting access to students and teachers to technical facilities and showrooms, as well as the provision of leisure time for young people in a way that promotes their development as people and prevents risky behaviour.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The goal is to provide experiences and opportunities for young people to express themselves through the art of show, by promoting access to students and teachers to technical facilities and showrooms, as well as the provision of leisure time for young people in a way that promotes their development as people and prevents risky behaviour.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

AH Sarah Trading plays the role of agent of the re-use process of the material it collects, it is the link between those who can give and those who need to receive, being the management of the collection, treatment and subsequent forwarding of the material is on the entire responsibility of the company, as well as the organization of the delivery of clothes to the Charity / Non-profit Association / Institution and subsequent follow-up. The company collects, sorts and routes clothing, footwear, toys, home textiles, accessories and school supplies throughout the country. It promotes the reuse of textile materials, avoids the extraction of materials from nature and contributes to the construction of a civic and ecological awareness of the citizen.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Sustainability and Environment

AH Sarah Trading plays the role of agent of the re-use process of the material it collects, it is the link between those who can give and those who need to receive, being the management of the collection, treatment and subsequent forwarding of the material is on the entire responsibility of the company, as well as the organization of the delivery of clothes to the Charity / Non-profit Association / Institution and subsequent follow-up. The company collects, sorts and routes clothing, footwear, toys, home textiles, accessories and school supplies throughout the country. It promotes the reuse of textile materials, avoids the extraction of materials from nature and contributes to the construction of a civic and ecological awareness of the citizen.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Madre Sacramento Foundation has its main activity in the Ergue-te project, which promotes the inclusion and social reintegration of people in the context of prostitution (especially women). Thus, the foundation will Contribute to the reduction of cases of vulnerability and/or social exclusion. The integration is made from the promotion of dignification, empowerment and citizenship of the target population through their social and labour insertion.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Madre Sacramento Foundation has its main activity in the Ergue-te project, which promotes the inclusion and social reintegration of people in the context of prostitution (especially women). Thus, the foundation will Contribute to the reduction of cases of vulnerability and/or social exclusion. The integration is made from the promotion of dignification, empowerment and citizenship of the target population through their social and labour insertion.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Work serious questions to laugh! Gestures that make life easier in everyday affections and help people be happier. The project's business model is based on the sale of three-pronged laughter therapy, coaching and motivation workshops (business, schools, religion) and the sale of merchandise, including a book.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Work serious questions to laugh! Gestures that make life easier in everyday affections and help people be happier. The project's business model is based on the sale of three-pronged laughter therapy, coaching and motivation workshops (business, schools, religion) and the sale of merchandise, including a book.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Obras Feitas group consists of users of the Center for Occupational Activities at Cercipenela who have always been motivated for this activity (including people with a deeper deficiency who have difficulty speaking). The initiative aims to socialize users with the community, providing them with more integrated social inclusion, passing values and creating bonds between people. The aim is to adapt to reality and to the physical, psychological conditions, bringing people together in a room around a common artistic theme and building conversations on this theme.

Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Obras Feitas group consists of users of the Center for Occupational Activities at Cercipenela who have always been motivated for this activity (including people with a deeper deficiency who have difficulty speaking). The initiative aims to socialize users with the community, providing them with more integrated social inclusion, passing values and creating bonds between people. The aim is to adapt to reality and to the physical, psychological conditions, bringing people together in a room around a common artistic theme and building conversations on this theme.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

RUTIS, the Network Association of Third Age Universities, is a Public Utility Institution and the representative body of the Portuguese Senior Universities (UTIs). Education for seniors has a double effect: 1. "socio-therapy", stimulating social integration between the elderly and the community, 2. "mental gymnastics" that avoids the deterioration of cognitive abilities.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

RUTIS, the Network Association of Third Age Universities, is a Public Utility Institution and the representative body of the Portuguese Senior Universities (UTIs). Education for seniors has a double effect: 1. "socio-therapy", stimulating social integration between the elderly and the community, 2. "mental gymnastics" that avoids the deterioration of cognitive abilities.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Surf School for all - Surf Inclusive. The Special Surf 78 aims to promote the social inclusion of people with temporary or permanent special needs, guaranteeing: Equal opportunities; Access to sport and leisure; Promotion of health (physical and mental) and well-being; The extension of the sporting offer in the therapeutic, educational and competitive scope; Affordable tourism.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Surf School for all - Surf Inclusive. The Special Surf 78 aims to promote the social inclusion of people with temporary or permanent special needs, guaranteeing: Equal opportunities; Access to sport and leisure; Promotion of health (physical and mental) and well-being; The extension of the sporting offer in the therapeutic, educational and competitive scope; Affordable tourism.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Vale da Sarvinda wants to create wealth and well-being through a system of agricultural production with a biological method, respecting the principles of permaculture – managing the resources used (water and energy inclueded) in a sustainable way – in the different activities proposed: agriculture, rural turism, outdoor activities and training, among others. The business plan will be defined taking into account the social environment and trying to integrate it through the creation of jobs, services and environmental education. Vale da Sarvinda wants to close cycles – reach financial and food autonomy, produce more energy than the one consumed, manage waste – showing that sustainability is not just a necessary reality but a possible reality.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

Vale da Sarvinda wants to create wealth and well-being through a system of agricultural production with a biological method, respecting the principles of permaculture – managing the resources used (water and energy inclueded) in a sustainable way – in the different activities proposed: agriculture, rural turism, outdoor activities and training, among others. The business plan will be defined taking into account the social environment and trying to integrate it through the creation of jobs, services and environmental education. Vale da Sarvinda wants to close cycles – reach financial and food autonomy, produce more energy than the one consumed, manage waste – showing that sustainability is not just a necessary reality but a possible reality.

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

Vale das Lobas is situated in the hearth of the rural area of Portugal and it will soon be a destination of natural tourism for wellness, discovery and biodiversity. Currently in constrution, when finished this Sanctuary of Nature and Health will offer: a Park of Biodiversity, a shelter for wild nature, inspired and driven by the engagement of the community; a Nature Spa Hotel, with wellness programs, spa retreats, courses and conferences; Lagar da Ribeira Restaurant, serving biological food; the Camping Park do Olival, a door for adventure and nature discovery and the Artisan Village, with 26 ecological houses.

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

Vale das Lobas is situated in the hearth of the rural area of Portugal and it will soon be a destination of natural tourism for wellness, discovery and biodiversity. Currently in constrution, when finished this Sanctuary of Nature and Health will offer: a Park of Biodiversity, a shelter for wild nature, inspired and driven by the engagement of the community; a Nature Spa Hotel, with wellness programs, spa retreats, courses and conferences; Lagar da Ribeira Restaurant, serving biological food; the Camping Park do Olival, a door for adventure and nature discovery and the Artisan Village, with 26 ecological houses.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The ZOOM Training Program is based on dynamics, exercises and reflections from various areas of Personal Development (Coaching, Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming). The training aims to help the young person to become aware of their individual abilities and talents, gain group awareness (group sense, tolerance and understanding of their role in the group) and define their future personal and professional goals.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The ZOOM Training Program is based on dynamics, exercises and reflections from various areas of Personal Development (Coaching, Positive Psychology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming). The training aims to help the young person to become aware of their individual abilities and talents, gain group awareness (group sense, tolerance and understanding of their role in the group) and define their future personal and professional goals.

Private Company (for-profit)

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

As a private institution, the CPA serves to fulfill the main objectives in providing security and social solidarity services, namely, to create protection activities for children, youth, families, communities, the active population, the elderly and the disabled. The CPA can develop other activities aimed at improving citizens' welfare and quality of life, such as educational, training, recreation, cultural, sporting, and physical rehabilitation.

Private Company (for-profit)

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

As a private institution, the CPA serves to fulfill the main objectives in providing security and social solidarity services, namely, to create protection activities for children, youth, families, communities, the active population, the elderly and the disabled. The CPA can develop other activities aimed at improving citizens' welfare and quality of life, such as educational, training, recreation, cultural, sporting, and physical rehabilitation.

Non-profit Association

Since its foundation, dynamism has been a prominent characteristic of this association. In addition to the Day Center and home support services, social support for the unemployed and the community in general, a new service was created in 2012 as part of the Social Canteens program, aimed at providing food to the most deprived families in the parish and surrounding areas.

Health and Well-Being

Since its foundation, dynamism has been a prominent characteristic of this association. In addition to the Day Center and home support services, social support for the unemployed and the community in general, a new service was created in 2012 as part of the Social Canteens program, aimed at providing food to the most deprived families in the parish and surrounding areas.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

The Dignitude Association is a private social solidarity institution that aims to develop effective solidarity programmes that promote the quality of life and well-being of the Portuguese people. The association was founded with the aim of helping those in need, especially in the area of health, by providing access to medicines and medical treatment. Dignitude's main programme is called ""Abem: health for all"", which provides free medication to people who cannot afford it. Through partnerships with pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies, Abem has already helped thousands of people in Portugal. In addition to Abem, Dignitude has other programmes that focus on improving the lives of vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children. These programmes include initiatives to combat loneliness and social isolation, as well as projects that promote education and healthy lifestyles.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

The Dignitude Association is a private social solidarity institution that aims to develop effective solidarity programmes that promote the quality of life and well-being of the Portuguese people. The association was founded with the aim of helping those in need, especially in the area of health, by providing access to medicines and medical treatment. Dignitude's main programme is called ""Abem: health for all"", which provides free medication to people who cannot afford it. Through partnerships with pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies, Abem has already helped thousands of people in Portugal. In addition to Abem, Dignitude has other programmes that focus on improving the lives of vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children. These programmes include initiatives to combat loneliness and social isolation, as well as projects that promote education and healthy lifestyles.


Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

The ADFP Foundation - Assistance, Development and Vocational Training is a Social Solidarity Institution, with public utility status, which pursues the activity of the Association for Vocational Development and Training. Its main objective is social solidarity, contributing to the training of people with disabilities and mentally ill, supporting the chronically ill, children, young people, pregnant women or with children, victims of abuse, refugees, the homeless and the elderly. It invests in people through the creation and innovation of social responses, oriented towards intergenerational coexistence, the integration of people with disabilities, mental illnesses or ethnic minorities, and the promotion of sustained local development.

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

The ADFP Foundation - Assistance, Development and Vocational Training is a Social Solidarity Institution, with public utility status, which pursues the activity of the Association for Vocational Development and Training. Its main objective is social solidarity, contributing to the training of people with disabilities and mentally ill, supporting the chronically ill, children, young people, pregnant women or with children, victims of abuse, refugees, the homeless and the elderly. It invests in people through the creation and innovation of social responses, oriented towards intergenerational coexistence, the integration of people with disabilities, mental illnesses or ethnic minorities, and the promotion of sustained local development.

Non-profit Association

Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Sarah Beirão / António Costa Carvalho Foundation is a private social solidarity institution created by Sarah Beirão and her husband António Costa Carvalho. It currently has three different services: a nursing home, a home care service and a day centre. The number of users in each service is ninety-three, eight and five respectively. The Foundation's main aim is to support elderly people who need help with their daily activities. They offer personalised care plans tailored to everyone’s needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible care. In addition to providing care services, the foundation also organises various activities and events for its users, such as outings, workshops and cultural events. These activities aim to promote social interaction and improve the quality of life of the elderly people who use the Foundation's services.

Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Sarah Beirão / António Costa Carvalho Foundation is a private social solidarity institution created by Sarah Beirão and her husband António Costa Carvalho. It currently has three different services: a nursing home, a home care service and a day centre. The number of users in each service is ninety-three, eight and five respectively. The Foundation's main aim is to support elderly people who need help with their daily activities. They offer personalised care plans tailored to everyone’s needs, ensuring that they receive the best possible care. In addition to providing care services, the foundation also organises various activities and events for its users, such as outings, workshops and cultural events. These activities aim to promote social interaction and improve the quality of life of the elderly people who use the Foundation's services.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

PASEC is a non-governmental associative platform that aims to promote youth protagonism through socio-cultural and educational animation; to encourage the creation of informal groups of children, adolescents and young people, favouring disadvantaged social contexts, that promote local development processes in their communities; to promote community animation, participatory democracy and social inclusion. PASEC currently has a series of protocols for articulation, collaboration and provision of services with various public and private entities in the areas of training, holiday camps and social research, namely in the areas of non-formal education and socio-cultural animation. In recent years it has produced dozens of pedagogical works and more will follow. On the artistic level, PASEC has seven artistic and cultural companies that reach hundreds of young people: ADN Theatre Company - Dramatic Arts of Nothing; Arena Body Expression Company; 2.90 Percussion Company and ADV Music Company; D'Art Visual Arts Artistic Company; OUT Creative Writing Company; PASEC BOX Games and Recreational Activities Company.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

PASEC is a non-governmental associative platform that aims to promote youth protagonism through socio-cultural and educational animation; to encourage the creation of informal groups of children, adolescents and young people, favouring disadvantaged social contexts, that promote local development processes in their communities; to promote community animation, participatory democracy and social inclusion. PASEC currently has a series of protocols for articulation, collaboration and provision of services with various public and private entities in the areas of training, holiday camps and social research, namely in the areas of non-formal education and socio-cultural animation. In recent years it has produced dozens of pedagogical works and more will follow. On the artistic level, PASEC has seven artistic and cultural companies that reach hundreds of young people: ADN Theatre Company - Dramatic Arts of Nothing; Arena Body Expression Company; 2.90 Percussion Company and ADV Music Company; D'Art Visual Arts Artistic Company; OUT Creative Writing Company; PASEC BOX Games and Recreational Activities Company.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém is an institution dedicated to the severely dependent and in need of assistance, mainly focused on the senior public, and specialised in intervention with Alzheimer's patients. The activity of this institution has stood out for its quality of service, innovation in the social responses it offers, identification of social problems and active search for solutions, solidarity with each person in need of help, and commitment to fulfilling its mission: to serve the community through quality, supportive and integrated responses, respecting individual needs and characteristics. It operates several facilities, including a nursing home, daycare center, and a hospital. The nursing home provides care to elderly residents who require assistance with daily living activities. The daycare center offers educational and recreational activities for children from low-income families. The hospital provides medical services to patients in need. In addition to its facilities, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém also supports various social programs in the community. These include food distribution programs for those in need, vocational training programs for unemployed individuals, and counseling services for families facing financial difficulties.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém is an institution dedicated to the severely dependent and in need of assistance, mainly focused on the senior public, and specialised in intervention with Alzheimer's patients. The activity of this institution has stood out for its quality of service, innovation in the social responses it offers, identification of social problems and active search for solutions, solidarity with each person in need of help, and commitment to fulfilling its mission: to serve the community through quality, supportive and integrated responses, respecting individual needs and characteristics. It operates several facilities, including a nursing home, daycare center, and a hospital. The nursing home provides care to elderly residents who require assistance with daily living activities. The daycare center offers educational and recreational activities for children from low-income families. The hospital provides medical services to patients in need. In addition to its facilities, the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Fátima-Ourém also supports various social programs in the community. These include food distribution programs for those in need, vocational training programs for unemployed individuals, and counseling services for families facing financial difficulties.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Leiria Polytechnic is linked to the Leiria Social Innovation Hub, which promotes access to knowledge capable of responding to the main current and future social and environmental challenges, making the Leiria region a global reference geography for the creation of new innovation initiatives. The inclusion of students with special educational needs reinforces the vocation of the Leiria Polytechnic to welcome citizens, regardless of their limitations or constraints.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Leiria Polytechnic is linked to the Leiria Social Innovation Hub, which promotes access to knowledge capable of responding to the main current and future social and environmental challenges, making the Leiria region a global reference geography for the creation of new innovation initiatives. The inclusion of students with special educational needs reinforces the vocation of the Leiria Polytechnic to welcome citizens, regardless of their limitations or constraints.


Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of the arts, science, education and charity. The Foundation's mission is to advance knowledge and improve the quality of human life through the arts, sciences and education. To achieve this goal, it supports various projects in Portugal and abroad, ranging from cultural events and exhibitions to scientific research and social programmes. One of the Foundation's most notable initiatives is the Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon. The museum houses a vast collection of art, including works by European masters such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Monet, as well as ancient artefacts from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of the arts, science, education and charity. The Foundation's mission is to advance knowledge and improve the quality of human life through the arts, sciences and education. To achieve this goal, it supports various projects in Portugal and abroad, ranging from cultural events and exhibitions to scientific research and social programmes. One of the Foundation's most notable initiatives is the Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon. The museum houses a vast collection of art, including works by European masters such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Monet, as well as ancient artefacts from Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

SEA – Social Entrepreneurs Agency is committed to fostering sustainable development through social entrepreneurship initiatives. By leveraging innovative and inclusive business models, SEA aims to address pressing societal challenges while generating economic value and promoting cultural and environmental preservation. Through partnerships with local stakeholders and a focus on integrated development, SEA seeks to create lasting impact and empower communities across Portugal.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Sustainability and Environment

SEA – Social Entrepreneurs Agency is committed to fostering sustainable development through social entrepreneurship initiatives. By leveraging innovative and inclusive business models, SEA aims to address pressing societal challenges while generating economic value and promoting cultural and environmental preservation. Through partnerships with local stakeholders and a focus on integrated development, SEA seeks to create lasting impact and empower communities across Portugal.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

A2d Consulting Portugal is a management consulting organisation that provides services to companies in various industries. The company offers expertise in areas such as strategy development, organisational design, digital transformation and change management. A2d Consulting Portugal also provides training and coaching services to help clients improve their leadership and management skills.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

A2d Consulting Portugal is a management consulting organisation that provides services to companies in various industries. The company offers expertise in areas such as strategy development, organisational design, digital transformation and change management. A2d Consulting Portugal also provides training and coaching services to help clients improve their leadership and management skills.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

ATV aims to become the pre-eminent regional association in every sense of the word. The organisation has been actively involved in various areas such as social welfare, cultural preservation, environmental protection, sports promotion, leisure activities and youth development. As a result of its unwavering commitment to promoting participatory citizenship, ATV has become a benchmark for other organisations seeking to strengthen their civic engagement initiatives.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

ATV aims to become the pre-eminent regional association in every sense of the word. The organisation has been actively involved in various areas such as social welfare, cultural preservation, environmental protection, sports promotion, leisure activities and youth development. As a result of its unwavering commitment to promoting participatory citizenship, ATV has become a benchmark for other organisations seeking to strengthen their civic engagement initiatives.

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Since 2006, the ACCESSIBLE PORTUGAL brand has been developed with the aim of promoting accessible tourism for all in Portugal. In its current legal form, considered the most appropriate for its objectives, this association is an entity at the service of the qualification of tourism supply and demand, without neglecting any segment of the market according to its specific characteristics. In addition to the development of areas that are prepared to welcome the diversity of clients/tourists, the quality of life of the inhabitants, who also have a diversity of needs to be met, is also improved. Accessible Portugal sees the provision of consultancy services, awareness-raising and training activities, as well as the various projects it promotes, as a means of fulfilling its mission. In a way adapted to the needs of different clients and potentialities of the team, Acessible Portugal provides services and carry out technical visits on accessibility conditions and improvements to be made in tourism resources.

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Since 2006, the ACCESSIBLE PORTUGAL brand has been developed with the aim of promoting accessible tourism for all in Portugal. In its current legal form, considered the most appropriate for its objectives, this association is an entity at the service of the qualification of tourism supply and demand, without neglecting any segment of the market according to its specific characteristics. In addition to the development of areas that are prepared to welcome the diversity of clients/tourists, the quality of life of the inhabitants, who also have a diversity of needs to be met, is also improved. Accessible Portugal sees the provision of consultancy services, awareness-raising and training activities, as well as the various projects it promotes, as a means of fulfilling its mission. In a way adapted to the needs of different clients and potentialities of the team, Acessible Portugal provides services and carry out technical visits on accessibility conditions and improvements to be made in tourism resources.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Animalife carries out an integrated response in support of the most urgent situations of flagged people and organizations in order to ensure that their pets can have the minimum necessary conditions of food and health care.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Animalife carries out an integrated response in support of the most urgent situations of flagged people and organizations in order to ensure that their pets can have the minimum necessary conditions of food and health care.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Apimprensa, or the Portuguese Press Association, is a non-profit organisation based in Lisbon, Portugal. It was founded in 1960 with the aim of promoting and defending the interests of the press in Portugal. APIMPRENSA is the largest and most representative press association in Portugal. It represents around 450 national, regional, local, technical-professional and specialised titles with more than 200 member companies. One of Apimprensa's main objectives is to defend press freedom and ensure that journalists can work without fear of censorship or persecution. The association also provides support and training for journalists and promotes ethical standards and professional conduct within the industry. The association also maintains a website with news and resources for journalists and media professionals.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Apimprensa, or the Portuguese Press Association, is a non-profit organisation based in Lisbon, Portugal. It was founded in 1960 with the aim of promoting and defending the interests of the press in Portugal. APIMPRENSA is the largest and most representative press association in Portugal. It represents around 450 national, regional, local, technical-professional and specialised titles with more than 200 member companies. One of Apimprensa's main objectives is to defend press freedom and ensure that journalists can work without fear of censorship or persecution. The association also provides support and training for journalists and promotes ethical standards and professional conduct within the industry. The association also maintains a website with news and resources for journalists and media professionals.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Association of Early Childhood Education Professionals (APEI) was founded in 1981 and is an organisation that brings together professionals working in the field of early childhood education. APEI's main objective is to promote the development of quality education for children from birth to six years of age. APEI provides a range of services to its members, including training courses, conferences and seminars. The organisation also publishes a quarterly magazine called ""Educação de Infância"" (Early Childhood Education), which provides information and resources for early childhood educators. In addition to its work with professionals, APEI also advocates for policies that support early childhood education in Portugal. The organisation has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at improving access to quality early childhood education, including the establishment of national standards for early childhood education and the promotion of public investment in early childhood education.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Association of Early Childhood Education Professionals (APEI) was founded in 1981 and is an organisation that brings together professionals working in the field of early childhood education. APEI's main objective is to promote the development of quality education for children from birth to six years of age. APEI provides a range of services to its members, including training courses, conferences and seminars. The organisation also publishes a quarterly magazine called ""Educação de Infância"" (Early Childhood Education), which provides information and resources for early childhood educators. In addition to its work with professionals, APEI also advocates for policies that support early childhood education in Portugal. The organisation has been involved in a number of initiatives aimed at improving access to quality early childhood education, including the establishment of national standards for early childhood education and the promotion of public investment in early childhood education.

Non-profit Association

"Inspirar o futuro is a Portuguese association that aims to inspire and guide young people in their academic and professional careers. One of Inspirar o futuro's main activities is to organise career fairs and workshops in schools and universities across Portugal. These events bring together students, teachers and professionals from different fields to discuss career opportunities, labour market trends and the skills needed to succeed. In addition to career fairs, Inspirar o futuro also provides online resources such as a career guidance platform that offers information on different professions and industries, as well as advice on preparing for interviews and writing CVs. Another important aspect of Inspirar o futuro's work is promoting social responsibility among young people. The association encourages volunteering and community involvement to develop personal skills and contribute to society."

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Inspirar o futuro is a Portuguese association that aims to inspire and guide young people in their academic and professional careers. One of Inspirar o futuro's main activities is to organise career fairs and workshops in schools and universities across Portugal. These events bring together students, teachers and professionals from different fields to discuss career opportunities, labour market trends and the skills needed to succeed. In addition to career fairs, Inspirar o futuro also provides online resources such as a career guidance platform that offers information on different professions and industries, as well as advice on preparing for interviews and writing CVs. Another important aspect of Inspirar o futuro's work is promoting social responsibility among young people. The association encourages volunteering and community involvement to develop personal skills and contribute to society."

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Just a Change aims to combat poverty and social exclusion by providing home improvement services to families in need. The organisation was founded in 2010 by a group of young volunteers who wanted to make a positive impact in their community. The focus of this association is to improve the living conditions of families living in inadequate housing. The organisation works with local communities to identify families most in need and then mobilises volunteers to renovate their homes. The renovations are carried out at no cost to the families, and the organisation relies on donations and fundraising to cover the cost of materials and other expenses. In addition to its housing renovation projects, Just a Change runs several other initiatives aimed at promoting social inclusion and improving the lives of disadvantaged communities. These include educational programmes, community events and partnerships with other organisations working towards similar goals.

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Just a Change aims to combat poverty and social exclusion by providing home improvement services to families in need. The organisation was founded in 2010 by a group of young volunteers who wanted to make a positive impact in their community. The focus of this association is to improve the living conditions of families living in inadequate housing. The organisation works with local communities to identify families most in need and then mobilises volunteers to renovate their homes. The renovations are carried out at no cost to the families, and the organisation relies on donations and fundraising to cover the cost of materials and other expenses. In addition to its housing renovation projects, Just a Change runs several other initiatives aimed at promoting social inclusion and improving the lives of disadvantaged communities. These include educational programmes, community events and partnerships with other organisations working towards similar goals.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

MOMS aims to promote the oral health of children and young people, while promoting the non-waste of toothbrushes by preventing the high production of urban waste in Portugal

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

MOMS aims to promote the oral health of children and young people, while promoting the non-waste of toothbrushes by preventing the high production of urban waste in Portugal

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association's mission is to promote the integration and autonomy of people with disabilities and to raise awareness of the challenges they face in their daily lives. One of Associação Salvador's main activities is to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities to purchase equipment, such as wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs, that can improve their quality of life. The organisation also offers training programmes and workshops to help people with disabilities develop skills and gain independence. In addition to its work with individuals, Associação Salvador is also involved in advocating for policy changes that benefit the disabled community. The organisation has successfully lobbied for improved accessibility standards in public spaces and transport systems.

Non-profit Association

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association's mission is to promote the integration and autonomy of people with disabilities and to raise awareness of the challenges they face in their daily lives. One of Associação Salvador's main activities is to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities to purchase equipment, such as wheelchairs or prosthetic limbs, that can improve their quality of life. The organisation also offers training programmes and workshops to help people with disabilities develop skills and gain independence. In addition to its work with individuals, Associação Salvador is also involved in advocating for policy changes that benefit the disabled community. The organisation has successfully lobbied for improved accessibility standards in public spaces and transport systems.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Biovilla creates environments that fit everyone in a cooperative way. It is a project larger than its cooperants and its physical space and until it will exist, the whole community will have food, shelter and company. Biovilla is a space of innovation, experimentation and union for sustainability, looking in human criativity for solutions and alternatives to the biggest challenges of humanity.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

Biovilla creates environments that fit everyone in a cooperative way. It is a project larger than its cooperants and its physical space and until it will exist, the whole community will have food, shelter and company. Biovilla is a space of innovation, experimentation and union for sustainability, looking in human criativity for solutions and alternatives to the biggest challenges of humanity.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

CDI (Center of Digital Inclusion) is an international non-governmental organisation for social and digital inclusion and innovation. It is part of the global network RECODE (originally called CDI). Its mission is social and digital inclusion and innovation. Its projects promote digital literacy, the exercise of citizenship, so that citizens use technology to solve their problems and the challenges of the community and the world. Based on values such as solidarity, transparency, equity, innovation and excellence, this organisation aims to create reference projects that transform the future. It seeks the full integration of education, technology, citizenship and entrepreneurship for social transformation.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

CDI (Center of Digital Inclusion) is an international non-governmental organisation for social and digital inclusion and innovation. It is part of the global network RECODE (originally called CDI). Its mission is social and digital inclusion and innovation. Its projects promote digital literacy, the exercise of citizenship, so that citizens use technology to solve their problems and the challenges of the community and the world. Based on values such as solidarity, transparency, equity, innovation and excellence, this organisation aims to create reference projects that transform the future. It seeks the full integration of education, technology, citizenship and entrepreneurship for social transformation.

Private Company (for-profit)

Sustainability and Environment

Eco Life Experience supports and contributes to a greater visibility for life projects based on ecological and sustainable criterias. People, families and communities that already live this changing, are the ones that better bring together the conditions to share experiences in order to learn from practice and human contact, in a share of personal experiences.

Private Company (for-profit)

Sustainability and Environment

Eco Life Experience supports and contributes to a greater visibility for life projects based on ecological and sustainable criterias. People, families and communities that already live this changing, are the ones that better bring together the conditions to share experiences in order to learn from practice and human contact, in a share of personal experiences.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

"Educar a Sorrir" is an association with the status of Solidarity and Family Support Association. It operates as a non-profit social organisation with no political or religious affiliations. Its main objective is to promote the well-being, personal growth, full social integration and academic success of children. The organisation provides various services to support children in need, such as psychological counselling, educational support and extracurricular activities. "Educar a Sorrir also works to promote social inclusion and prevent discrimination against vulnerable children. It also works with public and private institutions and individuals to achieve its goals. It relies on donations and volunteers to sustain its activities and expand its reach.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

"Educar a Sorrir" is an association with the status of Solidarity and Family Support Association. It operates as a non-profit social organisation with no political or religious affiliations. Its main objective is to promote the well-being, personal growth, full social integration and academic success of children. The organisation provides various services to support children in need, such as psychological counselling, educational support and extracurricular activities. "Educar a Sorrir also works to promote social inclusion and prevent discrimination against vulnerable children. It also works with public and private institutions and individuals to achieve its goals. It relies on donations and volunteers to sustain its activities and expand its reach.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

A group of more than 100 entrepreneurs and managers from Portugal came together to contribute to the fight against school drop-out and failure, increasing the involvement of civil society in the challenges of education and social inclusion in Portugal. The purpose of EPIS is to promote social inclusion in Portugal. Since 2006, it has been focusing on the training of young people in need to achieve their potential throughout life, through Education, Training and Professional Insertion.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

A group of more than 100 entrepreneurs and managers from Portugal came together to contribute to the fight against school drop-out and failure, increasing the involvement of civil society in the challenges of education and social inclusion in Portugal. The purpose of EPIS is to promote social inclusion in Portugal. Since 2006, it has been focusing on the training of young people in need to achieve their potential throughout life, through Education, Training and Professional Insertion.


Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

This foundation aims to provide a range of services that ensure the social integration, well-being and quality of life of senior citizens. It also aims to promote sustainable community support through the development of social projects, promotional programmes and socio-cultural development, guided by the values of social justice, solidarity, innovation and responsibility.

Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

This foundation aims to provide a range of services that ensure the social integration, well-being and quality of life of senior citizens. It also aims to promote sustainable community support through the development of social projects, promotional programmes and socio-cultural development, guided by the values of social justice, solidarity, innovation and responsibility.


Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Romão de Sousa Foundation is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity and. "Casa de Alba" was the name chosen for the first therapeutic community. In Portuguese "Alba" means "dawn" and "white". This foundation aims to help people suffering from severe mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, to improve their quality of life, autonomy and social integration; to create and manage a therapeutic community where a range of psychological therapies and psychosocial activities are implemented and results are monitored; to collaborate with similar institutions in Portugal and abroad, sharing experiences and contributing to the research and development of new therapies and intervention models.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Romão de Sousa Foundation is a Private Institution of Social Solidarity and. "Casa de Alba" was the name chosen for the first therapeutic community. In Portuguese "Alba" means "dawn" and "white". This foundation aims to help people suffering from severe mental disorders, especially schizophrenia, to improve their quality of life, autonomy and social integration; to create and manage a therapeutic community where a range of psychological therapies and psychosocial activities are implemented and results are monitored; to collaborate with similar institutions in Portugal and abroad, sharing experiences and contributing to the research and development of new therapies and intervention models.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The IPAV is a non-profit civil association, recognised as a Public Benefit Organisation (IPSS) and Non-Governmental Organisation for Development (NGO), whose mission is to promote human dignity. It is one of the leaders in social innovation in Portugal and worldwide, specialising in the promotion of a culture of cooperation and "unity in diversity" in order to promote human dignity. IPAV works to achieve its mission by implementing various programmes and projects that focus on education, social justice, intercultural dialogue and community development. These initiatives aim to empower individuals and communities to become active agents of change and to promote a more just and equitable society.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The IPAV is a non-profit civil association, recognised as a Public Benefit Organisation (IPSS) and Non-Governmental Organisation for Development (NGO), whose mission is to promote human dignity. It is one of the leaders in social innovation in Portugal and worldwide, specialising in the promotion of a culture of cooperation and "unity in diversity" in order to promote human dignity. IPAV works to achieve its mission by implementing various programmes and projects that focus on education, social justice, intercultural dialogue and community development. These initiatives aim to empower individuals and communities to become active agents of change and to promote a more just and equitable society.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Live With Earth Headquarter is an old primary school, given by the local municipality. The organization wants to transform this land and building into an example of research in Circular Economy and Permaculture living, doing more with less, and testing technologies and systems for self-suficiency. Live With Earth Organization will promote the experimentation and development of new economic, social and environmental models, in order to make progress in the use of the most efficient, profitable and null ecological impact techniques and methodologies, new forms and rituals for successful community development and human positive impact, and the transition to social self-sufficient systems that work synergistically with the natural ecosystems and surrounding conditions.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Live With Earth Headquarter is an old primary school, given by the local municipality. The organization wants to transform this land and building into an example of research in Circular Economy and Permaculture living, doing more with less, and testing technologies and systems for self-suficiency. Live With Earth Organization will promote the experimentation and development of new economic, social and environmental models, in order to make progress in the use of the most efficient, profitable and null ecological impact techniques and methodologies, new forms and rituals for successful community development and human positive impact, and the transition to social self-sufficient systems that work synergistically with the natural ecosystems and surrounding conditions.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association "Pedalar sem Idade Portugal" believes in the cognitive stimulation of seniors through experiences, taking them to do things that everyone tells them are no longer possible and to places they thought they could never go. The mission is to take elderly people and people with reduced mobility out of the loneliness of their homes or the daily routine of nursing homes and take them for a 30- or 60-minute ride with trained volunteer drivers in specially adapted vehicles, thus improving their well-being, self-esteem and self-confidence. In this way, it aims to contribute to active citizenship and to increase the happiness of older people and people with reduced mobility, giving them the opportunity to remain an active part of society and their local community. In doing so, it builds bridges between generations and strengthens trust and respect, bringing the generations in the community closer together.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The association "Pedalar sem Idade Portugal" believes in the cognitive stimulation of seniors through experiences, taking them to do things that everyone tells them are no longer possible and to places they thought they could never go. The mission is to take elderly people and people with reduced mobility out of the loneliness of their homes or the daily routine of nursing homes and take them for a 30- or 60-minute ride with trained volunteer drivers in specially adapted vehicles, thus improving their well-being, self-esteem and self-confidence. In this way, it aims to contribute to active citizenship and to increase the happiness of older people and people with reduced mobility, giving them the opportunity to remain an active part of society and their local community. In doing so, it builds bridges between generations and strengthens trust and respect, bringing the generations in the community closer together.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability, Social Inclusion

The VilacomVida Association aims to promote the well-being and social integration of people with disabilities. It provides various services and activities that help people with disabilities to live a fuller life. One of VilacomVida's main objectives is to provide support and assistance to people with disabilities and their families. The association offers a range of services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy to help people with disabilities improve their motor skills, communication skills and overall quality of life. In addition to these services, VilacomVida also organises various social and cultural activities that promote inclusion and community involvement. These activities include workshops, outings and events that allow people with disabilities to interact with others and share new experiences.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability, Social Inclusion

The VilacomVida Association aims to promote the well-being and social integration of people with disabilities. It provides various services and activities that help people with disabilities to live a fuller life. One of VilacomVida's main objectives is to provide support and assistance to people with disabilities and their families. The association offers a range of services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy to help people with disabilities improve their motor skills, communication skills and overall quality of life. In addition to these services, VilacomVida also organises various social and cultural activities that promote inclusion and community involvement. These activities include workshops, outings and events that allow people with disabilities to interact with others and share new experiences.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Akredita em Ti is a youth association located in the District of Faro, Municipality of Loulé, whose target population is children and young people with a high rate of social exclusion from the parish of Quarteira, as well as their families. Its main objective is to promote social inclusion, training and empowerment, civic participation and personal, social and cognitive development through educational, social, cultural and recreational-pedagogical activities.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Akredita em Ti is a youth association located in the District of Faro, Municipality of Loulé, whose target population is children and young people with a high rate of social exclusion from the parish of Quarteira, as well as their families. Its main objective is to promote social inclusion, training and empowerment, civic participation and personal, social and cognitive development through educational, social, cultural and recreational-pedagogical activities.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

APPC's solution is to provide quality services in the areas of rehabilitation, training and occupation, promoting the autonomy, integration and quality of life of people with cerebral palsy and related neurological situations and other people in situations of vulnerability.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

APPC's solution is to provide quality services in the areas of rehabilitation, training and occupation, promoting the autonomy, integration and quality of life of people with cerebral palsy and related neurological situations and other people in situations of vulnerability.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The Association's main objective is the development of Environmental Education in formal and non-formal education. In order to carry out this goal, several strategies / actions are carried out by the members of its management and its partners, namely: An annual conference for teachers and other technicians interested in Environmental Education; Seminars and continuing education courses for teachers and environment monitors; School networks, fostering national and international cooperation; Development of pedagogical resources; Among others.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

The Association's main objective is the development of Environmental Education in formal and non-formal education. In order to carry out this goal, several strategies / actions are carried out by the members of its management and its partners, namely: An annual conference for teachers and other technicians interested in Environmental Education; Seminars and continuing education courses for teachers and environment monitors; School networks, fostering national and international cooperation; Development of pedagogical resources; Among others.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Associação CAIS aims to promote the social integration of people in situations of poverty and/or social exclusion, through training methodologies to approach or return to the labour market, helping them regain self-esteem, skills and their rightful place in society.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Associação CAIS aims to promote the social integration of people in situations of poverty and/or social exclusion, through training methodologies to approach or return to the labour market, helping them regain self-esteem, skills and their rightful place in society.

Non-governmental Organisation

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Mundo A Sorrir is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), founded in July 2005 in Porto, to work in the areas of Health, Oral Health and Healthy Lifestyles to the populations in situation of socioeconomic vulnerability.

Non-governmental Organisation

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Mundo A Sorrir is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), founded in July 2005 in Porto, to work in the areas of Health, Oral Health and Healthy Lifestyles to the populations in situation of socioeconomic vulnerability.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care

It is a non-profit, youth association whose primary objective is the organisation and promotion of activities related to adventure sports, youth, environment and culture. Aldeia Pedagogica da Portela is its main project, aiming to promote active and healthy ageing through the valorisation of the knowledge of the elderly (called masters) to dynamise a set of activities that attract children/visitors and generate some revenue for the village of Portela as a pedagogical village.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care

It is a non-profit, youth association whose primary objective is the organisation and promotion of activities related to adventure sports, youth, environment and culture. Aldeia Pedagogica da Portela is its main project, aiming to promote active and healthy ageing through the valorisation of the knowledge of the elderly (called masters) to dynamise a set of activities that attract children/visitors and generate some revenue for the village of Portela as a pedagogical village.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Casa dos Rapazes de Viana do Castelo aims to promote the integral development of children and young people at risk, through a safe, therapeutic, participatory and individualized intervention that favours sustained and autonomous life projects.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Casa dos Rapazes de Viana do Castelo aims to promote the integral development of children and young people at risk, through a safe, therapeutic, participatory and individualized intervention that favours sustained and autonomous life projects.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Encontrar+se has developed several initiatives in the scope of the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness, through the implementation of projects in the areas of training and education; mental health; awareness of the population in combating the stigma of disability.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Encontrar+se has developed several initiatives in the scope of the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental illness, through the implementation of projects in the areas of training and education; mental health; awareness of the population in combating the stigma of disability.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Fisiotrimtrim has created a team of physiotherapists with specialisation and clinical experience in Pediatrics, complemented by the areas of Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Nutrition. The team was organised to enable intervention in diverse contexts, such as in schools, domicile and in the clinical context in extended hours, post-work and on Saturdays. In order to create greater accessibility to the knowledge of health in the schools, the company also dynamises formations and workshops on the themes of the several areas of health in the schools.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Fisiotrimtrim has created a team of physiotherapists with specialisation and clinical experience in Pediatrics, complemented by the areas of Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Nutrition. The team was organised to enable intervention in diverse contexts, such as in schools, domicile and in the clinical context in extended hours, post-work and on Saturdays. In order to create greater accessibility to the knowledge of health in the schools, the company also dynamises formations and workshops on the themes of the several areas of health in the schools.


Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

A Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda is a private, non-profit institution whose mission is to carry out educational and cultural activities that promote the knowledge society and contribute to social inclusion while providing opportunities for leisure time.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

A Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda is a private, non-profit institution whose mission is to carry out educational and cultural activities that promote the knowledge society and contribute to social inclusion while providing opportunities for leisure time.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The goal of Kerigma is the integration of people in the labour market through their training, support for socio-professional integration and job creation. Its strategic orientation is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and local entrepreneurial culture.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The goal of Kerigma is the integration of people in the labour market through their training, support for socio-professional integration and job creation. Its strategic orientation is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and local entrepreneurial culture.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

LEQUE's mission is to promote and improve the quality of life and the physical and emotional well-being of people with special needs (disability) and their families. The Association aims to promote the social inclusion of their target population, as a clear bet on quality rehabilitation and training for the "difference", from the family context to society in general.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

LEQUE's mission is to promote and improve the quality of life and the physical and emotional well-being of people with special needs (disability) and their families. The Association aims to promote the social inclusion of their target population, as a clear bet on quality rehabilitation and training for the "difference", from the family context to society in general.

Non-profit Association

Liga para a Inclusão Social is an inter-institutional partnership project, developed since the beginning of 2009 by more than 24 Public and Private Institutions in the North of Portugal. Since social exclusion is the result of the progressive separation between the individual and society, the association and its projects aims to reverse this movement of estrangement, transforming it into a reciprocal relationship between society and the individual.

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Liga para a Inclusão Social is an inter-institutional partnership project, developed since the beginning of 2009 by more than 24 Public and Private Institutions in the North of Portugal. Since social exclusion is the result of the progressive separation between the individual and society, the association and its projects aims to reverse this movement of estrangement, transforming it into a reciprocal relationship between society and the individual.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Loja Social de Esposende is a pioneer in the region, this project aims to foster practices aimed at promoting a healthier community, guided by two vectors of action: Education for Sustainability, in defence of the environment and promotion of an ecological awareness for an inclusive and sustainable consumption and livelihoods; and Education for Citizenship, construction of an identity, civic awareness and human and social development, stimulated by a constructive attitude in the community in general, namely through volunteer actions.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Loja Social de Esposende is a pioneer in the region, this project aims to foster practices aimed at promoting a healthier community, guided by two vectors of action: Education for Sustainability, in defence of the environment and promotion of an ecological awareness for an inclusive and sustainable consumption and livelihoods; and Education for Citizenship, construction of an identity, civic awareness and human and social development, stimulated by a constructive attitude in the community in general, namely through volunteer actions.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The mission of this project within the Company - "O Teu Mestre" is to facilitate the school reintegration of children and young people who are away from school for long periods due to illness issues. "O Teu Mestre" attempts to help children return to school and lessen the difficulty they feel in resuming learning and school achievement when they are away for long periods. In order to achieve this purpose, it has developed a technological platform that uses video conferencing software in conjunction with other support tools: with videos, abstracts, interactive exercises that allow the clarification of doubts through videoconference.

Private Company (for-profit)

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The mission of this project within the Company - "O Teu Mestre" is to facilitate the school reintegration of children and young people who are away from school for long periods due to illness issues. "O Teu Mestre" attempts to help children return to school and lessen the difficulty they feel in resuming learning and school achievement when they are away for long periods. In order to achieve this purpose, it has developed a technological platform that uses video conferencing software in conjunction with other support tools: with videos, abstracts, interactive exercises that allow the clarification of doubts through videoconference.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

PASEC is a platform that promotes socio-educational animation and non-formal education as social inclusion methodologies. In that way, the association aims to foster participative democracy as a dynamic of community intervention and the promotion of local development and youth protagonism through the creation of local intervention youth groups linked in networks in the regions where it is inserted.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

PASEC is a platform that promotes socio-educational animation and non-formal education as social inclusion methodologies. In that way, the association aims to foster participative democracy as a dynamic of community intervention and the promotion of local development and youth protagonism through the creation of local intervention youth groups linked in networks in the regions where it is inserted.

Private Company (for-profit)

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Sustainability and Environment

Reciol is a company that is in the area of environmental sustainability, and its main objective is the collection and recycling of waste oils. During the collection, Reciol places free of charge containers of 30 and 50 litres capacity for the storage of Used Oils, as well as all legal documentation required.

Private Company (for-profit)

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Sustainability and Environment

Reciol is a company that is in the area of environmental sustainability, and its main objective is the collection and recycling of waste oils. During the collection, Reciol places free of charge containers of 30 and 50 litres capacity for the storage of Used Oils, as well as all legal documentation required.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Refood acts through 3 axes: food excess, voluntary human force and food needs. The association tries to create a human bridge that connects those who have a daily surplus to those who have a daily need. It is an organization created to reuse food surpluses and to feed those who need it most. The Refood project is an eco-humanitarian, 100% voluntary, a self-sustaining effort made to and by citizens at the micro-local level, with the goal of ending hunger in local communities.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Refood acts through 3 axes: food excess, voluntary human force and food needs. The association tries to create a human bridge that connects those who have a daily surplus to those who have a daily need. It is an organization created to reuse food surpluses and to feed those who need it most. The Refood project is an eco-humanitarian, 100% voluntary, a self-sustaining effort made to and by citizens at the micro-local level, with the goal of ending hunger in local communities.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

YUPI was born in September 2008 by the hand of a group of young people committed to change the world. The association's goal is Active Participation, Citizenship and Volunteering as a means to solve emerging social problems, thus achieving a better society.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

YUPI was born in September 2008 by the hand of a group of young people committed to change the world. The association's goal is Active Participation, Citizenship and Volunteering as a means to solve emerging social problems, thus achieving a better society.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

MOJU is a non-governmental youth association with a local scope but acting at a regional and international level. It was founded in 2007 and is made up of a group of young people who believe in the importance of young people's participation in building society. It seeks to stimulate the active, critical and constructive participation of young people by mobilising a set of activities and giving visibility to issues of great social importance and, simultaneously and no less importantly, it has been a privileged space for building great friendships. It is in this spirit, and with the awareness of the growing difficulties that young people go through nowadays, that we commit ourselves to fight for a fairer society for our young people.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

MOJU is a non-governmental youth association with a local scope but acting at a regional and international level. It was founded in 2007 and is made up of a group of young people who believe in the importance of young people's participation in building society. It seeks to stimulate the active, critical and constructive participation of young people by mobilising a set of activities and giving visibility to issues of great social importance and, simultaneously and no less importantly, it has been a privileged space for building great friendships. It is in this spirit, and with the awareness of the growing difficulties that young people go through nowadays, that we commit ourselves to fight for a fairer society for our young people.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

AEP's aim is to represent and defend the interests of business and those associated with it, aiming to promote their technical, economic and social progress. As a public recognition of its importance and intervention capacity, the municipality decided to award it the Gold Medal of the City on 3 March 1993, and the Central Government distinguished it with the status of Public Utility Institution on 20 October 1993. In order to achieve its statutory objectives, one of AEP's main tasks is to ensure, directly or indirectly, the maintenance of technical services in the areas of interest, namely legal, economic and fiscal. AEP's partners therefore have at their disposal several departments that provide technical assistance. This is guaranteed by a team of specialised technicians who can provide all the information they consider necessary and useful.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

AEP's aim is to represent and defend the interests of business and those associated with it, aiming to promote their technical, economic and social progress. As a public recognition of its importance and intervention capacity, the municipality decided to award it the Gold Medal of the City on 3 March 1993, and the Central Government distinguished it with the status of Public Utility Institution on 20 October 1993. In order to achieve its statutory objectives, one of AEP's main tasks is to ensure, directly or indirectly, the maintenance of technical services in the areas of interest, namely legal, economic and fiscal. AEP's partners therefore have at their disposal several departments that provide technical assistance. This is guaranteed by a team of specialised technicians who can provide all the information they consider necessary and useful.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

AMUT is a mutual society that operates on the principles of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance. AMUT is a Private Institution of Mutual Social Solidarity and its main objective is to grant Social and Health Benefits, as well as promote and support activities of a Social, Training and Solidarity nature, aiming to improve the quality of life of its associates and respective families. In this way, it aims to promote the growth of health and individual and family happiness, granting health benefits, and creating services of a social, training and solidarity nature.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

AMUT is a mutual society that operates on the principles of solidarity, cooperation and mutual assistance. AMUT is a Private Institution of Mutual Social Solidarity and its main objective is to grant Social and Health Benefits, as well as promote and support activities of a Social, Training and Solidarity nature, aiming to improve the quality of life of its associates and respective families. In this way, it aims to promote the growth of health and individual and family happiness, granting health benefits, and creating services of a social, training and solidarity nature.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

This association is freely constituted by a group of entrepreneurs from the Amarante Municipality. It is dedicated to defending the interests of its members from all economic sectors in the municipality of Amarante, providing them with information services, promoting their economic activities, consulting and training.

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

This association is freely constituted by a group of entrepreneurs from the Amarante Municipality. It is dedicated to defending the interests of its members from all economic sectors in the municipality of Amarante, providing them with information services, promoting their economic activities, consulting and training.


Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Youth Foundation focuses on the interests of young people, namely their professional training, social and cultural development and their integration into the labour market. Its mission is to carry out or support initiatives aimed at promoting the integration of young people into active and professional life. To this end, they have defined five fields of action: vocational training; employment and entrepreneurship; citizenship and volunteering; creativity and innovation; science and technology.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Youth Foundation focuses on the interests of young people, namely their professional training, social and cultural development and their integration into the labour market. Its mission is to carry out or support initiatives aimed at promoting the integration of young people into active and professional life. To this end, they have defined five fields of action: vocational training; employment and entrepreneurship; citizenship and volunteering; creativity and innovation; science and technology.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The Serralves Foundation's mission is to stimulate the interest and knowledge of audiences of all ages and backgrounds in contemporary art, architecture, landscape and issues critical to society and its future, in an integrated manner, based on an exceptional set of assets, among which the Museum of Contemporary Art, the House and the Park stand out. Multidisciplinary and faithful to its mission, the Serralves Foundation is today considered one of the most successful and consolidated cultural projects in the country, with a unique international projection and recognition. The Foundation owns a valuable historical and cultural heritage, made up of the Museum, the Serralves House, a unique example of Art Deco architecture, and the Park, designed by the French architect Jacques Gréber, winner of the Henry Ford Prize for the Preservation of the Environment in 1997.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The Serralves Foundation's mission is to stimulate the interest and knowledge of audiences of all ages and backgrounds in contemporary art, architecture, landscape and issues critical to society and its future, in an integrated manner, based on an exceptional set of assets, among which the Museum of Contemporary Art, the House and the Park stand out. Multidisciplinary and faithful to its mission, the Serralves Foundation is today considered one of the most successful and consolidated cultural projects in the country, with a unique international projection and recognition. The Foundation owns a valuable historical and cultural heritage, made up of the Museum, the Serralves House, a unique example of Art Deco architecture, and the Park, designed by the French architect Jacques Gréber, winner of the Henry Ford Prize for the Preservation of the Environment in 1997.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

The Mota-Engil Group, led by the Mota family, is currently made up of a wide range of multi-sector businesses, including engineering and construction, waste management, energy, multiservices, transport infrastructure concessions, mining and logistics. The Foundation's main objective is to promote the development and well-being of communities by supporting projects in areas such as education, culture, sport, health and social welfare. It also seeks to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby contributing to the sustainable growth of society. One of the Foundation's most important initiatives is the Manuel António da Mota Award, which recognises individuals or organisations that have made outstanding contributions to society in various fields. The award aims to encourage and inspire others to follow in their footsteps and make a positive impact on their communities.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

The Mota-Engil Group, led by the Mota family, is currently made up of a wide range of multi-sector businesses, including engineering and construction, waste management, energy, multiservices, transport infrastructure concessions, mining and logistics. The Foundation's main objective is to promote the development and well-being of communities by supporting projects in areas such as education, culture, sport, health and social welfare. It also seeks to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, thereby contributing to the sustainable growth of society. One of the Foundation's most important initiatives is the Manuel António da Mota Award, which recognises individuals or organisations that have made outstanding contributions to society in various fields. The award aims to encourage and inspire others to follow in their footsteps and make a positive impact on their communities.

Non-profit Association

Mundo a Sorrir Portugal aims to promote oral health and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged populations in Portugal and abroad. Mundo a Sorrir Portugal works through donations, sponsorships and partnerships with public and private institutions. Its activities focus on the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, as well as the promotion of healthy habits and awareness of the importance of oral health. The association also works with other organisations and institutions to develop research projects and advocate for better public policies on oral health. In addition, Mundo a Sorrir Portugal provides training opportunities for dental professionals and volunteers who wish to contribute to its mission.

Health and Well-Being

Mundo a Sorrir Portugal aims to promote oral health and improve the quality of life of disadvantaged populations in Portugal and abroad. Mundo a Sorrir Portugal works through donations, sponsorships and partnerships with public and private institutions. Its activities focus on the prevention and treatment of oral diseases, as well as the promotion of healthy habits and awareness of the importance of oral health. The association also works with other organisations and institutions to develop research projects and advocate for better public policies on oral health. In addition, Mundo a Sorrir Portugal provides training opportunities for dental professionals and volunteers who wish to contribute to its mission.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

O Amanhã da Criança is an institution of social solidarity and public utility. This organisation aims to be recognised as an institution of excellence in the educational and social fields, providing all the conditions for the well-being of the entire community. It seeks to provide education, training, social protection, leisure and quality of life for our children, young people and the elderly, and to develop activities in the fields of sport, culture, health, environment and recreation, articulating these different areas in a logic of integral promotion of the community. Its facilities include a nursery, a senior residence, a study centre, nursery schools, social services, day centres and a leisure centre with a total capacity of 75 children.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

O Amanhã da Criança is an institution of social solidarity and public utility. This organisation aims to be recognised as an institution of excellence in the educational and social fields, providing all the conditions for the well-being of the entire community. It seeks to provide education, training, social protection, leisure and quality of life for our children, young people and the elderly, and to develop activities in the fields of sport, culture, health, environment and recreation, articulating these different areas in a logic of integral promotion of the community. Its facilities include a nursery, a senior residence, a study centre, nursery schools, social services, day centres and a leisure centre with a total capacity of 75 children.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care

Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto is one of the largest social institutions in Portugal. It provides a wide range of services, including healthcare, social welfare, education and cultural activities. The organisation runs hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres for children and the elderly, schools and vocational training centres. One its most notable initiatives is its support for people with disabilities. The institution operates several facilities dedicated to providing specialised care and rehabilitation services for people with physical or mental disabilities. In addition to its social services, Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto is also involved in cultural activities running several museums and galleries dedicated to Portuguese art and history.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care

Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto is one of the largest social institutions in Portugal. It provides a wide range of services, including healthcare, social welfare, education and cultural activities. The organisation runs hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres for children and the elderly, schools and vocational training centres. One its most notable initiatives is its support for people with disabilities. The institution operates several facilities dedicated to providing specialised care and rehabilitation services for people with physical or mental disabilities. In addition to its social services, Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Porto is also involved in cultural activities running several museums and galleries dedicated to Portuguese art and history.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Tempos Brilhantes supports practices and projects that improve opportunities for curricular enrichment, artistic and social innovation, and education for all. Therefore, it aims to develop enriching activities, individually and in community, in the fields of education, art and health, for all ages, for all educational, social and cultural levels and throughout the world. It is also committed to promoting socially innovative projects that improve the quality of life and standard of living of people, in an entrepreneurial practice, the development of skills and knowledge beyond formal education.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Tempos Brilhantes supports practices and projects that improve opportunities for curricular enrichment, artistic and social innovation, and education for all. Therefore, it aims to develop enriching activities, individually and in community, in the fields of education, art and health, for all ages, for all educational, social and cultural levels and throughout the world. It is also committed to promoting socially innovative projects that improve the quality of life and standard of living of people, in an entrepreneurial practice, the development of skills and knowledge beyond formal education.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

This Social Centre is a private institution of social solidarity with a residential structure for the elderly, one of whose objectives is to respond to the problems of dependency and ageing in a specific and personalised way. The centre consists of a main building with 16 double rooms and 2 shared rooms. All rooms are equipped with a folding bed and a private bathroom.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

This Social Centre is a private institution of social solidarity with a residential structure for the elderly, one of whose objectives is to respond to the problems of dependency and ageing in a specific and personalised way. The centre consists of a main building with 16 double rooms and 2 shared rooms. All rooms are equipped with a folding bed and a private bathroom.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Nersant is a business association that provides a wide range of services to its members, including training programs, internationalisation support, innovation and technology transfer, and business promotion. The association also acts as a mediator between companies and public entities, promoting partnerships and collaborations that benefit the local economy. One of Nersant's main objectives is to promote entrepreneurship and support the creation of new businesses in the region. To achieve this goal, the association provides a business incubation center that offers entrepreneurs access to office space, training, mentoring, and networking opportunities.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Nersant is a business association that provides a wide range of services to its members, including training programs, internationalisation support, innovation and technology transfer, and business promotion. The association also acts as a mediator between companies and public entities, promoting partnerships and collaborations that benefit the local economy. One of Nersant's main objectives is to promote entrepreneurship and support the creation of new businesses in the region. To achieve this goal, the association provides a business incubation center that offers entrepreneurs access to office space, training, mentoring, and networking opportunities.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability, Social Inclusion

Associação Rede do Progresso aims to promote the social and economic development of disadvantaged communities in Portugal. This organisation has been working towards its mission of promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and fostering sustainable development. One of the main objectives of this association is to support vulnerable groups such as children, young people, the elderly and people with disabilities. The organisation provides a range of services, including education and training programmes, health and social care services, and community development initiatives. In addition to providing direct services, this organisation works with other NGOs, government agencies and private sector partners to raise awareness of social issues and to advocate for policy change at local, national and international levels.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability, Social Inclusion

Associação Rede do Progresso aims to promote the social and economic development of disadvantaged communities in Portugal. This organisation has been working towards its mission of promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and fostering sustainable development. One of the main objectives of this association is to support vulnerable groups such as children, young people, the elderly and people with disabilities. The organisation provides a range of services, including education and training programmes, health and social care services, and community development initiatives. In addition to providing direct services, this organisation works with other NGOs, government agencies and private sector partners to raise awareness of social issues and to advocate for policy change at local, national and international levels.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Inovar Autismo - Association for Citizenship and Inclusion was created with the aim of advocating for the full integration of people with autism and neurodiversity in society. The organisation works to raise awareness, provide support and resources, and promote acceptance and inclusion of individuals on the autism spectrum. Through its various programmes and initiatives, Inovar Autismo aims to empower people with autism to lead fulfilling lives and to promote a more inclusive society that values diversity.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Inovar Autismo - Association for Citizenship and Inclusion was created with the aim of advocating for the full integration of people with autism and neurodiversity in society. The organisation works to raise awareness, provide support and resources, and promote acceptance and inclusion of individuals on the autism spectrum. Through its various programmes and initiatives, Inovar Autismo aims to empower people with autism to lead fulfilling lives and to promote a more inclusive society that values diversity.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Quinta das Águias is a 5-hectare farm dedicated to sustainability that prioritises the respectful treatment of all forms of life and natural resources that support them. This association is a multi-faceted non-profit organisation that serves as a sanctuary for animals in need and wild flora, while promoting biodiversity. It also operates as an organic farm and a self-sustaining agroforestry project that focuses on sustainable practices. The organisation has an educational component that promotes sustainability values and practices and serves as a 'botanical vault' for seed conservation, with a focus on propagating and sharing rare and indigenous seeds. It also positions itself as a specialised centre for the promotion of vegetarian cuisine - an essential element of a sustainable lifestyle - as well as a tourist destination where guests can enjoy interacting with the natural environment of the farm and its inhabitants.

Sustainability and Environment

Quinta das Águias is a 5-hectare farm dedicated to sustainability that prioritises the respectful treatment of all forms of life and natural resources that support them. This association is a multi-faceted non-profit organisation that serves as a sanctuary for animals in need and wild flora, while promoting biodiversity. It also operates as an organic farm and a self-sustaining agroforestry project that focuses on sustainable practices. The organisation has an educational component that promotes sustainability values and practices and serves as a 'botanical vault' for seed conservation, with a focus on propagating and sharing rare and indigenous seeds. It also positions itself as a specialised centre for the promotion of vegetarian cuisine - an essential element of a sustainable lifestyle - as well as a tourist destination where guests can enjoy interacting with the natural environment of the farm and its inhabitants.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

BERDE is a non-profit association registered in the Principality of Asturias that develops an artistic and social transformation project promoted in Asturias and formed by a team of professionals from different backgrounds, whose aim is to motivate the creation of a space of expression through art, for disabled people.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

BERDE is a non-profit association registered in the Principality of Asturias that develops an artistic and social transformation project promoted in Asturias and formed by a team of professionals from different backgrounds, whose aim is to motivate the creation of a space of expression through art, for disabled people.


Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Social Inclusion

The ONCE Foundation, through its entity INSERTA Association, with the support of the Asturian Government, participates in a programme that promotes innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship for people with disabilities. They provide a service of guidance, mediation and motivation to this population group in order to improve their employability.

Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Social Inclusion

The ONCE Foundation, through its entity INSERTA Association, with the support of the Asturian Government, participates in a programme that promotes innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship for people with disabilities. They provide a service of guidance, mediation and motivation to this population group in order to improve their employability.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General)

“The construction of global citizenship in young people: investigating transformative practices with participatory and inclusive methodologies"

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General)

“The construction of global citizenship in young people: investigating transformative practices with participatory and inclusive methodologies"

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

Social entity that works on child and adolescent participation.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

Social entity that works on child and adolescent participation.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

The main objective of Abierto Asturias is to provide resources to improve the situation of excluded and vulnerable groups. It accompanies its users throughout their development, from their early years to adulthood, participating in different projects adapted to their personal circumstances throughout their lives.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

The main objective of Abierto Asturias is to provide resources to improve the situation of excluded and vulnerable groups. It accompanies its users throughout their development, from their early years to adulthood, participating in different projects adapted to their personal circumstances throughout their lives.

Social Enterprise

The objectives of the association include the defence, promotion and representation of the economic, social and business interests of the member organisations, as well as the support of all those initiatives whose ultimate objective is the creation of a social enterprise. In addition, it also has the following objectives: coordination with public bodies, defence of the interests of people in a situation of social exclusion and the search for resources that favour social enterprises and/or the bodies that promote them".

Social Inclusion

The objectives of the association include the defence, promotion and representation of the economic, social and business interests of the member organisations, as well as the support of all those initiatives whose ultimate objective is the creation of a social enterprise. In addition, it also has the following objectives: coordination with public bodies, defence of the interests of people in a situation of social exclusion and the search for resources that favour social enterprises and/or the bodies that promote them".

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion

Decuchara is a social enterprise that works mainly with women in difficulty. Its economic activity is in the hotel sector, other catering services and other community services. Given the characteristics of the women it supports, it looks for a job where they can use the basic skills they already have in these professions, so that they can move relatively easily from informal to professional work. The users find themselves in a "real" working environment where they are committed and where they strive to fulfil the tasks assigned to them, the deadlines and times imposed by the activity, as well as all the hygiene and quality measures necessary to guarantee the service in the standardised market.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion

Decuchara is a social enterprise that works mainly with women in difficulty. Its economic activity is in the hotel sector, other catering services and other community services. Given the characteristics of the women it supports, it looks for a job where they can use the basic skills they already have in these professions, so that they can move relatively easily from informal to professional work. The users find themselves in a "real" working environment where they are committed and where they strive to fulfil the tasks assigned to them, the deadlines and times imposed by the activity, as well as all the hygiene and quality measures necessary to guarantee the service in the standardised market.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

EAPN-AS (European Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion Network in Asturias) is a network of more than 40 social organisations working in solidarity in the region. of more than 40 social organisations working in solidarity in the region, with the aim of promoting social inclusion and combating the processes of social exclusion and poverty through participation, empowerment and dialogue.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

EAPN-AS (European Anti-Poverty and Social Exclusion Network in Asturias) is a network of more than 40 social organisations working in solidarity in the region. of more than 40 social organisations working in solidarity in the region, with the aim of promoting social inclusion and combating the processes of social exclusion and poverty through participation, empowerment and dialogue.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Association Arterra Bizimodu experiences and searches sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by society today, particularly in the rural area, basing their work on permacultural principles. They pay particular attention to the dynamics of reduction, generation, production and sharing and participate in the transition towards a world that develops societies that are capable of securing the values of equity, self-realization, peace, sustainability, and creativity for current and future generations. For the realization of this vision, the organization develops a co-habitat space, allocates a percentage of the apartments to the installation of people, families, groups, with the objectives both to facilitate the management and development of the place, to boost rural areas, and to provide solutions to housing needs. Furthermore, it develops a training space, starting by creating specific formations in the ecology, social, economic and world vision (art and creativity, integral health, yoga, etc.) areas. This structure could be a sociocratic structure, thus creating a space for experimentation of international interest in the social sphere.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Association Arterra Bizimodu experiences and searches sustainable solutions to the challenges faced by society today, particularly in the rural area, basing their work on permacultural principles. They pay particular attention to the dynamics of reduction, generation, production and sharing and participate in the transition towards a world that develops societies that are capable of securing the values of equity, self-realization, peace, sustainability, and creativity for current and future generations. For the realization of this vision, the organization develops a co-habitat space, allocates a percentage of the apartments to the installation of people, families, groups, with the objectives both to facilitate the management and development of the place, to boost rural areas, and to provide solutions to housing needs. Furthermore, it develops a training space, starting by creating specific formations in the ecology, social, economic and world vision (art and creativity, integral health, yoga, etc.) areas. This structure could be a sociocratic structure, thus creating a space for experimentation of international interest in the social sphere.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Manantial de Tara is a non-profit organization, created with the intention of developing an area in contact with nature, learning for a sustainable life based on the “Principles of Permaculture“.

Non-profit Association

Sustainability and Environment

Manantial de Tara is a non-profit organization, created with the intention of developing an area in contact with nature, learning for a sustainable life based on the “Principles of Permaculture“.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Lakabe is a small village in the valley of Arce-Artzibar, Navarra. It became inhabited in the 60s and was occupied in 1980 by a group of young people coming from the conscientious objection movement that dreamed with building an alternative and transformative community, adapting to the rythms of nature. Nowadays, the project continues with the same essence: allowing and experimenting the uthopia.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Lakabe is a small village in the valley of Arce-Artzibar, Navarra. It became inhabited in the 60s and was occupied in 1980 by a group of young people coming from the conscientious objection movement that dreamed with building an alternative and transformative community, adapting to the rythms of nature. Nowadays, the project continues with the same essence: allowing and experimenting the uthopia.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Solutions to the problems of early school leaving and youth unemployment, ensuring access for young people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Solutions to the problems of early school leaving and youth unemployment, ensuring access for young people at risk or in a situation of social exclusion.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Employability, Social Inclusion

Abeiro Social develops tasks such as, collaboration in the development of the programs and activities of the social services of primary and specialized attention and support; support to groups with special difficulties of integration; educational, cultural and recreational activities that contribute to a higher quality of life of the beneficiaries and; activities to promote women and education for equality between men and women.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Employability, Social Inclusion

Abeiro Social develops tasks such as, collaboration in the development of the programs and activities of the social services of primary and specialized attention and support; support to groups with special difficulties of integration; educational, cultural and recreational activities that contribute to a higher quality of life of the beneficiaries and; activities to promote women and education for equality between men and women.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Company that offers adapted transport services, enabling the mobility of groups of people with disabilities or in situations of dependency due to the impossibility of using a standardized transport.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Company that offers adapted transport services, enabling the mobility of groups of people with disabilities or in situations of dependency due to the impossibility of using a standardized transport.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Andaina Pro Saúde Mental is a non-profit association that was born in 2010 to fill a gap that existed in the global attention of people with mental health problems in rural areas near Santiago de Compostela.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Andaina Pro Saúde Mental is a non-profit association that was born in 2010 to fill a gap that existed in the global attention of people with mental health problems in rural areas near Santiago de Compostela.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Non-profit association, dedicated to the care of people affected by physical disability, cerebral palsy and dependent elderly people.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Non-profit association, dedicated to the care of people affected by physical disability, cerebral palsy and dependent elderly people.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

Asociación de Empresas de Inserción de Galicia - AEIGA is a non profit association that join insertion enterprises of Galicia

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

Asociación de Empresas de Inserción de Galicia - AEIGA is a non profit association that join insertion enterprises of Galicia

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Social insertion of people in situation or risk of social exclusion and promotion of Social Insertion Companies

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Social insertion of people in situation or risk of social exclusion and promotion of Social Insertion Companies


Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Textile Association of Galicia was established in 1991, with the aim of promoting the development of activities that contribute to a greater structure and competitiveness of the Galician textile sector, through horizontal services aimed at all associated companies.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Textile Association of Galicia was established in 1991, with the aim of promoting the development of activities that contribute to a greater structure and competitiveness of the Galician textile sector, through horizontal services aimed at all associated companies.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

ASPABER is a Association of Parents of Disabled Psychic of Bergantiños. It is an association that was born to serve a group of people with mental disabilities and their families, helping them in their tasks and to live with other people. One of the main characteristics of the this association is their special employment center that offers differents lines of business: repair of plastic products, management of green points, cleaning, gardening, carpentry, plaster, corporate manipulations, among others.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

ASPABER is a Association of Parents of Disabled Psychic of Bergantiños. It is an association that was born to serve a group of people with mental disabilities and their families, helping them in their tasks and to live with other people. One of the main characteristics of the this association is their special employment center that offers differents lines of business: repair of plastic products, management of green points, cleaning, gardening, carpentry, plaster, corporate manipulations, among others.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The association attempts to provide the necessary support for the defence and improvement of the rights and the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, and their families, considering all of them as generators of rights and duties. Its main objective and how they intend to help the disabled individuals is providing the integration of individuals with disabilities in society, to make them feel integrated and useful. In this way, the Association ASPAS provides training for the personal and professional development of these individuals.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The association attempts to provide the necessary support for the defence and improvement of the rights and the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, and their families, considering all of them as generators of rights and duties. Its main objective and how they intend to help the disabled individuals is providing the integration of individuals with disabilities in society, to make them feel integrated and useful. In this way, the Association ASPAS provides training for the personal and professional development of these individuals.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

COGAMI has 11 social economy business initiatives that offer products and services in these sectors of activity: environmental, food, graphic, textile, transport and distribution. About 800 people work in these initiatives, of which 90% have disabilities. The social economy companies of COGAMI were created to generate employment opportunities for people with disabilities and, today, they are consolidated companies that collectively invoice 19,500,000 euros and have the confidence of a portfolio of more than 4,000 clients.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

COGAMI has 11 social economy business initiatives that offer products and services in these sectors of activity: environmental, food, graphic, textile, transport and distribution. About 800 people work in these initiatives, of which 90% have disabilities. The social economy companies of COGAMI were created to generate employment opportunities for people with disabilities and, today, they are consolidated companies that collectively invoice 19,500,000 euros and have the confidence of a portfolio of more than 4,000 clients.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The company's activity focused on the collection of paper, cardboards, plastics, glass, household appliances, waste containers, textile materials, wood and waste from institutions, mainly official bodies and private companies.In addition to the environmental issue that COREGAL addresses, the company also employs people with various types of disability (auditory, motor, visual, among others). Thus, COREGAL has two main objectives: first, it aims to promote a green economy and a sustainable environment; secondly, to employ people with disabilities in order to integrate them into the labour market, in that way the company is able to help them feel useful in society and achieve their own livelihoods.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The company's activity focused on the collection of paper, cardboards, plastics, glass, household appliances, waste containers, textile materials, wood and waste from institutions, mainly official bodies and private companies.In addition to the environmental issue that COREGAL addresses, the company also employs people with various types of disability (auditory, motor, visual, among others). Thus, COREGAL has two main objectives: first, it aims to promote a green economy and a sustainable environment; secondly, to employ people with disabilities in order to integrate them into the labour market, in that way the company is able to help them feel useful in society and achieve their own livelihoods.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dalle que dalle is a coworking cooperative. The Dalle que dalle, offers offices and coworking spaces at super reduced prices with everything included, the coopeartive helps the individuals to improve their business and networking with events and training.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Dalle que dalle is a coworking cooperative. The Dalle que dalle, offers offices and coworking spaces at super reduced prices with everything included, the coopeartive helps the individuals to improve their business and networking with events and training.

Non-governmental Organisation

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Non-governmental organization founded in 1991 for supporting groups at risk of exclusion, such as women victims of gender violence or trafficking, immigrants, long-term unemployed, families at risk of eviction

Non-governmental Organisation

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Non-governmental organization founded in 1991 for supporting groups at risk of exclusion, such as women victims of gender violence or trafficking, immigrants, long-term unemployed, families at risk of eviction

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Emprego Social S.L. is a company qualified as a Special Employment Center, non-profit, created with the social objective of promoting the "socio-occupational insertion of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion."

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Emprego Social S.L. is a company qualified as a Special Employment Center, non-profit, created with the social objective of promoting the "socio-occupational insertion of people with disabilities or at risk of social exclusion."


Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

EQUAL is a youth hostel and environmental education centre created for leisure, enjoyment and learning in nature. Throughout 11 years of activity, the cooperative work has been focused on the promotion of cooperative values as a didactic method, environmental education, leisure and free time.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Sustainability and Environment

EQUAL is a youth hostel and environmental education centre created for leisure, enjoyment and learning in nature. Throughout 11 years of activity, the cooperative work has been focused on the promotion of cooperative values as a didactic method, environmental education, leisure and free time.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Employability, Social Inclusion

Foundation created in May 1987 which main mission is to provide care services and support to people in risk of social exclusion in Galicia.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Employability, Social Inclusion

Foundation created in May 1987 which main mission is to provide care services and support to people in risk of social exclusion in Galicia.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The CEL Foundation - Iniciativas por Lugo is a non-profit organization created in 1997 within the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Lugo. The main objective is the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit in the province supporting business projects from its inception to its consolidation and facilitating its work to young entrepreneurs in their first steps. The Foundation provides integral support to the entrepreneurs: physical spaces for the location of the business project; tutelage in the procedures for the start-up of the company; legal, labor and tax advice or training, among others.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The CEL Foundation - Iniciativas por Lugo is a non-profit organization created in 1997 within the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Lugo. The main objective is the promotion of entrepreneurial spirit in the province supporting business projects from its inception to its consolidation and facilitating its work to young entrepreneurs in their first steps. The Foundation provides integral support to the entrepreneurs: physical spaces for the location of the business project; tutelage in the procedures for the start-up of the company; legal, labor and tax advice or training, among others.


Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Foundation for the City of Culture of Galicia was established in 1999 through an initiative of the Galicia Municipality and under the law of Foundations of Interest for Galicia, with the aim to focus on creating and managing a "multifunctional, multidisciplinary and all-encompassing space, contributing towards cultural interaction". Situated in Santiago de Compostela and conceived as a large-scale cultural hub, devoted to the knowledge and creativity of today.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Foundation for the City of Culture of Galicia was established in 1999 through an initiative of the Galicia Municipality and under the law of Foundations of Interest for Galicia, with the aim to focus on creating and managing a "multifunctional, multidisciplinary and all-encompassing space, contributing towards cultural interaction". Situated in Santiago de Compostela and conceived as a large-scale cultural hub, devoted to the knowledge and creativity of today.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

The Coren Foundation, is a non-profit Galician interest foundation, funded by the Coren cooperatives of Ourense, whose aim is to disseminate, promote and stimulate cooperativism and secure the rural development of our community.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

The Coren Foundation, is a non-profit Galician interest foundation, funded by the Coren cooperatives of Ourense, whose aim is to disseminate, promote and stimulate cooperativism and secure the rural development of our community.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA) is a non-profit and private law, specializing in the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology from the University System of Galicia to the business world and society in general. Its mission is to bring competition, skill, experience, talent and scientific and technical knowledge generated by university groups to market research, promoting entrepreneurship in college and dynamism in the productive sector.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA) is a non-profit and private law, specializing in the transfer of knowledge, innovation and technology from the University System of Galicia to the business world and society in general. Its mission is to bring competition, skill, experience, talent and scientific and technical knowledge generated by university groups to market research, promoting entrepreneurship in college and dynamism in the productive sector.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Foundation created in 1999, and since the 1980s fighting against the effects of drug addiction.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Foundation created in 1999, and since the 1980s fighting against the effects of drug addiction.


Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Ronsel Foundation is an entity that works with the objective of facilitating employability and improving the employability of people

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Ronsel Foundation is an entity that works with the objective of facilitating employability and improving the employability of people

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Cooperativa del Val is an autonomous association of farmers people who joined voluntarily to form a democratic organization whose administration and management is carried out in the manner agreed by the partners. Its intention is to meet the economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations common to all partners, based on the principle of mutual assistance, to achieve the general objectives of all members and improve the conditions of all partners.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Cooperativa del Val is an autonomous association of farmers people who joined voluntarily to form a democratic organization whose administration and management is carried out in the manner agreed by the partners. Its intention is to meet the economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations common to all partners, based on the principle of mutual assistance, to achieve the general objectives of all members and improve the conditions of all partners.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

Company of the bakery sector, dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of Empanada Galega and Tarta de Santiago, as well as other products of bakery and pastry in different sizes and formats. Presence in the entire market national and with capacity to cover international markets.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

Company of the bakery sector, dedicated to the manufacture and distribution of Empanada Galega and Tarta de Santiago, as well as other products of bakery and pastry in different sizes and formats. Presence in the entire market national and with capacity to cover international markets.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

O Couso is an international community that wants to bring into practice a new ethic culture rooted on mutual support and cooperation. The pillars of the project introspection are: study, service objective guest house, gift school, community.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

O Couso is an international community that wants to bring into practice a new ethic culture rooted on mutual support and cooperation. The pillars of the project introspection are: study, service objective guest house, gift school, community.

Public Authority / Governance

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

Municipality of Santiago de Compostela decided to implement a revitalization of the process of participatory budgeting in public areas, with this revitalisation it is intended to have a greater participation of the population in general and to know their needs closely. It also aims to revitalize areas of the county that are degraded and less used.

Public Authority / Governance

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

Municipality of Santiago de Compostela decided to implement a revitalization of the process of participatory budgeting in public areas, with this revitalisation it is intended to have a greater participation of the population in general and to know their needs closely. It also aims to revitalize areas of the county that are degraded and less used.

Non-profit Association


Company qualified as Vehicle Treatment Center out of use by accident or end of life (C.A.T.), focuses its activity on clean and safe processes, which respect the environment and promote reuse of the pieces and also encouraging the responsible consumption of existing resources.

Non-profit Association


Company qualified as Vehicle Treatment Center out of use by accident or end of life (C.A.T.), focuses its activity on clean and safe processes, which respect the environment and promote reuse of the pieces and also encouraging the responsible consumption of existing resources.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Open Until Dawn Youth Association has developed a leisure programme based on education in leisure time through sports and cultural activities of a socio-educational nature during the afternoons and nights of the weekends. The programme, which began in 1.997, offers a free alternative of healthy leisure to young people from 13 to 35 years old. The organisation also runs a volunteer programme. There are two types: entrepreneurial and project volunteering.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General)

The Open Until Dawn Youth Association has developed a leisure programme based on education in leisure time through sports and cultural activities of a socio-educational nature during the afternoons and nights of the weekends. The programme, which began in 1.997, offers a free alternative of healthy leisure to young people from 13 to 35 years old. The organisation also runs a volunteer programme. There are two types: entrepreneurial and project volunteering.

Private Company (for-profit)

Gijón City Council has chosen ACCIONA Energy to manage the city's energy services for the next 15 years, for a total of 160 million euros. The contract aims to accelerate Gijón's green, energy and digital transition process, facilitating and accelerating decarbonisation, the installation of renewable energy sources and storage technologies, the development of energy communities and the generation of opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and sustainable development in the city.

Access to Goods and Services

Gijón City Council has chosen ACCIONA Energy to manage the city's energy services for the next 15 years, for a total of 160 million euros. The contract aims to accelerate Gijón's green, energy and digital transition process, facilitating and accelerating decarbonisation, the installation of renewable energy sources and storage technologies, the development of energy communities and the generation of opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, job creation and sustainable development in the city.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Súbete a mi Tren is a children's leisure programme that, since the 1998-1999 school year, has offered the children of Gijón an educational and entertaining alternative to spending their free time on school grounds, while providing families with another means of reconciling work and family commitments.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Súbete a mi Tren is a children's leisure programme that, since the 1998-1999 school year, has offered the children of Gijón an educational and entertaining alternative to spending their free time on school grounds, while providing families with another means of reconciling work and family commitments.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Emmaus Asturias, "Social and Circular Innovation" was created in 2019 to continue the regional project that the Emmaus Social Foundation has been running since 2002. Its mission is the social and labour integration of people in situations of social exclusion, through the search for alternatives that promote fairer, more egalitarian and sustainable living conditions. To this end, it implements programmes in the fields of employment, social innovation and the circular economy, with an emphasis on respect for the environment and the individual.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Emmaus Asturias, "Social and Circular Innovation" was created in 2019 to continue the regional project that the Emmaus Social Foundation has been running since 2002. Its mission is the social and labour integration of people in situations of social exclusion, through the search for alternatives that promote fairer, more egalitarian and sustainable living conditions. To this end, it implements programmes in the fields of employment, social innovation and the circular economy, with an emphasis on respect for the environment and the individual.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

Social entity that works for community development in a specific neighbourhood.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

Social entity that works for community development in a specific neighbourhood.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

For the last three years, Finca Luz Serena have been welcoming people to the land from all over the world, offering a space where one can tune back into nature. The community seeks to empower people to see and learn how to embrace another way of living that is in harmony with nature. Regenerating soil is at the heart of what Finca Luz Serena does and, implementing the principles of permaculture, they are transforming this once barren land into a home where a variety of biodiversity can thrive. The other element to permaculture that is at the core of what they align with and welcome is community. The community is open to explore and co-create with like-minded individuals who would love to come and join this project.

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

For the last three years, Finca Luz Serena have been welcoming people to the land from all over the world, offering a space where one can tune back into nature. The community seeks to empower people to see and learn how to embrace another way of living that is in harmony with nature. Regenerating soil is at the heart of what Finca Luz Serena does and, implementing the principles of permaculture, they are transforming this once barren land into a home where a variety of biodiversity can thrive. The other element to permaculture that is at the core of what they align with and welcome is community. The community is open to explore and co-create with like-minded individuals who would love to come and join this project.


Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Organisation that identifies, connects and supports social innovation leaders.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Organisation that identifies, connects and supports social innovation leaders.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

"Founded in 1947 by the Spanish Bishops' Conference, Cáritas Española aims to carry out the charitable and social action of the Church in Spain through its member associations. Its main objective is to promote the integral development of people in situations of poverty or exclusion, regardless of their race, gender, religion or ideology.Cáritas Spain works to help those in need through a variety of programmes and services. They focus on issues such as poverty, homelessness, migration and social exclusion. Some of their key initiatives include emergency programmes, employment and training programmes, housing assistance and support for refugees and migrants.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

"Founded in 1947 by the Spanish Bishops' Conference, Cáritas Española aims to carry out the charitable and social action of the Church in Spain through its member associations. Its main objective is to promote the integral development of people in situations of poverty or exclusion, regardless of their race, gender, religion or ideology.Cáritas Spain works to help those in need through a variety of programmes and services. They focus on issues such as poverty, homelessness, migration and social exclusion. Some of their key initiatives include emergency programmes, employment and training programmes, housing assistance and support for refugees and migrants.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural, non-profit social organisation. It has been working for 40 years to promote the rights and equal opportunities of the Gypsy population in Spain and Europe. It has been instrumental in integrating the Roma community into Spanish society through the provision of education, employment opportunities and social services.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural, non-profit social organisation. It has been working for 40 years to promote the rights and equal opportunities of the Gypsy population in Spain and Europe. It has been instrumental in integrating the Roma community into Spanish society through the provision of education, employment opportunities and social services.


Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being

Created by the Spanish Red Cross and the Vodafone Spain Foundation Roja Española, it addresses the needs of vulnerable people and provides social responses through technological innovation through ICTs in a responsible way.

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being

Created by the Spanish Red Cross and the Vodafone Spain Foundation Roja Española, it addresses the needs of vulnerable people and provides social responses through technological innovation through ICTs in a responsible way.


Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Sustainability and Environment

Collective initiatives to solve social problems, measuring social impact.

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Sustainability and Environment

Collective initiatives to solve social problems, measuring social impact.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

HOGAR SÍ's mission is to provide comprehensive support to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, with the aim of helping them to achieve independence and social inclusion. One of HOGAR SÍ's main activities is its street outreach programme, which aims to identify and engage with people who are sleeping rough or living in precarious housing situations. The organisation's outreach teams provide basic necessities such as food, clothing and toiletries, as well as information and signposting to other services. HOGAR SÍ also runs a number of shelters and temporary accommodation facilities where individuals and families can stay while they work towards finding more permanent housing solutions.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

HOGAR SÍ's mission is to provide comprehensive support to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, with the aim of helping them to achieve independence and social inclusion. One of HOGAR SÍ's main activities is its street outreach programme, which aims to identify and engage with people who are sleeping rough or living in precarious housing situations. The organisation's outreach teams provide basic necessities such as food, clothing and toiletries, as well as information and signposting to other services. HOGAR SÍ also runs a number of shelters and temporary accommodation facilities where individuals and families can stay while they work towards finding more permanent housing solutions.


Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Más Humano aims to promote change towards a more human world where people can achieve well-being in their professional and personal lives.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Elderly Care, Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Más Humano aims to promote change towards a more human world where people can achieve well-being in their professional and personal lives.

Public Authority / Governance

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being

Developing social innovation projects aimed at improving people's quality of life and responding to social challenges.

Public Authority / Governance

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Health and Well-Being

Developing social innovation projects aimed at improving people's quality of life and responding to social challenges.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Glayus Association aims to facilitate the meeting and healthy and creative development of human groups. Its aim is to rebuild communities and care for the lives and local territories by developing quality projects and handicrafts, tailor-made for each group of people.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Glayus Association aims to facilitate the meeting and healthy and creative development of human groups. Its aim is to rebuild communities and care for the lives and local territories by developing quality projects and handicrafts, tailor-made for each group of people.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Asturias Red Cross works with the most vulnerable individuals and groups or those at risk of social exclusion through its Social Intervention Plan, contributing to their inclusion from an integral approach of intervention through voluntary participation, promoting personal autonomy and addressing the effects of the economic crisis to improve their living conditions.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Asturias Red Cross works with the most vulnerable individuals and groups or those at risk of social exclusion through its Social Intervention Plan, contributing to their inclusion from an integral approach of intervention through voluntary participation, promoting personal autonomy and addressing the effects of the economic crisis to improve their living conditions.


Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Intervention for deafness where it is a national benchmark, intellectual disability and groups in serious social and personal conflict.

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Intervention for deafness where it is a national benchmark, intellectual disability and groups in serious social and personal conflict.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Amalurra, “Mother Earth” in euskera, is the name of a communitarian project that was born in the beginning of the 90’s as a “dream of conviviality and unity”. Nowadays, it is a project of international communities placed in Artzentales -Bizkaia- Caparacena -Granada- and Can Cases -Barcelona-, made by hundreds of people that practise an alternative of conviviality. The housings have outdoor common spaces and a hostel complex that offers beautiful areas, ideal for retreat, rest and reflection as well as facilities for personal care: spa, sauna and treatments for health and wellbeing. The community also offers workshops, courses and various activities.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Amalurra, “Mother Earth” in euskera, is the name of a communitarian project that was born in the beginning of the 90’s as a “dream of conviviality and unity”. Nowadays, it is a project of international communities placed in Artzentales -Bizkaia- Caparacena -Granada- and Can Cases -Barcelona-, made by hundreds of people that practise an alternative of conviviality. The housings have outdoor common spaces and a hostel complex that offers beautiful areas, ideal for retreat, rest and reflection as well as facilities for personal care: spa, sauna and treatments for health and wellbeing. The community also offers workshops, courses and various activities.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Foundation committed to the present and future of people, focusing on programmes with the greatest transformative impact.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Foundation committed to the present and future of people, focusing on programmes with the greatest transformative impact.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Accem is a state-run non-profit organization whose mission is the defense of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation of or at risk of social exclusion.Specialized in refuge and migration, works in favor of the inclusion of people and seeks equal rights, duties and opportunities for all people regardless of their origin, sex, race, religion, opinions or social group.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

Accem is a state-run non-profit organization whose mission is the defense of fundamental rights, care and support for people who are in a situation of or at risk of social exclusion.Specialized in refuge and migration, works in favor of the inclusion of people and seeks equal rights, duties and opportunities for all people regardless of their origin, sex, race, religion, opinions or social group.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

ADANSI is an association of non-profit families, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Principality of Asturias. Their mode of operation is seeking in all aspects an optimistic and coherent solution to the problem of the collective, through therapeutic, educational, recreational, cultural and sports activities, through promotion, creation, organization or sponsorship of diagnostic and evaluation centers, specialized care and research units, therapy centers, housing-residence, work training units, sheltered workshops, hospital units and medical services

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

ADANSI is an association of non-profit families, whose purpose is to promote the well-being of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the Principality of Asturias. Their mode of operation is seeking in all aspects an optimistic and coherent solution to the problem of the collective, through therapeutic, educational, recreational, cultural and sports activities, through promotion, creation, organization or sponsorship of diagnostic and evaluation centers, specialized care and research units, therapy centers, housing-residence, work training units, sheltered workshops, hospital units and medical services

Social Enterprise

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Association of Companies of Insertion of the Principality of Asturias, ADEIPA, was born in November 2009 from the work carried out in the "Coordination Table for the Promotion of Social and Labor Insertion Companies", promoted by the City Council of Avilés, by different entities social and for the insertion companies established in the territory. The association has among its aims the defense, promotion and representation of the economic, social and business interests of the partner entities. The social enterprise also aims the support to initiatives whose ultimate objective is the constitution of an insertion company.

Social Enterprise

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Association of Companies of Insertion of the Principality of Asturias, ADEIPA, was born in November 2009 from the work carried out in the "Coordination Table for the Promotion of Social and Labor Insertion Companies", promoted by the City Council of Avilés, by different entities social and for the insertion companies established in the territory. The association has among its aims the defense, promotion and representation of the economic, social and business interests of the partner entities. The social enterprise also aims the support to initiatives whose ultimate objective is the constitution of an insertion company.

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion

APRAMP is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-partisan association, and its principles of action and philosophy are guided by a human rights and gender perspective approach.

Non-profit Association

Social Inclusion

APRAMP is a non-profit, non-denominational and non-partisan association, and its principles of action and philosophy are guided by a human rights and gender perspective approach.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

Abierto Asturias was born in the year 2000 as a leisure alternative for children and young people. Since then, the Association has been growing in projects and users, offering programs and setting objectives for less favored sectors of the population, children and young people at risk of social exclusion, immigrant minors, elderly, women, unemployed, among other. The programs take into account subjects, such as social and cultural programs where education and leisure go hand in hand.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

Abierto Asturias was born in the year 2000 as a leisure alternative for children and young people. Since then, the Association has been growing in projects and users, offering programs and setting objectives for less favored sectors of the population, children and young people at risk of social exclusion, immigrant minors, elderly, women, unemployed, among other. The programs take into account subjects, such as social and cultural programs where education and leisure go hand in hand.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

LA TREBEDE is a small local Women association that empower women with diffiiculties and act Promoting equality programmes

Non-profit Association

Employability, Social Inclusion

LA TREBEDE is a small local Women association that empower women with diffiiculties and act Promoting equality programmes

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Asociación Rey Pelayo is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 with its headquarters in Avilés, dedicated to the management of services and programs for people with intellectual disabilities. The association has, occupational centers, sheltered housing and social integration programs.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Asociación Rey Pelayo is a non-profit organization founded in 1993 with its headquarters in Avilés, dedicated to the management of services and programs for people with intellectual disabilities. The association has, occupational centers, sheltered housing and social integration programs.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Association's main objective is to improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome and / or with Intellectual Disability. They promote the defense and integration in the family, educational, social and labor, promoting the full development of their individual capacities.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Association's main objective is to improve the quality of life of people with Down syndrome and / or with Intellectual Disability. They promote the defense and integration in the family, educational, social and labor, promoting the full development of their individual capacities.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Association for the Promotion of Adapted Asturian Tourism - APTAA, is a non-profit organization, among whose aims is the promotion of accessible tourism in the Principality of Asturias, aimed at people with disabilities in the region.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

The Association for the Promotion of Adapted Asturian Tourism - APTAA, is a non-profit organization, among whose aims is the promotion of accessible tourism in the Principality of Asturias, aimed at people with disabilities in the region.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Association A.T.E.A.M., created at the proposal and initiative of the workers of the Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica, S.A. (ENSIDESA) already registered in the year 1984, has been developing throughout these years an important work for the group of people with disabilities in the regions of Avilés and Gijón.The Association currently consists of about 1,700 members, of whom about 300 have family members affected by some type of disability.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

The Association A.T.E.A.M., created at the proposal and initiative of the workers of the Empresa Nacional Siderúrgica, S.A. (ENSIDESA) already registered in the year 1984, has been developing throughout these years an important work for the group of people with disabilities in the regions of Avilés and Gijón.The Association currently consists of about 1,700 members, of whom about 300 have family members affected by some type of disability.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion


Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion


Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The organization operates in Asturias with a strong implantation maintaining Health Centers, Communication initiatives, International cooperation programmes, Training, Social intervention, as well as Emergencies Volunteering and Participation programmes.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The organization operates in Asturias with a strong implantation maintaining Health Centers, Communication initiatives, International cooperation programmes, Training, Social intervention, as well as Emergencies Volunteering and Participation programmes.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

It is an association of educational and social action that seeks social transformation through different social initiatives. Its objectives are focused on a new model of open society, promoting critical and collective reflection, sensitizing and preparing the most vulnerable people, especially people with disabilities, helping them in initiatives such as the growth and development of self-esteem , communication and personal skills.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

It is an association of educational and social action that seeks social transformation through different social initiatives. Its objectives are focused on a new model of open society, promoting critical and collective reflection, sensitizing and preparing the most vulnerable people, especially people with disabilities, helping them in initiatives such as the growth and development of self-esteem , communication and personal skills.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

DIFAC is a non-profit assocation of disabled people from Aviles and surroundings. Their main objectives are: Disseminate the problem of people with disabilities and defend their rights, promote unity among people with disabilities, promote participation and integration in society, and also, participate in the elimination and not creation of barriers, both physical and social.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

DIFAC is a non-profit assocation of disabled people from Aviles and surroundings. Their main objectives are: Disseminate the problem of people with disabilities and defend their rights, promote unity among people with disabilities, promote participation and integration in society, and also, participate in the elimination and not creation of barriers, both physical and social.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

EAPN (European Anti Poverty Network) is an independent coalition of NGOs and other groups involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the Member States of the European Union. Created in December 1990, it works for the eradication of poverty and social exclusion, seeking to allow those who suffer poverty and social exclusion to exercise their rights and duties. Regional delegation is very active in Asturias

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

EAPN (European Anti Poverty Network) is an independent coalition of NGOs and other groups involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion in the Member States of the European Union. Created in December 1990, it works for the eradication of poverty and social exclusion, seeking to allow those who suffer poverty and social exclusion to exercise their rights and duties. Regional delegation is very active in Asturias

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion

EMAÚS FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL have been working for more than 35 years on the approach to the phenomenon of social exclusion, always under the same premise: putting people in the center of their activities.Throughout these years they have been launching various programs and services in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country aimed at meeting the needs of people who may be at risk and / or social exclusion.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion

EMAÚS FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL have been working for more than 35 years on the approach to the phenomenon of social exclusion, always under the same premise: putting people in the center of their activities.Throughout these years they have been launching various programs and services in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country aimed at meeting the needs of people who may be at risk and / or social exclusion.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion

EMAÚS FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL have been working for more than 35 years on the approach to the phenomenon of social exclusion, always under the same premise: putting people in the center of their activities.Throughout these years they have been launching various programs and services in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country aimed at meeting the needs of people who may be at risk and / or social exclusion.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion

EMAÚS FUNDACIÓN SOCIAL have been working for more than 35 years on the approach to the phenomenon of social exclusion, always under the same premise: putting people in the center of their activities.Throughout these years they have been launching various programs and services in Galicia, Asturias and the Basque Country aimed at meeting the needs of people who may be at risk and / or social exclusion.

Social Enterprise

Elderly Care, Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Cáritas Koopera Sociedad Cooperativa Astur is an integration company set up in 2014 within the framework of collaboration between Cáritas Asturias and Koopera Social Network. Its mission is the social and labor inclusion of people in situation or risk of social exclusion, for this reason, the accompaniment and training of workers in the process of insertion is transversal to all areas of work, thus promoting the improvement of their employability. To achieve its objectives, it develops different activities in the field of environmental services, reuse and recycling and consumption

Elderly Care, Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Cáritas Koopera Sociedad Cooperativa Astur is an integration company set up in 2014 within the framework of collaboration between Cáritas Asturias and Koopera Social Network. Its mission is the social and labor inclusion of people in situation or risk of social exclusion, for this reason, the accompaniment and training of workers in the process of insertion is transversal to all areas of work, thus promoting the improvement of their employability. To achieve its objectives, it develops different activities in the field of environmental services, reuse and recycling and consumption

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Imena S.L.U. is a Social and Labor Insertion Company, promoted by Fundación Hogar de San José, whose social purpose is the integration and socio-professional training of young people from the Child Protection System, and therefore in a situation of social exclusion, participating in all those initiatives that promote the personal and social autonomy of these young people.The activity consists in the restoration of goods and spaces.

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

Imena S.L.U. is a Social and Labor Insertion Company, promoted by Fundación Hogar de San José, whose social purpose is the integration and socio-professional training of young people from the Child Protection System, and therefore in a situation of social exclusion, participating in all those initiatives that promote the personal and social autonomy of these young people.The activity consists in the restoration of goods and spaces.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Emaus Riquirraque SLU is a company created in 2002 and promoted in its entirety by Emmaus Social Foundation, whose productive activity is the recovery, treatment and valuation of those furniture, appliances and other appliances, as well as textiles, which are discarded as urban waste and which. The social enterprise work through the implementation of personalized and comprehensive processes to improve the employability of people in situations and / or risk of social exclusion so that after their passage they can access the normalized market.

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Emaus Riquirraque SLU is a company created in 2002 and promoted in its entirety by Emmaus Social Foundation, whose productive activity is the recovery, treatment and valuation of those furniture, appliances and other appliances, as well as textiles, which are discarded as urban waste and which. The social enterprise work through the implementation of personalized and comprehensive processes to improve the employability of people in situations and / or risk of social exclusion so that after their passage they can access the normalized market.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Vedelar Jardinería y Trabajos Forestales is a social company in the field of gardening, preventive forestry, forestry and environmental services that has its identity sign in the commitment

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Vedelar Jardinería y Trabajos Forestales is a social company in the field of gardening, preventive forestry, forestry and environmental services that has its identity sign in the commitment

Non-governmental Organisation

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Federation of Deaf People of the Principality of Asturias (FESOPRAS) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and non-profit organization, declared of Public Utility. It develops different programmes to provide Deaf and Deaf-blindness support

Non-governmental Organisation

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Federation of Deaf People of the Principality of Asturias (FESOPRAS) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and non-profit organization, declared of Public Utility. It develops different programmes to provide Deaf and Deaf-blindness support

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

Fundación Cruz de los Angeles is a non-profit association. They work with and for children / youth in general, especially with those minors / youth in a situation of helplessness or social conflict. As well as with a large percentage of the population that does not necessarily belong to any of the sectors considered socially as risk or marginal and that are in difficulties due to various problems that affect the minor and the family. It provides socializing guidelines, avoiding or preventing that conflicts and situations of difficulty in the family can derive in family breakdown, violence and homelessness.

Non-profit Association

Child and Youth Care / Support, Social Inclusion

Fundación Cruz de los Angeles is a non-profit association. They work with and for children / youth in general, especially with those minors / youth in a situation of helplessness or social conflict. As well as with a large percentage of the population that does not necessarily belong to any of the sectors considered socially as risk or marginal and that are in difficulties due to various problems that affect the minor and the family. It provides socializing guidelines, avoiding or preventing that conflicts and situations of difficulty in the family can derive in family breakdown, violence and homelessness.


Access to Goods and Services, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Social Inclusion

The purpose of the San Martín Foundation is to facilitate access to housing under lease arrangements for persons or families with greater economic difficulties and who are in a situation of vulnerability or risk of social exclusion.The Housing Office of Avilés was created in 2008 through a Collaboration Agreement between the Principality of Asturias and the City Council of Avilés, to provide information and management services in housing actions in Avilés and surrounding area

Access to Goods and Services, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Social Inclusion

The purpose of the San Martín Foundation is to facilitate access to housing under lease arrangements for persons or families with greater economic difficulties and who are in a situation of vulnerability or risk of social exclusion.The Housing Office of Avilés was created in 2008 through a Collaboration Agreement between the Principality of Asturias and the City Council of Avilés, to provide information and management services in housing actions in Avilés and surrounding area

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Mission of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano is the integral promotion of the Gipsy community, from attention to cultural diversity.This mission is oriented to the promotion and social change to allow the access of the gipsy people to the rights, services, goods and social resources in equality of conditions that the rest of the citizenship.

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Mission of the Fundación Secretariado Gitano is the integral promotion of the Gipsy community, from attention to cultural diversity.This mission is oriented to the promotion and social change to allow the access of the gipsy people to the rights, services, goods and social resources in equality of conditions that the rest of the citizenship.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

La Caracola Iniciativas Sociales is a non-profit social organization that was born in 2011 with the idea of

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

La Caracola Iniciativas Sociales is a non-profit social organization that was born in 2011 with the idea of


Care for People With Disabilities, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

Agent of social change, providing an expert, person-centred response to ageing and disability.

Care for People With Disabilities, Elderly Care, Health and Well-Being

Agent of social change, providing an expert, person-centred response to ageing and disability.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Addresses the needs of people in vulnerable situations, with a particular focus on children and the feminisation of poverty.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Addresses the needs of people in vulnerable situations, with a particular focus on children and the feminisation of poverty.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

BEAM is an Ayrshire based social enterprise and community interest company with a passion for inspiring positive change. We provide specialist education, mentoring and digital training programmes that encourage people to look for and make the most of new opportunity.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

BEAM is an Ayrshire based social enterprise and community interest company with a passion for inspiring positive change. We provide specialist education, mentoring and digital training programmes that encourage people to look for and make the most of new opportunity.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Mastercall Healthcare provides out of hospital services across Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside including out of Hours GP services, Community IV Therapy, Dental Helpline, specialist clinics for the homeless and vulnerable groups, Walk in Centre and GP Practice.

Health and Well-Being

Mastercall Healthcare provides out of hospital services across Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside including out of Hours GP services, Community IV Therapy, Dental Helpline, specialist clinics for the homeless and vulnerable groups, Walk in Centre and GP Practice.


Sustainability and Environment

National Lobster Hatchery’s aim is to help maintain a healthy lobster population in Cornwall, promoting sustainable fisheries & aquaculture through conservation, education and research.

Sustainability and Environment

National Lobster Hatchery’s aim is to help maintain a healthy lobster population in Cornwall, promoting sustainable fisheries & aquaculture through conservation, education and research.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support

Real Baby Milk is a not-for-profit company which offers information about how to care for your baby, delivers Essential Guides and a range of products in their shops.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Child and Youth Care / Support

Real Baby Milk is a not-for-profit company which offers information about how to care for your baby, delivers Essential Guides and a range of products in their shops.

Private Company (for-profit)

Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Resonance is a social impact investment company, helping social enterprises to raise capital, in order to grow their impact. It offers advisory services or help to raise capital from like-minded investors and also creates and manages impact investments funds, which deliver financial return and targeted social impact. They believe that change is possible and that one day, aligning profits with social impact will be the norm.

Private Company (for-profit)

Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Resonance is a social impact investment company, helping social enterprises to raise capital, in order to grow their impact. It offers advisory services or help to raise capital from like-minded investors and also creates and manages impact investments funds, which deliver financial return and targeted social impact. They believe that change is possible and that one day, aligning profits with social impact will be the norm.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Hope For The Community CIC is an award winning social enterprise providing organisations with affordable, face-to-face and digital products and services to empower people to manage their wellbeing and to flourish in their working and personal lives. All its products and services are co-created with the users of its services and based on scientific evidence.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

Hope For The Community CIC is an award winning social enterprise providing organisations with affordable, face-to-face and digital products and services to empower people to manage their wellbeing and to flourish in their working and personal lives. All its products and services are co-created with the users of its services and based on scientific evidence.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being

CHoC (Cumbria Health on Call) is a not for profit organisation serving patients and visitors to the whole of Cumbria and part of North Yorkshire. Cumbria has 24 specific communities that are in the 10% most deprived in England and Wales, of which seven are in the worst 3%. CHoC has a team of salaried and sessional GPs, triage nurses and nurse practitioners and twelve fully equipped vehicles on the road to meet the challenges of providing care to a rural community and also a remote prison.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being

CHoC (Cumbria Health on Call) is a not for profit organisation serving patients and visitors to the whole of Cumbria and part of North Yorkshire. Cumbria has 24 specific communities that are in the 10% most deprived in England and Wales, of which seven are in the worst 3%. CHoC has a team of salaried and sessional GPs, triage nurses and nurse practitioners and twelve fully equipped vehicles on the road to meet the challenges of providing care to a rural community and also a remote prison.

Social Enterprise

Sustainability and Environment

Digital Woodoo is a not for profit Community Interest Company based in Cumbria. We have adopted a digitally manufactured building system called WikiHouse with the aim to provide environmentally sustainable housing to community focused groups and individuals. 

Sustainability and Environment

Digital Woodoo is a not for profit Community Interest Company based in Cumbria. We have adopted a digitally manufactured building system called WikiHouse with the aim to provide environmentally sustainable housing to community focused groups and individuals. 

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Discovery supports people with learning disabilities, autism, challenging behaviour and complex needs. It provides person-centred support packages: from intensive support for people with challenging behaviour, complex needs and profound and multiple learning disabilities to significant health needs, Discovery always supports people to be as independent as possible. Discovery is a new social enterprise – and is a subsidiary of the Dimensions UK Group. They have been established to provide services across Somerset.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Discovery supports people with learning disabilities, autism, challenging behaviour and complex needs. It provides person-centred support packages: from intensive support for people with challenging behaviour, complex needs and profound and multiple learning disabilities to significant health needs, Discovery always supports people to be as independent as possible. Discovery is a new social enterprise – and is a subsidiary of the Dimensions UK Group. They have been established to provide services across Somerset.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

DCT forms part of ECT Charity which is both a charity and a social enterprise that combines business thinking with social values to deliver high quality transport services that positively benefit the local communities. DCT’s community-based door-to-door transport services help keep disabled, isolated and/or lonely people independent and mobile, as well as less isolated and lonely.

Access to Goods and Services

DCT forms part of ECT Charity which is both a charity and a social enterprise that combines business thinking with social values to deliver high quality transport services that positively benefit the local communities. DCT’s community-based door-to-door transport services help keep disabled, isolated and/or lonely people independent and mobile, as well as less isolated and lonely.


Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Help & Care has a vision of people living the lives they choose. Social justice sits at the heart of all its work and it is used to challenge, advocate and influence policies and practices. Innovative approaches mean breaking new ground, delivering enterprising solutions, always with social, financial and environmental impact at the forefront. Help and Care believes that every individual deserves to be treated with respect and compassion with their own personal needs at the centre and supported with tenacity and creativity and it works in collaboration with other organisations, including the public, private and voluntary sector.

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Help & Care has a vision of people living the lives they choose. Social justice sits at the heart of all its work and it is used to challenge, advocate and influence policies and practices. Innovative approaches mean breaking new ground, delivering enterprising solutions, always with social, financial and environmental impact at the forefront. Help and Care believes that every individual deserves to be treated with respect and compassion with their own personal needs at the centre and supported with tenacity and creativity and it works in collaboration with other organisations, including the public, private and voluntary sector.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

As a Home Improvement Agency, HomeFirst Plus is a not for profit, locally based organisation that assists elderly, disabled or vulnerable clients by providing a range of services and adaptations designed specifically to help them remain independent in their own homes. By improving people’s living conditions, HIAs enhance their quality of life and enable them to remain in their home in greater comfort and security.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Elderly Care, Social Inclusion

As a Home Improvement Agency, HomeFirst Plus is a not for profit, locally based organisation that assists elderly, disabled or vulnerable clients by providing a range of services and adaptations designed specifically to help them remain independent in their own homes. By improving people’s living conditions, HIAs enhance their quality of life and enable them to remain in their home in greater comfort and security.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

At the heart of The Factory is an up-cycling retail warehouse. New Leaf also provides accredited qualifications including Painting and Decorating and Carpentry and Joinery, a professional property maintenance service, an onsite café for customers and a cost effective remote monitoring service that maintains security and support for vulnerable adults. All profits generated by The New Leaf Company are redistributed to local community initiatives that improve the lives of residents living in and around Poole and Bournemouth.

Access to Goods and Services, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

At the heart of The Factory is an up-cycling retail warehouse. New Leaf also provides accredited qualifications including Painting and Decorating and Carpentry and Joinery, a professional property maintenance service, an onsite café for customers and a cost effective remote monitoring service that maintains security and support for vulnerable adults. All profits generated by The New Leaf Company are redistributed to local community initiatives that improve the lives of residents living in and around Poole and Bournemouth.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

South West Media Factory is a grassroots social enterprise focused on widening access to cinema and movie culture and encouraging the use of creative digital media within the creative sector in Dumfries & Galloway.

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

South West Media Factory is a grassroots social enterprise focused on widening access to cinema and movie culture and encouraging the use of creative digital media within the creative sector in Dumfries & Galloway.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Kakou is a social enterprise looking to identify and remove barriers that disabled from accessing mainstream music, creative arts and wellbeing participation.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Social Inclusion

Kakou is a social enterprise looking to identify and remove barriers that disabled from accessing mainstream music, creative arts and wellbeing participation.

Non-governmental Organisation

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

DigiTechtive’s core vision is to support ‘’Young Homeless People, Disadvantaged Young People and Refugees’’ through the latest digital technology employment, offer acquisition of new skills and education while working. We are providing employment opportunities for young people through the latest interactive technology such as VR and AR.

Non-governmental Organisation

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

DigiTechtive’s core vision is to support ‘’Young Homeless People, Disadvantaged Young People and Refugees’’ through the latest digital technology employment, offer acquisition of new skills and education while working. We are providing employment opportunities for young people through the latest interactive technology such as VR and AR.


Access to Goods and Services

This cooperative partners with third-sector organisations to create engaging and inclusive online experiences. It delivers a range of services, including digital consultancy, website design & development, and support services.

Access to Goods and Services

This cooperative partners with third-sector organisations to create engaging and inclusive online experiences. It delivers a range of services, including digital consultancy, website design & development, and support services.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"My Online Schooling provides British online education to over 1500 pupils from 80 nations across the globe. With a focus on wellbeing, our team of 100+ teachers deliver over 1000 live lessons to pupils using innovative digital technology. My Online Schooling have bases in Edinburgh, UK and Perth, Australia which serves our pupils from any timezone."

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"My Online Schooling provides British online education to over 1500 pupils from 80 nations across the globe. With a focus on wellbeing, our team of 100+ teachers deliver over 1000 live lessons to pupils using innovative digital technology. My Online Schooling have bases in Edinburgh, UK and Perth, Australia which serves our pupils from any timezone."

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Reconnect offers support to adults and families in Edinburgh and the Lothians to help them improve wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion.

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Reconnect offers support to adults and families in Edinburgh and the Lothians to help them improve wellbeing by increasing digital and social inclusion.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

Bold is... A Branding, Creative and Digital Consultancy A Social Enterprise Staffed by committed professionals 100% focused on the third sector Always socially conscious

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

Bold is... A Branding, Creative and Digital Consultancy A Social Enterprise Staffed by committed professionals 100% focused on the third sector Always socially conscious

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Code Division are committed to delivering courses which will empower communities to drive change from the ground up. Code Division strives to help inspire and innovate learners to reach their potential by bringing digital opportunities to all communities.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Code Division are committed to delivering courses which will empower communities to drive change from the ground up. Code Division strives to help inspire and innovate learners to reach their potential by bringing digital opportunities to all communities.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

Giraffe Healthcare CIC aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with clinical conditions by providing a state-of-the-art online platform for the delivery of high quality, personalised physiotherapy and podiatry programmes. The platform is currently being used in the NHS, third sector organisations, hospices and private practices.

Access to Goods and Services, Health and Well-Being

Giraffe Healthcare CIC aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with clinical conditions by providing a state-of-the-art online platform for the delivery of high quality, personalised physiotherapy and podiatry programmes. The platform is currently being used in the NHS, third sector organisations, hospices and private practices.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

JRS Knowhow create accessible, inclusive, engaging & fun digital learning experiences. We are value driven and use tech for good to create sustainable and innovative solutions to help you meet your training and development goals and reach the people who are important to your work.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

JRS Knowhow create accessible, inclusive, engaging & fun digital learning experiences. We are value driven and use tech for good to create sustainable and innovative solutions to help you meet your training and development goals and reach the people who are important to your work.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

Open Aye CIC specialise in digital imaging of diversity & difference. Open Aye CIC utilises creative participatory methodologies and practice to strengthen communities, enable positive communications and leave a positive social impact on communities and the environment.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

Open Aye CIC specialise in digital imaging of diversity & difference. Open Aye CIC utilises creative participatory methodologies and practice to strengthen communities, enable positive communications and leave a positive social impact on communities and the environment.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

Scotcoin is Scotland’s first and only digital currency.

Non-profit Association

Access to Goods and Services

Scotcoin is Scotland’s first and only digital currency.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Won Connect CIC empowers individuals by increasing technology and digital inclusion participation. We deliver a variety of digital and computer training programmes to reduce social isolation, improve skills, employability, connectivity with peers, family, and friends, gain knowledge and enrich the quality of life of older adults and vulnerable non-technical individuals with information and companionship.

Private Company (for-profit)

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Won Connect CIC empowers individuals by increasing technology and digital inclusion participation. We deliver a variety of digital and computer training programmes to reduce social isolation, improve skills, employability, connectivity with peers, family, and friends, gain knowledge and enrich the quality of life of older adults and vulnerable non-technical individuals with information and companionship.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Compass Project is a not-for-profit social enterprise founded and operated entirely by people with a history of drug/alcohol dependency and offending backgrounds. It raises the majority of funds through two 2nd hand stores and restoration workshop which go back into the project to help and support its members, address behavioural issues and develop core work skills. Everyone involved in the project works on a voluntary basis to take advantage of this unique environment of shared personal experience and identification. This gives the time needed to address the barriers the members face when attempting to reintegrate society after a life-time of addiction and crime.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Compass Project is a not-for-profit social enterprise founded and operated entirely by people with a history of drug/alcohol dependency and offending backgrounds. It raises the majority of funds through two 2nd hand stores and restoration workshop which go back into the project to help and support its members, address behavioural issues and develop core work skills. Everyone involved in the project works on a voluntary basis to take advantage of this unique environment of shared personal experience and identification. This gives the time needed to address the barriers the members face when attempting to reintegrate society after a life-time of addiction and crime.


Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

First Steps Bath’s mission is “To work in partnership with children, families, colleagues and the community by being a responsive, informed, reflective and innovative provider of early years’ education, childcare and integrated family services”.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

First Steps Bath’s mission is “To work in partnership with children, families, colleagues and the community by being a responsive, informed, reflective and innovative provider of early years’ education, childcare and integrated family services”.

Non-profit Association

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Restore Trust is a not-for-profit company formed to provide skills, training and jobs to anyone who is long-term unemployed due to social challenges including former offenders, people with addictions and those with behavioural or learning difficulties.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The Restore Trust is a not-for-profit company formed to provide skills, training and jobs to anyone who is long-term unemployed due to social challenges including former offenders, people with addictions and those with behavioural or learning difficulties.

Social Enterprise

Citizen Participation and Engagement

An accredited social enterprise, Watershed is a multi art-form venue and producer, sharing, developing and showcasing exemplary cultural ideas and talent. Based in Bristol, but connecting with artists and audiences across the world, Watershed hosts three cinemas, a large Café/Bar, conference and events spaces and the Pervasive Media Studio, which brings together a network of over 100 artists, technologists and academics to explore the future of mobile and wireless media.

Citizen Participation and Engagement

An accredited social enterprise, Watershed is a multi art-form venue and producer, sharing, developing and showcasing exemplary cultural ideas and talent. Based in Bristol, but connecting with artists and audiences across the world, Watershed hosts three cinemas, a large Café/Bar, conference and events spaces and the Pervasive Media Studio, which brings together a network of over 100 artists, technologists and academics to explore the future of mobile and wireless media.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Six Degrees Social Enterprise CC’s social mission is to build resilient communities in which people with common mental health problems such are accepted, supported and equipped with skills to deal with the challenges they face by delivering accessible, recovery-orientated services. The organisation runs the Step 2 IAPT services (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) in Salford as well as a range of projects that are targeted at marginalised groups. Six Degrees also provides training and consultation services, based on the principles of collaborative care.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Six Degrees Social Enterprise CC’s social mission is to build resilient communities in which people with common mental health problems such are accepted, supported and equipped with skills to deal with the challenges they face by delivering accessible, recovery-orientated services. The organisation runs the Step 2 IAPT services (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) in Salford as well as a range of projects that are targeted at marginalised groups. Six Degrees also provides training and consultation services, based on the principles of collaborative care.


Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Start Creative is the commercial arm of Start in Salford. The people who work with the company are highly trained individuals, all of whom benefit in some way from the creative process that goes into making products. What’s more, every penny made goes back into the charity to offer more people the chance to grow and shine, and learn new skills. All materials are ethically sourced from within Greater Manchester, so you can be sure each product benefits the local community and is environmentally sound.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Start Creative is the commercial arm of Start in Salford. The people who work with the company are highly trained individuals, all of whom benefit in some way from the creative process that goes into making products. What’s more, every penny made goes back into the charity to offer more people the chance to grow and shine, and learn new skills. All materials are ethically sourced from within Greater Manchester, so you can be sure each product benefits the local community and is environmentally sound.


Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

The Findhorn Foundation and community aims to inspire and encourage transformation in human consciousness, to help create a positive future for humanity and our planet. It is a holistic learning centre at the heart of a wider community that includes a local ecovillage and a worldwide spiritual fellowship. Based on practices which recognise each person’s ability to connect inwardly with the divine and the interconnectedness of all life, the community life and workshops stimulate a more inclusive awareness, leading to life-generating choices for individuals, and for humanity as a whole. The structure of the Findhorn Foundation is a charitable trust formed in 1972, ten years after the founders began living at Findhorn and working together in their experiment to ‘bring heaven down to earth’. The Foundation is dedicated to holistic and spiritual learning and to demonstrating sustainability, cooperation and co-creation with nature and the environment.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being, Sustainability and Environment

The Findhorn Foundation and community aims to inspire and encourage transformation in human consciousness, to help create a positive future for humanity and our planet. It is a holistic learning centre at the heart of a wider community that includes a local ecovillage and a worldwide spiritual fellowship. Based on practices which recognise each person’s ability to connect inwardly with the divine and the interconnectedness of all life, the community life and workshops stimulate a more inclusive awareness, leading to life-generating choices for individuals, and for humanity as a whole. The structure of the Findhorn Foundation is a charitable trust formed in 1972, ten years after the founders began living at Findhorn and working together in their experiment to ‘bring heaven down to earth’. The Foundation is dedicated to holistic and spiritual learning and to demonstrating sustainability, cooperation and co-creation with nature and the environment.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Provides a range of skills and experience which it can offer to community groups who want to undertake local community planning. HISEZ is also able to operate flexibly and offer a service tailored to the needs of the community, providing support as and when needed. Can work with communities so skills and knowledge are gained by the group, or can carry out the work for individuals.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Provides a range of skills and experience which it can offer to community groups who want to undertake local community planning. HISEZ is also able to operate flexibly and offer a service tailored to the needs of the community, providing support as and when needed. Can work with communities so skills and knowledge are gained by the group, or can carry out the work for individuals.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Assist community-based organisations to turn their ideas and aspirations in to robust, sustainable business activities. Inspiralba provide a range of services to assist organisations to build resilience and income which in turn delivers a range of environmental, social and economic benefits for communities across Argyll and Bute.

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Assist community-based organisations to turn their ideas and aspirations in to robust, sustainable business activities. Inspiralba provide a range of services to assist organisations to build resilience and income which in turn delivers a range of environmental, social and economic benefits for communities across Argyll and Bute.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Cosmic’s vision is to “Help people to achieve success in the Digital World”. We deliver this by offering a range of professional digital services, including Digital Skills Training, Website Design, IT Technical Support and Digital Transformation Consultancy.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General)

Cosmic’s vision is to “Help people to achieve success in the Digital World”. We deliver this by offering a range of professional digital services, including Digital Skills Training, Website Design, IT Technical Support and Digital Transformation Consultancy.

Non-profit Association

Red Chair Highland aims to improve digital Inclusion, overall wellbeing and reduced isolation for vulnerable individuals including older adults, those on benefits, recently released from prison, suffering from substance misuse, refugees and those experiencing homelessness.

Social Inclusion

Red Chair Highland aims to improve digital Inclusion, overall wellbeing and reduced isolation for vulnerable individuals including older adults, those on benefits, recently released from prison, suffering from substance misuse, refugees and those experiencing homelessness.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

East Lancashire Medical Services (ELMS) has provided high quality care to patients since 1994. It is a not for profit Social Enterprise organisation underpinning and supporting local Primary Care. Patients are at the heart of ELMS services and have an input into the operational and strategic elements of the organization. The Patient Voices Group (PVG) comprising of patient representatives from each locality aim to improve and shape the services provided by ELMS, collecting feedback from Patient and Public Groups, from staff, management and commissioners to drive improvements to the service.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

East Lancashire Medical Services (ELMS) has provided high quality care to patients since 1994. It is a not for profit Social Enterprise organisation underpinning and supporting local Primary Care. Patients are at the heart of ELMS services and have an input into the operational and strategic elements of the organization. The Patient Voices Group (PVG) comprising of patient representatives from each locality aim to improve and shape the services provided by ELMS, collecting feedback from Patient and Public Groups, from staff, management and commissioners to drive improvements to the service.

Social Enterprise

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

This social enterprise builds and supports creative and digital communities. Baltic Creative CIC was established in the Baltic Triangle in 2009 to offer a new development model, investing in diverse spaces that catered to the city’s booming creative and digital sector. It supports the growth of the Creative & Digital Sectors here in the Liverpool City Region.

Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation

This social enterprise builds and supports creative and digital communities. Baltic Creative CIC was established in the Baltic Triangle in 2009 to offer a new development model, investing in diverse spaces that catered to the city’s booming creative and digital sector. It supports the growth of the Creative & Digital Sectors here in the Liverpool City Region.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"Impetro is a community interest company (CIC) limited by guarantee. A not for profit making organisation with charitable aims which works to empower and enhance the lives of marginalised and vulnerable people in our society (young people, children, families and communities). We deliver Digital skills classes, offer help with employability skills, financial management and budgeting."

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"Impetro is a community interest company (CIC) limited by guarantee. A not for profit making organisation with charitable aims which works to empower and enhance the lives of marginalised and vulnerable people in our society (young people, children, families and communities). We deliver Digital skills classes, offer help with employability skills, financial management and budgeting."

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"Agora Digital Art‘ s mission is to advocate and to promote the work of women and non-binary artists working in Digital Art."

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion

"Agora Digital Art‘ s mission is to advocate and to promote the work of women and non-binary artists working in Digital Art."

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Be More Digital is develops training, and other learning opportunities for people working in the charities, NGOs and social enterprises, to increase their skills and confidence in digital ways of working.

Education and Training (Youth and General)

Be More Digital is develops training, and other learning opportunities for people working in the charities, NGOs and social enterprises, to increase their skills and confidence in digital ways of working.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

CodeBrave Tutors is an impact-driven social enterprise combining high-quality tech education with social impact. We provide online coding and robotics tutorials to children aged 5-18 around the world. Our tutors are trained in educational psychology. 

Education and Training (Youth and General)

CodeBrave Tutors is an impact-driven social enterprise combining high-quality tech education with social impact. We provide online coding and robotics tutorials to children aged 5-18 around the world. Our tutors are trained in educational psychology. 

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Computing and Programming Academy (CAPA) is a social enterprise company that aims to educate young people, and adults in computing and programming skills and qualifications, helping enhance their digital skills and career opportunities."

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"Computing and Programming Academy (CAPA) is a social enterprise company that aims to educate young people, and adults in computing and programming skills and qualifications, helping enhance their digital skills and career opportunities."

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being

Combining the use of AI to improve heath diagnostics, triaging of patients quicker and leveraging innovation in 3D-imaging technology we have a solution to vastly improve medical services in developing countries around the world.

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being

Combining the use of AI to improve heath diagnostics, triaging of patients quicker and leveraging innovation in 3D-imaging technology we have a solution to vastly improve medical services in developing countries around the world.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Good Boost is a social enterprise creating artificial intelligence-powered clinical technology, delivering individually tailored therapeutic exercise for musculoskeletal conditions on both land and water.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Good Boost is a social enterprise creating artificial intelligence-powered clinical technology, delivering individually tailored therapeutic exercise for musculoskeletal conditions on both land and water.

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being

"The mission of SXT is to improve access to sexual & reproductive health services. We offer anonymous partner notification, digital triage and targeted appointments to support access for ‘at risk’ patients to appropriate local care."

Private Company (for-profit)

Health and Well-Being

"The mission of SXT is to improve access to sexual & reproductive health services. We offer anonymous partner notification, digital triage and targeted appointments to support access for ‘at risk’ patients to appropriate local care."

Private Company (for-profit)

"Tech Relief is the UK's digital helpline for everyday tech questions. Whether you’re looking for support with avoiding scams, a solution for when you're stuck on your computer or explanations around confusing digital jargon, our friendly UK-based helpline is here to help you feel confident and independent in the online world. "

Private Company (for-profit)

Social Inclusion

"Tech Relief is the UK's digital helpline for everyday tech questions. Whether you’re looking for support with avoiding scams, a solution for when you're stuck on your computer or explanations around confusing digital jargon, our friendly UK-based helpline is here to help you feel confident and independent in the online world. "

Social Enterprise

The first social enterprise events agency specialized in virtual events experience. A London based agency offering virtual experiences, event management, bespoke, socially aware events supply chain and platform representation.


The first social enterprise events agency specialized in virtual events experience. A London based agency offering virtual experiences, event management, bespoke, socially aware events supply chain and platform representation.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

"We provide creative and digital employability skills and routes to employment to young people age 10-30. We provide specific support for young people with SEND and especially with ASD."

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

"We provide creative and digital employability skills and routes to employment to young people age 10-30. We provide specific support for young people with SEND and especially with ASD."

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

"Freshrb C.I.C. is a social enterprise based in the North of Manchester that primarily offers creative video production solutions, whilst raising the awareness of marginalised health themes through digital media productions, expressive arts and creative media workshops."

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

"Freshrb C.I.C. is a social enterprise based in the North of Manchester that primarily offers creative video production solutions, whilst raising the awareness of marginalised health themes through digital media productions, expressive arts and creative media workshops."

Private Company (for-profit)

Access to Goods and Services

Reason Digital has partnered with forward thinking charities and businesses for over 10 years to combat society’s biggest issues through digital innovation. We offer (award-winning) digital research, strategy, design and build services for anyone who wants to use digital to make change.

Private Company (for-profit)

Access to Goods and Services

Reason Digital has partnered with forward thinking charities and businesses for over 10 years to combat society’s biggest issues through digital innovation. We offer (award-winning) digital research, strategy, design and build services for anyone who wants to use digital to make change.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being

BARDOC is a Community Benefit Society and proud to be the Out of Hours service provider for NHS Bury and NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale. BARDOC has developed a reputation for innovation, delivery of National Quality Requirements and providing patient-focussed care. Based in Bury, BARDOC has three service sites, which provide care and treatment for local people and visitors referred from across the whole geographical region of the two PCTs. BARDOC is also working in partnership to deliver the Bury Urgent Care Service and Rochdale Urgent Care Centre.

Non-profit Association

Health and Well-Being

BARDOC is a Community Benefit Society and proud to be the Out of Hours service provider for NHS Bury and NHS Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale. BARDOC has developed a reputation for innovation, delivery of National Quality Requirements and providing patient-focussed care. Based in Bury, BARDOC has three service sites, which provide care and treatment for local people and visitors referred from across the whole geographical region of the two PCTs. BARDOC is also working in partnership to deliver the Bury Urgent Care Service and Rochdale Urgent Care Centre.

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being

Primary Care 24 is an NHS out of hours primary care service for the population of Halton, Knowsley and Liverpool in Merseyside. As a Social Enterprise, they have no shareholders and operate strictly on a not-for-dividend basis where any surpluses are re-invested back into the service. They are commissioned by NHS Knowsley and Liverpool PCTs to provide primary out of hours care to their residents. In addition, they run an initial health assessment service for Asylum seekers on behalf of Liverpool PCT.

Health and Well-Being

Primary Care 24 is an NHS out of hours primary care service for the population of Halton, Knowsley and Liverpool in Merseyside. As a Social Enterprise, they have no shareholders and operate strictly on a not-for-dividend basis where any surpluses are re-invested back into the service. They are commissioned by NHS Knowsley and Liverpool PCTs to provide primary out of hours care to their residents. In addition, they run an initial health assessment service for Asylum seekers on behalf of Liverpool PCT.


The SSDT develops a range of products such as courses for long-term unemployed, business skills courses aimed at either ethical private or social enterprises, the Ignite course – which combines personal development, business skills, peer mentoring, start-up grant and subsidised accommodation- and professional development courses. It also manages an office block whose revenues will enable the company to fulfil its employment support role. The building contains an incubation unit for new start businesses and it is now 80% full, with blue chip commercial companies, private SMEs of the health sector, small third sector organisations and the regeneration department of the local authority.


The SSDT develops a range of products such as courses for long-term unemployed, business skills courses aimed at either ethical private or social enterprises, the Ignite course – which combines personal development, business skills, peer mentoring, start-up grant and subsidised accommodation- and professional development courses. It also manages an office block whose revenues will enable the company to fulfil its employment support role. The building contains an incubation unit for new start businesses and it is now 80% full, with blue chip commercial companies, private SMEs of the health sector, small third sector organisations and the regeneration department of the local authority.


Access to Goods and Services

Atomised is a web design agency with a difference. We're a worker's co-operative, which means that everyone who works here owns an equal share in the company.

Access to Goods and Services

Atomised is a web design agency with a difference. We're a worker's co-operative, which means that everyone who works here owns an equal share in the company.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Provides support to people with learning disabilities to experience and develop new skills and build confidence in order for them to enhance their individual employment opportunities

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Provides support to people with learning disabilities to experience and develop new skills and build confidence in order for them to enhance their individual employment opportunities

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The ARC Centre is a refurbished building based within Sallyswood estate, owned and managed by local people, identifying local need and working in partnership with statutory agencies to table responses.

Non-profit Association

Citizen Participation and Engagement

The ARC Centre is a refurbished building based within Sallyswood estate, owned and managed by local people, identifying local need and working in partnership with statutory agencies to table responses.


Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

ACT is a registered charity formed in 1992 engaged in the delivery of projects aimed at social and economic regeneration of the local area.


Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

ACT is a registered charity formed in 1992 engaged in the delivery of projects aimed at social and economic regeneration of the local area.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being

Be Safe Be Well is made up of a range of community and voluntary and statutory organisations providing services for older people, younger people, people with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and mild mental health issues across the Limavady Borough Council area

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being

Be Safe Be Well is made up of a range of community and voluntary and statutory organisations providing services for older people, younger people, people with physical disabilities, learning difficulties and mild mental health issues across the Limavady Borough Council area

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion

Bryson Charitable Group is Northern Ireland’s leading social enterprise tackling major social and economic challenges.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion

Bryson Charitable Group is Northern Ireland’s leading social enterprise tackling major social and economic challenges.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Clearer is a water bottle social enterprise that uses its profts and money to change lives, for people locally and globally. The social enterprise focus their profit on digging wells to bring sustainable water supplies to people in Burkina Faso

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Clearer is a water bottle social enterprise that uses its profts and money to change lives, for people locally and globally. The social enterprise focus their profit on digging wells to bring sustainable water supplies to people in Burkina Faso

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability

Restore is a social economy project of East Belfast Mission and is the name given to our chain of 9 charity shops that includes a Vintage shop with a bridal department

Access to Goods and Services, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Employability

Restore is a social economy project of East Belfast Mission and is the name given to our chain of 9 charity shops that includes a Vintage shop with a bridal department

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Far and Wild is a leading adventure company which is also a Community Interest Company. All profits are re-invested in social aims of developing people and sustaining the environment

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

Far and Wild is a leading adventure company which is also a Community Interest Company. All profits are re-invested in social aims of developing people and sustaining the environment

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The social enterprise aims to assist in the regeneration of Rathenraw and the surrounding area, helping local people (young and old alike) and businesses to prosper through employment, education & training opportunities and the provision of public amenities.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The social enterprise aims to assist in the regeneration of Rathenraw and the surrounding area, helping local people (young and old alike) and businesses to prosper through employment, education & training opportunities and the provision of public amenities.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

GLL operates all leisure centres in Belfast under the Better brand. GLL is a charitable social enterprise, which means that they work for the benefit of everyone: the public, the communities, the environment, their staff and their partners.

Access to Goods and Services, Education and Training (Youth and General), Health and Well-Being

GLL operates all leisure centres in Belfast under the Better brand. GLL is a charitable social enterprise, which means that they work for the benefit of everyone: the public, the communities, the environment, their staff and their partners.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Headway promotes wider understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provides information, support and social activities for people with brain injury, their families and carers.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

Headway promotes wider understanding of all aspects of brain injury and provides information, support and social activities for people with brain injury, their families and carers.

Non-governmental Organisation

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Independent non-governmental organisation that actively promotes the rights, best interests of and best practice with disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people

Non-governmental Organisation

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Independent non-governmental organisation that actively promotes the rights, best interests of and best practice with disadvantaged and vulnerable children and young people

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Kippie, has a mission of meeting the needs and expectations of the local community through the provision of education and training, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the population, more specifically, they work with the young population with or without learning difficulties. This Social Enterprise do this by delivering tailor made workshops teaching a range of transferable skills through the process of making mobile games taking the youngsters from concept to market.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Kippie, has a mission of meeting the needs and expectations of the local community through the provision of education and training, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the population, more specifically, they work with the young population with or without learning difficulties. This Social Enterprise do this by delivering tailor made workshops teaching a range of transferable skills through the process of making mobile games taking the youngsters from concept to market.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Liberty Consortium aims to provide an inclusive approach to play and provide increased training and employment opportunities for young adults with learning disabilities. This charaty enterprise/institution has as main objective the participation, inclusion and socialization of people with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Non-profit Association

Care for People With Disabilities, Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

The Liberty Consortium aims to provide an inclusive approach to play and provide increased training and employment opportunities for young adults with learning disabilities. This charaty enterprise/institution has as main objective the participation, inclusion and socialization of people with disabilities and learning difficulties.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Social Inclusion

Loaf Catering is a social enterprise that was established in 2007 to support people with learning disabilities and autism. By breathing new life into old buildings they have created jobs for the local community, a place for people to meet, cafes that offer local produce and pottery for people to create.

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities, Employability, Social Inclusion

Loaf Catering is a social enterprise that was established in 2007 to support people with learning disabilities and autism. By breathing new life into old buildings they have created jobs for the local community, a place for people to meet, cafes that offer local produce and pottery for people to create.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities

Madlug was founded in 2015 by Dave Linton. A man whose only experience in the luggage industry was bags of enthusiasm. This 40-something Youth Worker was heartbroken to learn that most children in care transport their worldly belongings in a bin bag. In that moment, Dave set out to do something about it. With just £480, he started Madlug and came up with our ‘one for one’ approach: with every bag you purchase, one will be given to a child in care.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Care for People With Disabilities

Madlug was founded in 2015 by Dave Linton. A man whose only experience in the luggage industry was bags of enthusiasm. This 40-something Youth Worker was heartbroken to learn that most children in care transport their worldly belongings in a bin bag. In that moment, Dave set out to do something about it. With just £480, he started Madlug and came up with our ‘one for one’ approach: with every bag you purchase, one will be given to a child in care.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Midtown Makers

Access to Goods and Services, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Midtown Makers

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Nerve Centre main goal is the integration, formation, training and participation of the young citizens of Derry city in the cultural dynamization of the city. In short, the Nerve Centre "offers" the facilities, equipment, training and funding needed to "produce culture", more specifically music. In this way, they can educate the youth of the community in this area while also dynamizing the locality based on urban creativity methodologies.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Citizen Participation and Engagement, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The Nerve Centre main goal is the integration, formation, training and participation of the young citizens of Derry city in the cultural dynamization of the city. In short, the Nerve Centre "offers" the facilities, equipment, training and funding needed to "produce culture", more specifically music. In this way, they can educate the youth of the community in this area while also dynamizing the locality based on urban creativity methodologies.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Orchardville Society supports over 250 people with a learning disability each year in the Belfast area

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Orchardville Society supports over 250 people with a learning disability each year in the Belfast area

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Ortus is a Belfast based business development agency who support and develop the SME sector within Northern Ireland. Through unique business support programmes and the provision of affordable, high quality commercial property Ortus is proud to work with a diverse range of businesses from start-ups to long established enterprises, charities to manufacturers

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Ortus is a Belfast based business development agency who support and develop the SME sector within Northern Ireland. Through unique business support programmes and the provision of affordable, high quality commercial property Ortus is proud to work with a diverse range of businesses from start-ups to long established enterprises, charities to manufacturers

Social Enterprise

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

PIPS Newry and Mourne offers the community a targeted response to suicide and self harm and is the leading suicide prevention charity in the area.

Health and Well-Being, Social Inclusion

PIPS Newry and Mourne offers the community a targeted response to suicide and self harm and is the leading suicide prevention charity in the area.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Reuse Centre is a social economy project in partnership with Derry City, the Departments of the Environment and Social Development and the Strabane District Council and committed to European Waste Reduction Regulations. The main purpose of this project is to recycle household items and white goods to reduce items going to landfill. Located at Derry, their mission is to reuse unwanted furniture and electrical goods and to upcycle these goods for resale. In doing this, they provide the opportunity to develop skills among local people (more specifically individuals with disabilities, with alcohol and drug problems and marginalized).

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Sustainability and Environment

The Reuse Centre is a social economy project in partnership with Derry City, the Departments of the Environment and Social Development and the Strabane District Council and committed to European Waste Reduction Regulations. The main purpose of this project is to recycle household items and white goods to reduce items going to landfill. Located at Derry, their mission is to reuse unwanted furniture and electrical goods and to upcycle these goods for resale. In doing this, they provide the opportunity to develop skills among local people (more specifically individuals with disabilities, with alcohol and drug problems and marginalized).

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The specialisterne ambition is to replicate Specialisterne UK as a sustainable business in locations throughout the United Kingdom, and develop a mentorship and management model to enable employers to expand their recruitment to include people with autism and similar challenges.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The specialisterne ambition is to replicate Specialisterne UK as a sustainable business in locations throughout the United Kingdom, and develop a mentorship and management model to enable employers to expand their recruitment to include people with autism and similar challenges.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The 180 Degrees Restaurant in Portadown is an award winning training programme for young people with learning disabilities training for employment in the hospitality industry.

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

The 180 Degrees Restaurant in Portadown is an award winning training programme for young people with learning disabilities training for employment in the hospitality industry.

Social Enterprise

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The social enterprise promotes best practices in Community Participation in Northern Ireland through a 'grassroots' approach to Community Development, providing tailored support, advice, information and training to new and existing Community Groups, Statutory and Voluntary Organisations.

Social Enterprise

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

The social enterprise promotes best practices in Community Participation in Northern Ireland through a 'grassroots' approach to Community Development, providing tailored support, advice, information and training to new and existing Community Groups, Statutory and Voluntary Organisations.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

UV Arts is a fun, dynamic non-profit social enterprise and urban arts company that aims to meet the social needs of certain areas of Derry City, as well, the integration of young people at risk of social exclusion.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Dynamization and Urban Rehabilitation, Education and Training (Youth and General), Social Inclusion

UV Arts is a fun, dynamic non-profit social enterprise and urban arts company that aims to meet the social needs of certain areas of Derry City, as well, the integration of young people at risk of social exclusion.

Social Enterprise

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Training and capacity building programmes, bespoke support. Assessment against national standards; research, facilitation.

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion

Training and capacity building programmes, bespoke support. Assessment against national standards; research, facilitation.

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Helping people with disabilities and health-related conditions into employment in Northern Ireland. Each year USEL support, train and employ up to 1800 people with disabilities and health-related conditions across Northern Ireland

Social Enterprise

Care for People With Disabilities, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability

Helping people with disabilities and health-related conditions into employment in Northern Ireland. Each year USEL support, train and employ up to 1800 people with disabilities and health-related conditions across Northern Ireland

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services

"A Social Enterprise helping the housing sector make savings on their telecoms costs, bridging the digital divide and providing jobs for the unemployed."

Access to Goods and Services

"A Social Enterprise helping the housing sector make savings on their telecoms costs, bridging the digital divide and providing jobs for the unemployed."

Social Enterprise

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

CEIS Group delivers a range of services to businesses, communities and individuals through its companies, CEIS, DSL, CEIS Ayrshire and subsidiary companies/joint ventures, Social Value Lab, Ready for Business LLP and Social Enterprise World Forum CIC. Group offices are in Glasgow, Ayrshire and Dumfries. CEIS works to achieve the following aims: Support enterprises and communities to create a more inclusive economy; Ensure CEIS operates sustainably as a business; Lead the market as a social enterprise with national and international impact; Be an excellent employer.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

CEIS Group delivers a range of services to businesses, communities and individuals through its companies, CEIS, DSL, CEIS Ayrshire and subsidiary companies/joint ventures, Social Value Lab, Ready for Business LLP and Social Enterprise World Forum CIC. Group offices are in Glasgow, Ayrshire and Dumfries. CEIS works to achieve the following aims: Support enterprises and communities to create a more inclusive economy; Ensure CEIS operates sustainably as a business; Lead the market as a social enterprise with national and international impact; Be an excellent employer.

Social Enterprise

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

CEMVO Scotland’s mission is to level the playing field for Scotland’s ethnic minority voluntary sector and its communities by: building capacity and mobilising skills in organisations and their people; fostering both individual and collective leadership; enabling active participation in community, democratic and civic life; working strategically to raise the profile of and create opportunities for the sector.

Citizen Participation and Engagement, Social Inclusion

CEMVO Scotland’s mission is to level the playing field for Scotland’s ethnic minority voluntary sector and its communities by: building capacity and mobilising skills in organisations and their people; fostering both individual and collective leadership; enabling active participation in community, democratic and civic life; working strategically to raise the profile of and create opportunities for the sector.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Community Enterprise provides skilled support, helping communities and social enterprises to turn great ideas into reality investing 100% of its profits into the further growth and development of communities across Scotland. 

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Community Enterprise provides skilled support, helping communities and social enterprises to turn great ideas into reality investing 100% of its profits into the further growth and development of communities across Scotland. 


Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Cooperative Development Scotland (CDS) is the arm of Scotland’s enterprise agencies that supports company growth through collaborative and employee ownership business models. It helps new and existing co-operatives to grow and develop with a range of advisory services, as well as raising the profile of co-operatives as a viable business model through the media and events.

Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Cooperative Development Scotland (CDS) is the arm of Scotland’s enterprise agencies that supports company growth through collaborative and employee ownership business models. It helps new and existing co-operatives to grow and develop with a range of advisory services, as well as raising the profile of co-operatives as a viable business model through the media and events.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

A natural home for media, technology and creatively-minded businesses, Creative Clyde is a flourishing and vibrant riverside community where great ideas and creative energy flows. It's a collaborative partnership involving Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow City Council, Creative Scotland, BBC Scotland, University of Glasgow, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SEC), STV, Raise the Roof Productions, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Film City Glasgow and Glasgow Science Centre. The vision for Creative Clyde is to expand on the successfully regenerated riverfront to become a leading international hub for the creative and digital sectors and a vibrant destination to work, live and play.

Non-profit Association

Employability, Sustainability and Environment

A natural home for media, technology and creatively-minded businesses, Creative Clyde is a flourishing and vibrant riverside community where great ideas and creative energy flows. It's a collaborative partnership involving Scottish Enterprise, Glasgow City Council, Creative Scotland, BBC Scotland, University of Glasgow, Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SEC), STV, Raise the Roof Productions, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Film City Glasgow and Glasgow Science Centre. The vision for Creative Clyde is to expand on the successfully regenerated riverfront to become a leading international hub for the creative and digital sectors and a vibrant destination to work, live and play.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Development agency for social enterprises and social innovation

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Development agency for social enterprises and social innovation

Public Authority / Governance

Health and Well-Being, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Innovation Centres Scotland are specialist in knowledge to support businesses to understand the underlying science and to design and develop the technology they require to deliver innovative new products, processes and services to their customers

Public Authority / Governance

Health and Well-Being, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Innovation Centres Scotland are specialist in knowledge to support businesses to understand the underlying science and to design and develop the technology they require to deliver innovative new products, processes and services to their customers

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Interface goals is to connect businesses and academics to promote innovation

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Interface goals is to connect businesses and academics to promote innovation

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Just Enterprise consortium consists of CEIS, HISEZ, Firstport, the Social Enterprise Academy, Forth Sector Development, Community Enterprise Ltd, CEMVO Scotland, Lanarkshire Enterprise Services Ltd, Ready for Business and Inspiralba. It helps Social Enterprises and budding Social entrepreneurs achieve their trading ambitions. Supported by the Scottish Government, Just Enterprise is committed to the growth and sustainability of Scotland's third sector and offers start up, business support, business recovery, procurement, leadership and learning services are available to help them succeed.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Just Enterprise consortium consists of CEIS, HISEZ, Firstport, the Social Enterprise Academy, Forth Sector Development, Community Enterprise Ltd, CEMVO Scotland, Lanarkshire Enterprise Services Ltd, Ready for Business and Inspiralba. It helps Social Enterprises and budding Social entrepreneurs achieve their trading ambitions. Supported by the Scottish Government, Just Enterprise is committed to the growth and sustainability of Scotland's third sector and offers start up, business support, business recovery, procurement, leadership and learning services are available to help them succeed.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Lanarkshire Enterprise Services activity is to provide specialist business support to help businesses grow and succeed. Endeavours to make a positive impact on economic growth through an innovative approach in supporting flourishing and diverse business sectors.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Lanarkshire Enterprise Services activity is to provide specialist business support to help businesses grow and succeed. Endeavours to make a positive impact on economic growth through an innovative approach in supporting flourishing and diverse business sectors.

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. To deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy, they work effectively with partners in the public and private sectors to identify and exploit the best opportunities.

Public Authority / Governance

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Scottish Enterprise is Scotland's national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. To deliver a significant, lasting effect on the Scottish economy, they work effectively with partners in the public and private sectors to identify and exploit the best opportunities.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Local Social Enterprise Networks (SENs) are groups of active social enterprises who come together regularly with the intention of growing opportunities for themselves and the social enterprise (SE) sector locally. By doing so, they look to provide more effective services within their respective communities.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Local Social Enterprise Networks (SENs) are groups of active social enterprises who come together regularly with the intention of growing opportunities for themselves and the social enterprise (SE) sector locally. By doing so, they look to provide more effective services within their respective communities.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Working at local and national levels, bringing together learners to share and learn together, at all stages of personal and organisational growth. Now replicating internationally as a social franchise.

Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Working at local and national levels, bringing together learners to share and learn together, at all stages of personal and organisational growth. Now replicating internationally as a social franchise.

Social Enterprise

Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Social Firms Scotland works as a voice for the sector, that would be a pioneer and begin to pull together both people’s understanding and give a focus to people’s efforts.

Social Inclusion, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Social Firms Scotland works as a voice for the sector, that would be a pioneer and begin to pull together both people’s understanding and give a focus to people’s efforts.

Social Enterprise

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

SIS provides loan investment for other charities and social enterprises looking to make a positive impact on people’s lives, society or the environment. Since 2001, £63 million has been invested in over 300 organisations across Scotland.

Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Sustainability and Environment

SIS provides loan investment for other charities and social enterprises looking to make a positive impact on people’s lives, society or the environment. Since 2001, £63 million has been invested in over 300 organisations across Scotland.

Public Authority / Governance

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This Centre offers physical space, back-up and support systems to embryonic-stage companies. Joint initiative between SUI and Glasgow City Council to enable fledgling companies to tap into all the services that are offered to residential clients, providing entreprneurs and innovators time to plan their business at no cost for the first six months of the company’s life.

Access to Goods and Services, Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This Centre offers physical space, back-up and support systems to embryonic-stage companies. Joint initiative between SUI and Glasgow City Council to enable fledgling companies to tap into all the services that are offered to residential clients, providing entreprneurs and innovators time to plan their business at no cost for the first six months of the company’s life.

Public Authority / Governance

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE) is funded by the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Enterprise to help students in Scotland develop enterprise skills, discover their entrepreneurial talent and start up their own ventures.

Public Authority / Governance

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

The Scottish Institute for Enterprise (SIE) is funded by the Scottish Funding Council and Scottish Enterprise to help students in Scotland develop enterprise skills, discover their entrepreneurial talent and start up their own ventures.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Third sector interfaces (TSIs) provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within local areas. There is a TSI in each local authority area in Scotland.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Third sector interfaces (TSIs) provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector within local areas. There is a TSI in each local authority area in Scotland.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Assist entrepreneurial students, graduates and staff members with the opportunity to access detailed knowledge, increase their network of contacts and receive support in a number of other areas.

Public Authority / Governance

Education and Training (Youth and General), Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Assist entrepreneurial students, graduates and staff members with the opportunity to access detailed knowledge, increase their network of contacts and receive support in a number of other areas.

Public Authority / Governance

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Young Enterprise Scotland offers enterprise and entrepreneurship programmes and development opportunities for young people across all of Scotland.

Public Authority / Governance

Child and Youth Care / Support, Education and Training (Youth and General), Employability, Support for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Young Enterprise Scotland offers enterprise and entrepreneurship programmes and development opportunities for young people across all of Scotland.


Education and Training (Youth and General)

At Kettle of Fish is developing the world’s first platform for pre-school children using Machine Learning. Its team is well established entrepreneurs and developers with decades of experience creating award winning content for children.

Education and Training (Youth and General)

At Kettle of Fish is developing the world’s first platform for pre-school children using Machine Learning. Its team is well established entrepreneurs and developers with decades of experience creating award winning content for children.

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Tubbs Computer Supplies refurbishes computers and provides free lifetime loans to people in need.

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

Tubbs Computer Supplies refurbishes computers and provides free lifetime loans to people in need.

Social Enterprise

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"We help social impact organisations cascade basic digital skills through digital skills learning, training and support in the workplace and in the communities they work in. Our delivery is underpinned by our Digital Champions Network, a bespoke online platform that is a proven foundation for delivering meaningful digital participation."

Education and Training (Youth and General)

"We help social impact organisations cascade basic digital skills through digital skills learning, training and support in the workplace and in the communities they work in. Our delivery is underpinned by our Digital Champions Network, a bespoke online platform that is a proven foundation for delivering meaningful digital participation."

Social Enterprise

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

The Wiltshire Digital Drive (WDD) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) set up to refurbish and recycle donated laptops to gift back to the community, enabling education in Wiltshire and bridging the digital divide.

Access to Goods and Services, Social Inclusion

The Wiltshire Digital Drive (WDD) is a Community Interest Company (CIC) set up to refurbish and recycle donated laptops to gift back to the community, enabling education in Wiltshire and bridging the digital divide.

But the map is live. It includes detected organisations by the ASL project but it will be continuously updated. If you are a social innovation actor and want to share your experience you will find below a form for joining this platform. Presence on this platform can enhance networking capabilities and facilitate the sharing of experiences and the meeting of potential partners. Participation in this platform, on a cooperative basis, can help take your initiative to other stages of development.

Social Innovation Actor Form

Social Innovation Actor Form